Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1933: Battle habitat

Everyone in vain, I saw that the ridiculous power of millions of meters between the heavens and the earth all gathered in the body of Qin Shi. ????

Later, in the body of Qin Shi, it was actually forming an extremely heavy ridiculous armor. It seemed to be able to change the heavens and the earth into an absurd chaos. From the body of Qin Shi, it was the beginning of the world that the sentient beings felt the most primitive power. general.

"A terrible power!" Suddenly, everyone was awkward.

At this time, Kong Ghost’s old eyes contracted in vain. His old body was trembled with sorrow: “This is, is this the power of the ancients?”

Everyone who hears the words of the ghosts is a glimpse: "Old ghosts, what is the power of the ancients?"

Referring to the power of the ancient ruins, Kong Ghost was particularly excited. He swallowed his mouth and said: "The power of the ancient ruins, this power I only saw in the records of the wilderness, was created during the peak of the Great Wild Emperor. The power of the people can make all things flooded. The most important thing is that he can produce huge vitality and create vitality from the absurdity. It is a terrible force. I did not expect that Qin Xiaoyou has already cultivated the absurd power to such a degree. ""

"This kid seems to be very proficient in the strengths of our eight domains." One month, when he thought of the power of refining the domain that had not been awakened for thousands of years, it was realized by Qin Shi, it was a bitter smile.

After seeing the changes in Qin Shi, the blood wizard smiled and laughed: "Is this kid finally successful?"


The baby of the Sword Devil also gave a pleasant call at this time.

call out!

Suddenly, Qin Shi stepped on the foot of the ridiculous armor and suddenly changed into a virtual shadow. It appeared in front of the blood wizard and the sword demon. The palm of the hand lifted fiercely, as if lifting a world, in a hurry, The ridiculous atmosphere permeated, and the enchanting palm of the hand was smashed.

"Give me the rest." Qin Shi grinned.

"Bastard!" The enchanting sees the change of Qin Shi. At this time, his face is also unnatural, and it is from the power of the ancients in Qin Shi. Even he felt a pressure.

"I didn't expect it, I really let you succeed!"

"Heroes, ten years, several of our brothers, you have been chased from the human world. In the past ten years, they have suffered countless grievances for me. This time I will come back, I will swear, I will use your blood and give them Paying off debts, now, it’s time to pay off debts!” Qin Shi’s voice was extremely cold.

"Idiot people say dreams!" The enchanting atmosphere is also changed in vain: "Do you really think that with this power of the wild, can you win me?"

"The madness destroys the sky!"

The enchanting hands clasped together, and the power of the sky suddenly roared out, destroyed the eight sides, destroyed the heavens and the earth, and changed into a giant troll. At this time, the volley fell to the Qin Shi.


When the troll fell, the Qin Shi black scorpion was suddenly changed. His big hand was lifted up, and the volley rushed toward a distant mountain river. When the time came, the mountain river shattered and changed into an endless ridiculous yellow sand. In nine days, a huge sand beast is generally violently swallowed up by the enchantress.

"Broken!" The enchanting big hand fiercely used a shock, and then suddenly there was a fierce devil in the yellow sand, everywhere is full of bright red **** smell, it is a bite, will be that The power of absurdity is swallowed up.

"Hey, kid, useless, this madness destroys the sky, but it is the suffocation of the maddening demon. Although it is not as good as swallowing the heavens and the devil, but there is also the power of the moon, you are ridiculous. Force, he can swallow it in one bite." The enchanting excited laughter: "And, the power of the evil spirit in your body is locked by the magic pattern, you are absolutely impossible to block this trick."

Seeing the huge fierce demon, the blood wizard also frowned.

"Hey!" The baby of the sword demon snarled, and then he wanted to get up.

It was only suddenly held by the blood wizard: "Don't be impulsive, do you really think that the kid has been doing this for ten years? Although he can't use the power of swallowing the demon, but this power is not his. opponent."

The Sword Devil’s baby hesitated for a while, but he still didn’t do it.

Qin Shi looked at the troll's blood, and the black scorpion suddenly became cold, shaking his head: "On this strength, it is worthy of devouring?"


Rumble! Qin Shi’s fingers slightly bent, and the next moment, the fierce devil’s mouth suddenly appeared a cold force, and then he saw the absurd pattern of his whole body, and it was in a moment, in the troll’s In the body, there is an inexhaustible force to give the power of corrosion. It is actually a ridiculous change from the inside to the troll.

"The enchanting old dog, it seems that you are a shit's madness, isn't my ridiculous opponent?" When that huge evil demon changed into a long sky, Qin Shi said with ridicule.

"Bastard, how is this possible?" The enchanting face twitched, but then his face once again condensed: "Hey, kid, don't be proud, you really thought, is this over?"

"If it was in the deep sea a few months ago, I was really not your opponent, but now, you are still far behind."

“Life is endless!”

The enchanting body suddenly sheds endless light.

At this time, everyone was stunned and saw that the enchanting power of the day was extremely terrible.

Among the forces, it is actually blooming in the darkness, is... the power of life?

When the power appeared, Qin Shi suddenly frowned: "Surviving?"

This is the second time that Qin Shi has seen this force. The last time he was in the midst of the deep sea, it was the vitality.

Only when you reach the top of the world, you will have the vitality after life and death.

"This old dog, it really broke through to the habitat." Blood wizard **** chills.

"Oh, yes, it’s the power, the kid, you should be clear, what this power means, you can never win me." The enchanting screamed.

At this time, the side of the alliance was a heavy one.

The power that is scattered from the body of the enchanting is the power that they have never seen before.

"This power is terrible."

“Is this really the power that ordinary people can have?” Countless strongmen are questioning this time, even for several domain owners.

The snowy heart was stunned, and suddenly there was a blue chilly flow between her jade fingers, but after a while, the cold suddenly spread, she remembered Qin Shi and what she said, the power in the body. Life is suppressed.

"You have to win, if you lose, then I will spare no effort to slaughter this chaotic domain." Snowy heart said softly in the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the power of the enchanting, Qin Shi took a deep breath and sighed: "Oh, even if it is prepared, but in the face of habitat, there is still some pressure."

"Hey, kid, you are less pretentious here, the border, it is absolutely impossible to win the habitat." The enchanting sneer.

Qin Shi black scorpion slowly lifted up, but not only did not have the slightest fear, but actually revealed a war: "Oh, enchanting, you can remember what I said to you when I was in the deep sea?" ”

"Well?" The enchanting eyebrows hesitated.

"At that time, you are in a realm, I am the boundary. You and I have said the same thing. The boundary cannot win the boundary, but you are defeated like a dead dog." Qin Shi despised: "If you It is a real habitat. Maybe I will really lose today, but unfortunately, when you are in the same situation as the realm, it is just the magic curse of the evil spirits. It is only achieved. I can win you, this time I am the same. Can destroy you."

"Hurricane!" The enchanting suddenly became fierce.

"The curse of the sky!"

Suddenly, the enchanting body entwined the inexhaustible power, and suddenly changed into a sinister cold light swallowed by Qin Shi.

Each of these forces is full of unparalleled power of life, as if every word can take away the lives of all beings.

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, the light of thousands of curses fell like a storm.

At this time, Qin Shi also changed very fast, the glare of the Shenjian from the palm of his hand slammed forward, immediately formed a very terrible edge.

"Jian Zong · thirty-sixth inheritance swordsmanship!"

"Xuan Tian broke the road!"

Qin Shi successively released a few terrible martial arts.

"Three World Zen Sea!"

Every martial art is actually above the peerless martial arts. Everyone sees that Qin Shi’s almost crazy attack method is a surprise. You must know that peerless martial arts and above consume spiritual power. It is almost terrible. To the extent, but it seems that this is not the same thing for Qin Shi. He is now like a machine, and martial arts is released thousands of times.

"Damn bastard, you release martial arts like this, I see how long your spiritual power can support!" The enchanting is also passive in the endless martial arts.

"Halloween, you can't really remember for a long time." Qin Shi sneered, saying that he took out a stone statue. For a time, all the auras of all things on that day were gathered within ten meters of Qin Shi.

"A terrible stone statue, can the stone statue change the concentration of the aura between the heavens and the earth?" Everyone was shocked when they saw the stone statue.

"Reincarnation stone statue! That is the reincarnation stone statue!"

"The gods on the list of the gods?" The numerous powerful people in the Alliance of Disorders once again screamed The enchanting scorpion is also a convulsion: "Little bastard, it seems that all your gods have been Fixed?"

Qin Shi’s cold laughter, then all his consumption was restored in an instant, and the endless martial arts once again madly sprayed toward the enchanting.

The enchanting face was gloomy, and then he suddenly showed a sinister smile: "Boy, do you think that such martial arts can do anything to me? Ridiculous."

"I will let you see the power of real habitat now!"

"Eternal life does not die!"

Suddenly, at this moment, the enchanting body suddenly uttered a very horrible vitality, and the next moment, the enchanting is not to dodge any martial arts, let Qin Shi all the martial arts fall, but those martial arts In the middle of the enchanting, there is no way to hurt the enchanting, the enchanting is like a **** that will not die.

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