Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 17 Chapter 1976: Breakthrough habitat

"This is angry. EΔ novel" Qin Shi looked at the tip of the finger just for a moment, then disappeared, of course, the power of nothing to feel magic.

Although it was very short-lived, it was indeed that Qin Shi felt a sense of integration between body and mind in life and death.

"Hey, boy, have you really got a sigh of anger?" The demon surprised at the side.

"Well, but it can only be maintained for a short period of time. It takes a long time to really break through the habitat." Qin Shiyan sighed, and then he squeezed his fist, and there was a rare appearance in the body for many years. Feeling tired.

"Boy, what's wrong?" The demon saw Qin Shi's strange question.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "There is nothing, just feel a little helpless, demon, let us know each other from the barren town, and then walk out of the red inflammation, it has been almost twenty years now?"

"Well, for more than 20 years, the specific time can't be remembered." The demon also smiled with emotion: "I used to think that tens of thousands of years have passed me. Time has nothing to do with me, but I have been aware of the most profound things with you for more than 20 years, and they are much longer than those of tens of thousands of years."

"Yeah, when I came out of the barren town and left, I thought it was very simple. I wanted to guard a little Qin family, I didn't think about anything, and then I walked out of Chiyan, and as I became stronger, I was on my shoulders. The burden is getting more and more heavy, and the more people want to protect. To be honest, it is really difficult to guard me now. This is really a bit difficult."

Looking at Qin Shi's rare one, the demon flew out and sat next to Qin Shi. "Yeah, who can think of it? In the beginning, I was still a big devil in this world. Now I am following you a little." The fart child is squatting at the balance of the world, but there is no way, you know, this is your responsibility, this responsibility, no one can help you, even if I can't."

"Actually, I know that if I only suffer a bit, I will tell you the truth. Do you know what I am most worried about now?"

"Is it the snow heart?"

"Well, but it's not just her, there is you besides her." Qin Shi sighed.

"Oh, there is me?" The demon looked curiously to Qin Shi: "What do I have to worry about? The deity is one of the only two demon sects in this world. At the beginning, even your ancestors could not win me."

"That was 30,000 years ago, don't you think that the current group is different from 30,000 years ago?" Qin Shi paused and sat up between the mountains and looked at the line that was isolated by the two canyons. Tian: "Although I don't know what the group of 30,000 years ago looked like, I am sure that they are more disciplined now, and everything they do has a purpose, and this purpose is something we don't know."

"It is said that I am in the sky, but he has seen the life, but I have not, he knows more than me." Qin Shi sighed: "To tell the truth, I really have some concerns, and finally I did not Protecting all of this, and finally watching the blood fall, the souls are smeared, the world is swallowed up by the scorpion group, but I can't do anything about it."

"You and Xue Xin are both members of the life frame. What is the connection between the four of us? What is the direction in which the last life is turned."

"This unknown danger will make me very worried." Qin Shi said.

The demon is silent, and Qin Shi said that he knows that, after all, he will look at the pattern between the heavens and the earth. The group should be one step faster. Moreover, the sky seems to know what the fate is ultimately working, but Qin Shi does not know. He can only explore a little bit now, and this kind of exploration is not absolutely able to win.

In the past 20 years, Qin Shi has no fear and fear, but as time flows, Qin Shi really feels what is called fear.

Qin Shi is not afraid of his death, he is afraid that he can not guard.

"This burden is a bit too heavy." Qin Shi spit out a heavy sigh.

"Kid, don't think too much, you can do it, this is not like you, I have been with you all the time, and then, in the end, even if it is a death, everyone is also dead together, nothing great." The demon said.

Qin Shi nodded with a smile, but he smiled a little reluctantly.

"Next, what are you going to do?" The demon looked at Qin Shi: "Do you have your own plan?"

After coming to the beast world, Qin Shi paused here for a month. This month, in addition to suppressing the magical power in the magic domain, all the other time was used to push the angry wound. Now he has a trace of his body. The operation of life seems to be the beginning of heaven and earth, and the power of life in the day and the moon is the same, so as for the next plan, Qin Shi is very clear.

"Break the habitat, if you are not in the habitat, you can still be in the animal world, but you can kill me if you meet a strong person at the Xianfu level. This is not a human world. Even the dragons are eroded by the scorpion group. I don't know how many people in the group are there." Qin Shidao.

"Break through the habitat? This is also good, there is a strong dead force under the dragon's magical domain, if it does not reach the habitat, it is really difficult to suppress." The demon nodded.

In the following period, Qin Shi has always stayed in the Dragon. The breakthrough of habitat is different from the rest of the realm. This realm is very special. He is not a breakthrough in your retreat, nor is it so powerful. A very mysterious thing, habitat, requires you to understand life, and the bits and pieces of life.

So in this time, many people of Qin Shi and the Dragons gradually became a group, and occasionally they would listen to some of the dragons’ past, and there is also a little girl who has been surrounded by Qin Shi’s side, called Long Yingying. A very beautiful girl, she is like a follower sticking Qin Shi, so Qin Shi could not help but have a little bitter smile.

"Stone brother, you will tell me about Long Yin Ge, I beg you." Long Yingying said that Qin Shi said.

Long Yingying is a fan of Longyin. She has always liked the dragon seal since she was a child. However, Long Yin is a few years older than her, so she has been back to the dragon several times. Long Yin only treats Long Yingying as a little sister. .

"Oh, Qin Xiaoyou, you don't know, Yingying's talent is very good. In order to catch up with the footsteps of Longyin, she has been practicing for thousands of years. Now she has reached the boundary of Xiaocheng, and the strength of Longyin is almost the same. You tell her about it, otherwise this little girl, maybe when you have to leave home." Yuan Kun and sly smile, Long Yingying is the granddaughter of Yuan Kun.

Qin Shi squatted and smiled and licked the head of Xiaoying Yingying. To be honest, this little girl shouted his brother. Qin Shi’s heart was really helpless. This little girl survived for thousands of years, and he only had more than 20 Years old, if you look at the age, you can't be too much to call her grandmother, but there is no way, Qin Shi is now the elders of the dragons, plus the reason of Longqi, so that Qin Shi in the dragon's generation is extremely high.

"Little girl, tell me, where are you always leaving home?"

"Go to Haigong, I have run three times this year, and I have been caught by my grandfather, but one day I will definitely run away. When I get there, I can go to my Indian brother." Yingying smiled and said the spring breeze.

Qin Shi smiled and said: "It is really a pure little girl."

"Your boy was not for the snow, but he has been chasing from the red field to the eight fields." The demon smiled.

"Yes, it’s been a long time." Qin Shi sighed with a sigh of relief.

In the past three months, Qin Shi’s daily concentration has gradually increased, and the duration has been gradually increasing. After each time the vitality is gathered, Qin Shi feels that there is a warm current in his body. It seems that it is a sun that drives his whole body. This feeling makes him very comfortable, and he smiles with satisfaction.

"At my current level, I can barely use my vitality to attack, but it is not really a habitat, but even if I encounter a strong land, I will at least be helpless."

"Really, your current level should be half-step habitat. If you meet the enchanting level, you should be able to kill it easily." The demon said.

"But this time I have to face the enchanting."

"This is only three months, why should you worry? How many people have been consuming thousands of years from the boundary to the habitat, you can feel so fast that the vitality is already very powerful." The demon said.

Qin Shi can feel the birthplace so quickly, which is also thanks to the help of the dragons. The aura here is very strong. The most important thing is that there is an ancient atmosphere here. It is the power of the beginning of heaven and earth, so I will feel the power. It is much easier than usual.

When Qin Shi tried to break through the habitat Hu Ye flew over a mountain in the distance.

"I heard that you have returned to the Zijin Xuanhu family?" Qin Shi said.

Because Qin Shi's ancient times, Hu Ye is now listed as a VIP by the dragon, which makes him vie for a light in his own family. It is said that the patriarch of the Zijin Xuanhu family took the initiative to come to the dragon once in these three months. Invite Hu Ye to return to the Zijin Xuanhu family and re-establish a memorial for his mother. This is the dream that Hu Ye has always been.

"Adult, this is your reason, you are the benefactor of my tiger." Hu Ye said excitedly: "I am here to say goodbye to the adults, I want to go back to the Zijin Xuanhu family, but adults you Rest assured, in the future, in the animal world, my tiger is your younger brother. As long as you have the place to get me, call me, I will arrive soon, and I will die."

Qin Shi nodded with a smile, then Hu Ye left another three months, and Qin Shi had been in the Dragon for more than half a year.

In the past three months, Qin Shi finally successfully entered the habitat.

Just in the following news, suddenly Qin Shi burst into violent anger.

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