Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1912: Emperor level

When I heard Qin Shi’s words, I was stunned by the sky, and I was shocked to look at Qin Shidao: “You, kid, really realized the true meaning of the power of the forbidden domain?”

Qin Shi calmly nodded: "Predecessors, I am right?"

", how is this possible, why can the world today understand this?"

"Oh, bad old man, nothing is impossible. If the things that happened to this kid are known to you, then you will find it really impossible.?" The blood wizard smiled and smiled. Qin Shi said: "You know who he is?"

"Who is it?" asked the day.

"The master of the human world!" The blood wizard smiled.

The old face of the forbidden sky immediately flashed a respect, and looked incredulously to Qin Shi: "Little doll, are you the descendants of Tianzun?"

"Predecessors also know my ancestors?" Qin Shi squatted, knowing a lot of emperors, the head of the human world is very loud, almost everyone knows the eight domains, just, from the surprise of the forbidden days, let Qin Shi saw at a glance that this forbidden day must have truly seen the emperor, and that he must have had a relationship with the emperor.

I nodded with emotion and said: "It’s more than knowing that Heaven is my benefactor."

In a long-term recollection, the genius smiled helplessly: "No wonder, the demons are the same, you can comprehend the true meaning of this unmanned man, you are the descendants of Tianzun."

"Old life, was imprisoned by the family, and cultivated into a heavenly world in a hundred years. I finally broke free from the **** of the family. Later, I was framed by a group of traitors. I was mistaken into the wheel of the sky, and I was trapped for thousands of years. In addition to the practice of the old, there is no other to do, but the group of people who did not expect it, in this anti-day rotation, there is a secret possession, so that I thought that I could only spend this life in this law. For the rest of his life, he broke through to the boundaries and carried the destiny to achieve a world."

"Thirty thousand years ago, I was once again chased and killed by the squadron. It was the emperor who shot and rescued. Then I followed the emperor. The adult Emperor Tianzun was the next war. He was seriously injured in the ancient battle 30,000 years ago and was later banned. Within a cloud of emptiness, it is 10,000 years."

"A lifetime of imprisonment, I thought I had no hope, but the erroneous and erroneous let me realize the power of this forbidden domain, lonely, but the power of the forbidden domain can not break through when it reaches the imprisonment spirit. Without the strength of the heavens, we must know that the true power of different kinds of the world is to have the power of heaven, so I am not willing, I always think that I can leave one or two in my life."

"A thousand years ago, in the cover of the sky, the Fufeng war will suddenly break open the void. He let me see hope. At that time, I suddenly realized that the power of the real forbidden domain should not be lonely and imprisoned. It should be freedom, and thus carry a true destiny."

Qin Shi was shocked when he heard the ban on the sky. He did not expect that this insignificant old man was actually involved in the legacy of the 30,000-year-old war.

The most important thing is that the power of the forbidden domain is actually created by him.

"Can create a different kind of power, this person must also be a genius in ancient times." The blood wizard said this suddenly smiled: "However, this bad old man, the fate is also rough enough, almost all life is imprisoned, no wonder, Will create such a strange kind of power."

Qin Shi also smiled, and the fate of the predecessors was not very good.

"What is the relationship between the forbidden domain and the predecessors?"

The forbidden day once again fell into recollection, and shook his head helplessly: "I left the sky when I was in the sky, because the serious injury of 30,000 years ago made him limit, so I opened up a forbidden force in a canyon, ready to sit down. Unexpectedly, the little guy who sealed the sky, accidentally hit the wrong ground, actually broke the power of my forbidden domain. Like him, he is a very lonely person who is full of hope for the future and longing for freedom."

"I have a chance with Fengtian, and I have no children in my life, no apprentice, so I will pass on the power of the forbidden domain that I have learned in my life, and hope that he can lift the power of the forbidden domain and let He refining the body after I sat down, turning into twelve relics, and staying in this forbidden domain. However, I have regretted this 10,000 years."

“Why did the seniors regret it?”

"I have left this power of the forbidden domain, hoping to benefit future generations. I can do a little bit of power for this world, let some lonely people between heaven and earth, wake up, but unexpectedly, the power of the forbidden domain is strong. The domain is indulged, the tens of thousands of people, all the disciples of the forbidden domain are distorted, and the power of the forbidden domain is completely regarded as imprisonment. Even for the sake of spiritual practice, they will not hesitate to seal themselves. This also leads to no one can awaken the power of the forbidden domain and carry the destiny. ""

"Now, the forbidden domain is actually a slap in the face of the squad."

Qin Shi is also a stunned, indeed, the forbidden domain now completely distorts the expectation of the ban, and it is not too much to say that it is contrary.

"Little friend, this may be fate. In the end, the secret of this power of the forbidden domain is actually in your hands. This is just the right to repay the life-saving grace of the Emperor Tianzun."

"Little friends, if you can, I hope that you can stay in the forbidden domain and let the forbidden domain continue to pass on. I believe that one day, the forbidden domain will be rectified, and a bright road will be achieved for this world."

Qin Shi nodded, and he himself did not mean to destroy the domain.

"This is nature, just the predecessors, the current forbidden domain, no self-protection ability, this..."

"No problem, let this forbidden domain, become a branch of Qinzong, just leave this vein."

"Of course there is no problem." Qin Shi readily agreed.

"Boy, this jade is holding you. This is the day when the sky was left in this void. With this jade, you can call for a forbidden field."

In the end, the day will pass a green jade to Qin Shi. When Qin Shi squats, he will not accept it. For him, there is no such thing as a jade. However, if there is a jade, it will eventually be exempted. Go for some trouble.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Qin Shichong banned the respectful hand of the heavens.

At this time, the wilderness of the world before him gradually dispersed.

The blink of an eye is a thousand years, which makes Qin Shi can not help but have a sigh.

Although this 10,000 years is a fake, but after spending in the tens of years of years, Qin Shi's mind has reached an extremely old-fashioned look.

Qin Shi even showed a vicissitudes of life.

Among the tens of thousands of years, I have seen a lot of myself, and there are life, death, and emptiness.

However, when Qin Shi opened his eyes slightly, he left his tears unconsciously from his eyes.

Qin Shi didn't know why he would cry, but he would cry, but what he knows is that going through this 10,000 years will make him cherish everything he has and will work harder to protect everyone around him.

Hey, blood, no matter what, I won't let you succeed.

Qin Shi made up his mind.

With Qin Shi awakened, hundreds of millions of people in the ruins of the forbidden domain are curious.

The comprehension of the power of the forbidden domain is very common for the disciples of the forbidden domain. However, this time, the people who understand the power of the forbidden domain are somewhat special. They are the lords of the Alliance of Disorders, the lords of Qin Zong, and the only hope of the human world. Therefore, many people are curious, Qin Shi will comprehend the level of the power of the forbidden domain, the embarrassed elders in the forbidden domain, this is also awkward argument.

"Hey, this is not a self-sufficient kid. I want to realize the power of the high-level forbidden domain. It is impossible for a thousand years without a million years. With him, what can I do with the forbidden domain? Is it at most a yellow level?" ”

"Yellow? I think you are all looking at him. There is no foundation. It is hard to understand."

At this time, Ling Xiao is also a serious eyebrow. Qin Shi realizes the level of the forbidden power. They don’t care. However, if Qin Shi can’t understand the power of the advanced forbidden domain, he can’t carry the destiny, he can’t save the drunkard. A soul.

Let's not say that the drunkard has a grace for Qin Zong, no drunkards, no Qin Zong today, and Qin Zong disciples have deep feelings for the drunkards.

Just the next battle with the chaotic domain, the drunkard must be an indispensable force.

Not counting Qin Shi and Qi Xuexin, the alcoholic is the first strongest in the alliance of the chaos, even the domain master level should be taboo in front of him.

Of course, if it is not the power of a drunkard, the banned domain, and the wind domain, I am afraid that it is also early to Ping Qin.

"Quickly, the boy woke up and the comprehension was over."

Qin Shi spent more than a million years, but the outside world just gasped. When everyone saw Qin Shi, he woke up and looked at it.

"Why, there is no light? Is it not comprehending success?"

"Heaven and earth, the four levels of the forbidden power, will be yellow, orange, gold, and purple gold, rumored to be emperor-level, with no dark gold, this kid, no color, must be comprehensible failure Alright."

All the people in the forbidden domain are ruthless laughter.

Ling Xiao and others also heard that they frowned. "Is the ally really failed?"

At this time, Tu Ye jumped forward and asked Qin Shi: "Lord, have you realized it?"

Just woke up from the 10,000-year-old, Qin Shi still had some discomfort on his body. He adjusted himself slightly, and gradually calmed down and smiled and nodded.

Said, Qin Shi slowly spread his hand, a very faint yellow halo appeared on his palm.

When the halo came out, the surrounding air was banned.

When Qin Shigang opened his Everyone is curious and big-eyed, want to see what Qin Shi has realized the color of the forbidden domain.

It’s just that when you see it is extremely light, even if it is like a gust of wind blowing, the same pale yellow is revealing ridicule and ridicule.

"Light yellow? It's ridiculous. This is the most ridiculous power of the forbidden domain since I was established. It is even lower than the yellow level."

"This kid, I said that he can't, although he is very strong, but the power of the forbidden domain is not something anyone can understand."

"Light yellow?" Tuye wrinkled his eyebrows, but also shook his head in disappointment: "Lord, you are the force of the forbidden domain, afraid that it can only be regarded as a semi-yellow level. With this power, it is impossible to carry the fate."

"No." Qin Shi calmly smiled, suddenly, in his palm, actually formed a cyclone, and then the pale yellow halo began to deepen, yellow, orange, gold, purple gold, pointing In the end, it turned out to be a glaring dark gold.

For a moment, the audience was stunned.

"This, is this, the Emperor level?"

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