Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1909: Protect her

The enchanting three people just raised a hint of retreat, and the sound of the snowy heart of the snow slammed.

The snowy heart glared at the smart eyes, and smiled at Qin Shi's faint smile. This girl seems to be only in front of Qin Shi.

"Stone, let me give it next."

Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows, and from the snowy white agar jade skin, he actually felt an endless cold.

This cold is absolutely different from ten years ago.

Ten years, the snow of the snow heart is more blue, and even Qin Shi feels a touch of cold from her body.

Qin Shi looked at Xue Xuexin. This is 20 years ago, he is stronger than himself. He has been trying hard to climb up. He wants to catch up with the girl who wants to carry the burden for her. Now, the strength is still Above him.

That terrible power is earth-shattering.

Qin Shi remembers that ten years ago, Xue Xuexin was at the critical juncture, and suddenly there was a shocking power in the body.

"The kid, this little girl seems to have a very good power. That power has gradually awakened in this decade. This power has already affected the character of this little girl. If I continue to use it in this way, I Uncertain, this power will make this little girl completely change, even forget who he is." Blood wizard said.

The slight movement of Qin Shi’s heart, he could not imagine that if one day, Xue Xuexin became another person, what would he do.

He thought, he must be crazy?

"Is there no way to stop this power?" Qin Shi bite his teeth.

"I can't do it. I can't see this power. I don't want this power to come back. But what I can do now is to try not to let her use this power first. Otherwise, it can't be easily controlled." The wizard said.

Under the strong ice suppression of the snowy heart, the enchanting, Feng Feng, Yan Lie, the three actually felt the fear.

The blazing flame is very hot, even if the cold ice of He Shuhan can melt, but at this time, under the ice of the snowy heart, is it frozen by life?

Even the cold that the flame can freeze?

"Bastard!" The thief's eyes are cold: "I didn't expect that I would kill this kid when I saw it. It turned out that this little girl came out and destroyed us."

"What should I do now? This little girl is going to be an enemy of us. The group is ordered to order. Everyone in the human world can die. Only this little girl can't be injured."

"Injured, with three of us, is it capable of hurting her now?" The enchanting smile.

"Hey Snow Heart, do you really want to be an enemy of the three of us? I admit, you are very strong now, but if the three of us fight hard, even if you can't kill you, all the people here will die." .

"You don't have a chance to fight back." The beauty of Xue Xuexin left Qin Shi, and immediately became a frozen look.

Qi Xuexin took up the white sleeves of Sheng Xue, and then the snow and ice protected the disciples of all the chaos alliances behind her.

Such as an indestructible ice fortress, this makes the enchanting old eyes turbid.

"A decade ago, you forced him to leave, I wanted to destroy your four domains, but I have been holding on to you, I am waiting, waiting for the day he came back." Xue Xue said faintly.

The colder in the body of the snow is stronger.

"Snow heart...!" He Shuhan slightly moved, this cold power is no longer what Qing Xuezong can have.

"Bastard!" The enchanting screaming, at this moment he suddenly revealed the fierce phase: "Hey, if that is the case, then there is nothing to say, today we will fight a bucket, to see who can laugh at the end."

After all, the enchanting big hand waved, the heavens and the earth were once again dim, and became a chaotic rocky mountain peak and pressed against the snow heart.


It was only at this moment that the other big hand suddenly lifted up. If there was a force to destroy the world, it was fiercely shattered from the inside.

Qin Shi wrapped in a black robe, and the air was slowly blocked in front of the snow.

Qin Shi looked at the enchanting indifference: "Let's go, today, I will spare you three people for a dog's life. I will personally honor the agreement of ten years ago."

Qi Xuexin saw the sudden appearance of Qin Shi's eyebrows in the back, but she did not make a sound, but converges the cold force.

See Qin Shi suddenly shot, the enchanting three are also a slight glimpse.

However, under the pressure of the snowy heart, the three had already lost their hearts, and the enchanting voice snorted: "Well, Qin Shi, then I am waiting for you, see if you really dare to come to me!"

"I said that the next time I go to the chaotic domain, it is the day when you chase the domain." Qin Shi said faintly.

"Let's go!" The enchanting eyes are full of cold light, but unfortunately, looking towards the forbidden domain, the only towering tower of the forbidden soul, he knows that this secret of the forbidden domain has already missed them, but for a heavenly opportunity. In this case, the crime is in conflict with the snowy heart. The enchanting is very clear that it is not worth it, so he bites his teeth and screams at Feng Feng. The figure is leaving the forbidden domain.

A space is distorted, and the mighty disciples of the chaotic domain leave.

As the enchanting and other people left, the heavens and the earth gradually subsided.

All the disciples of Qin Zong were half-sounding, and then they suddenly cheered.

This should be the first time in the world of human rights, the first time let the chaotic enchanting such a wandering escape?

All the disciples were excited and looked at the two figures on the sky.

Because they all know that all this credit comes down to Qin Shi and Qi Xuexin.

Looking at the space where the enchanting leaves, Xue Xuexin said with some helplessness: "Stone, you should not let them go. Just in the enchanting body, there is a very powerful force awakening, although I don't know what it is, but If he wakes up, how strong will it be, I am not sure, just the best chance to kill him, missed..."

"I missed, I will have the next time, no matter how strong the enchanting, I will be able to kill him, but I don't want to miss you." Qin Shi took a deep breath, and the black scorpion was full of love and Serious: "What is the power in your body?"

The snow heart was slightly moved, she bowed her head alone: ​​"Nothing."

"That power will make you become another person?" Qin Shi asked again, and the voice improved a bit.

Hearing Qin Shi’s words, Qi Xue’s heart was gently licking, and she did not dare to nod and Qin Shi’s direct nod.

Qin Shi’s fierce fists filled his face with pain.

For twenty years, everything he did was to share everything for Xue Xuexin, but is he still unable to do it now?

"How can I help you?"

"I don't know. Ten years ago, this power awakened in the void of the gods. I have been trying to suppress it for ten years. However, I will still flow into my body little by little."

Qin Shi suddenly bowed his head. He did not make a sound, but made up his mind in his heart. In any case, he must help the snow heart to destroy this power in the body.

"There is no permission in the future, you are not allowed to use this power!" Qin Shi said with a few orders of tone.

Yan Xuexin smiled sweetly and sighed: "Well, if you are there, I will not use it because I know that you will protect me."

Qin Shi’s heart fluctuated, and he once again smashed his heart in his arms.

"Snow heart...!" He Shuhan got up at this time, she hesitated for a long time before she came to the front of Xue Xuexin.

Seeing He Shuhan, the snow phoenix of Xue Xuexin immediately raised a touch of ice.

Ten years ago, she was really disappointed with He Shuhan.

Feel the coolness of the cold to the bones, even He Shuhan, who is practicing the nature of the ice, can't help but feel stiff.

"Snow heart, you don't blame He Zongzhu, ten years ago..." Qin Shiben wanted to tell the truth about the truth ten years ago.

Suddenly, He Shuhan said first: "Snow heart, ten years ago, Qingxue Zong is wrong. You have no choice but to leave. I don't want to forgive you. It is good to see you now."

"Snow heart... Go back to Qingxuezong." He paused, He Shuhan said with an eyebrow.

"No, I have already withdrawn from Qing Xuezong, Qin Shi is coming back, I will go to Qinzong." Yan Xue said coldly.

It seems that as expected, He Shuhan's brows stretched out, which made Qin Shi feel a little strange.

He Shuhan, is deliberately not letting Xue Xue know the truth, is he deliberately not letting Xue Xuexin return to Qing Xuezong?

Qi Xuexin first returned to Qin Zong, and he left Qin Shi and He Shuhan alone.

"He Zongzhu, why are you suffering?" Looking at the painful He Shuhan after Xue Xuexin left, Qin Shi reluctantly said: "If you tell her the truth ten years ago, she will forgive you and return to Qingxue. Zong."

Some of He Shuhan’s eyes shook his head: “If she is going back to Qing Xuezong, then what I did 10 years ago is equal to paying for it, children, you will understand slowly, Qing Xuezong can't protect her, Qin Zong, is her true destination."

Qin Shi sighed and shook his head and did not speak.

Qin Shi knows that everything He Shuhan has done is to make the snow heart good, but the snow heart does not know.

Qin Shi even thought, if one day Xue Xue knows the truth, what will she look like.

"Protect her I must protect her. She will be devastated in her life. Only you can solve her catastrophe." He Shuhan said seriously: "In the future, maybe one day, She will once again fall into despair, until then you are the only one who can illuminate her world again, just like twenty years ago."

Listening to the words in the fog of He Shuhan, Qin Shi frowned.

What is it, will once again let the snow heart fall into despair?

But now, Qin Shi still doesn't know, Qin Shi can only nod hardly: "Well, I will definitely."

He Shuhan just let go of his heart, and the subsequent scene in the forbidden field made everyone frown.


Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the tower of the Forbidden Soul in the distance.

The ninety-nine-story tower of the Forbidden Soul was actually cut off in this style, and then a wolverine figure was shaken out from the ninety-ninth floor.

"Alcoholic predecessors?" When they saw that figure, everyone in the Alliance of Disorders immediately blinked.

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