Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 17 Chapter 2016: Before the final battle

The three major coalitions gathered in the animal world, which caused great sensation in the animal world, and even with the surrounding seas were alarmed.

The main members of the three major coalition forces are the three ancient beasts left behind by ancient times. Among them, the strong ones are like clouds, and there are millions of mighty people. Among them, the strong people above the super-boundary are nearly a thousand, so the number It has reached a point of horror, even if it was an ancient war, it is just like this. Qin Shi’s heart thinks this way.

As soon as the three major alliances were dispatched, they began to attack the demon domain in the central part of the beast world. They all suppressed it toward the central part of the beast world. Soon in the next month, the beast world was almost war-torn, nowhere. It is not full of the sound of war. The two sides have their own wins and losses. The Pengpeng family also assembled all the strong men and tribes to start the general attack on the three major coalition forces.

In a short period of time, the three major leagues and the magic domain have reached a level of mutual checks and balances. Qin Shi did not shoot during this period. He has always relied on his own indestructible body to achieve super-reality, and he can almost realize the epiphany. The strong man of birth comprehension breaks through the habitat.

Now the two sides are counting against each other. The fierce demon of the group seems to apply all the power to this backlog, preparing for an unknown feast, and the three major coalitions are also extremely fast offensive at this time. The destruction of the group of remnants, and the suppression of the Peng Peng family.

When the war spread to more than half of the beast world, the three major leagues of the habitat have reached a terrible number.

Among them, the three major alliances and the Kunpeng family were also in the war. The Pengpeng family relied on the strength of the group to maintain unbeaten momentum under the attack of the three major leagues. This made Qin Shi’s heart gradually become a little uneasy.

However, this month is also good news. During this period, the blood wizard sent a message. He has successfully returned to the human world. Now the situation in the human world is not bad. The war has not spread to the human world. During the time, Qin Zong was considered to be a fast progress. To some extent, he had reached a peak state. Now the human world is a big league. The four domains and Qin Zong form a five-point support, even if there are some groups. Forces infiltrated into the human world, and will soon be surrounded by these five forces.

This also makes Qin Shi, who is far away from the beast world, relax a little. He started to really have a little worry. He is far away from the beast world. He is taking the opportunity to attack the human world. If the human world is a little late, he will probably be separated. Lack of skill, but now it is so good, he can devote himself wholeheartedly to the World of War.

On the foothills of the next day, Qin Shi overlooks the now devastated beast world, and the eyes show a hint of chill.

"The current situation has already entered the mid-term." The demon leaped out and said faintly.

Qin Shi nodded: "Well, now the three major coalition forces have already approached this tiger's mouth. The front is the gathering place of the scorpion group. This beast world cannot be defeated, either for the beast world or for this world. This is the case. If the beast world falls, then this world can balance the squad, leaving only the human world and the sea. The two sides will soon be destroyed by the horror of the squad."

"In fact, you don't have to worry. The three strong coalitions should not be less strong than the squad. If they are really in conflict, they may not lose." The demon laughed. "And, after this month's battle, Let the beasts realize that the group is strong. They are all very clear now. Now they must unite and remove the scorpion murderer. Otherwise, the next life will be smeared, and no one in the animal world can resist."

Qin Shi nodded, then he looked up at the oppressed distance. In the far-away direction of the devil, Qin Shi could clearly feel that there was a dark force gradually looming down, and it was destroying this piece a little bit. world.

"I don't know how the ancient masters are doing, can they resist the guys in the group."

"Do not worry, others dare not say that since the two people helped the wind and the demon, it is difficult for the group to break them." The demon laughed: "The wind was the most important thing for the Emperor, even when there was a trace of it. The chance of the heir of the emperor, the strength of the little doll, can not be underestimated."

"We also pay close attention." Qin Shiyan, the figure disappeared from the top of the mountain.

In a blink of an eye, it was another month. In this month, the beast world broke out completely, and millions of strong people on both sides continued to collide. One of the good news is that the three major alliances have finally broken through the Pengpeng family and completely occupied the beast world. The Kunpeng family seems to have long been an empty shell. The Kunpeng family seems to have given up this territory long ago, but all gathered in a huge magic egg in the center of the animal world.

The huge magic egg is spreading, as if it is a good hatch.

The headquarters of the three major leagues, Qin Shi and Shu Zhongyu, Yu Luosha three people sat together.

Qin Shi looked at Yuluo Brake and smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to take you to the beast world and let go of my heart. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

For Yuluo, Qin Shi is full of embarrassment. If he can, he definitely does not want Yuluo to participate in this battle.

Yuluo Brake smiled and said: "I will always stand behind you and block all the cold arrows behind you."

Hearing the familiar voice, Qin Shi’s heart was a little moved. Yes, it was the same when he first met Yuluo, but because he turned around, Yuluo was rushing to him in front of him. Blocked the deadly blow.

"Do not worry, this time no matter how difficult the front, I will not turn around."

Qin Shiyan stopped, his face was slightly serious, and then he turned and looked at the book in the jade.

Regarding the situation of the emperor, he has always had many questions to ask for jade in the book. The jade in the book should be regarded as the closest person to the emperor in this world. I am afraid that it is the only person who can prove the existence of the emperor. Now Qin Shi knows that if he wants to completely destroy the squad, or to destroy the sky, he must have the strength of the emperor, so he must know what the so-called emperor is.

"Jade sister, burning Tianzu Emperor, was the emperor strong?" Qin Shi suppressed for a long time, finally asked.

It’s the jade in the book. It seems that I didn’t accidentally took a look at Qin Shi and smiled. “You want to know how to break through the emperor?”

Qin Shi did not hide his head.

In the book, Yu sighed: "The emperor... In fact, it is impossible to exist."

"Can't it exist? What does it mean?"

"A world can only support a small number of emperors. The emperor is able to break through the realm of this world. However, the pulse of the emperor's emperor has been completely destroyed. It is impossible to create any emperor. Zu Di, the last one of the year, as he broke through the emperor's realm, the pulse of the imperial continent's emperor was completely broken, and there would not be any emperor." The book sighed.

Qin Shi was slightly heavy. Qin Shi knew a little about the pulse of the emperor. In the beginning, both Wutong and the demon had said that the emperor needed a force, the power of the heavens and the earth, but this piece of heaven and earth is no longer equipped. Power, so when the emperor, swallowing the sky and covering the sky, they tried to break through, but they all failed.

Without the pulse of the emperor, there is no way to break through the emperor. This is like the boundary that wants to break through the super-boundary and needs to carry the destiny. Now there is no way to form a broken world between heaven and earth. What is the pulse of the emperor?

Qin Shi’s eyes can’t help but have a bit of a sigh. If you can’t break through the emperor’s realm, it means that this time the World of War will come, he still can’t completely destroy the squad, cover the sky, and sooner or later Come, but he is not willing, should not, according to the truth, the world should be able to break through the emperor, or else, what is the plan for the sky?

The demon once said that if the sun can not break through the emperor, then the blood can not be fully realized, although the ethereal environment is strong, but it is absolutely impossible to support the cover of the blood and engulf the entire wilderness.

"Don't there be any other way?" Qin Shi asked unwillingly.

In the book, Yu is silent for a while, glaring at the seductive red lips: "In fact, it is not without it. Although this piece of heaven and earth does not have the pulse of the emperor, there is still a spirit of heaven and earth in this heaven and earth. It is the gathering of all the forces in this world. It should be able to help people break through to the emperor. Moreover, in the past 30,000 years, I have vaguely felt that there has been a breath of emperor, but I am still not sure, but there should still be The way."

When you hear the jade in the Qin Shi slightly dignified, the spirit of heaven and earth?

Since there is still a chance, then he will not give up, although now he has no way to know the way to break through the emperor, but he believes that since the sun has found a way, then he must be able to, not to mention if the life is not wrong. Then, he and the sky should be equally capable of breaking through the realm.

"No matter what, first solve the trouble of the beast world." Qin Shi spit out a long breath.

In the following half of the month, the war in the beast world continued to burn, and the collision between the two sides became more and more fierce. In the day after half a month, the patriarch of Qin Shi and the three beasts appeared in the middle of the animal world. That seems to be consuming the huge magical air mass over the entire beast world.

Looking at the monk's magic group, Qin Shi's eyes are cold and cold, and he is finally showing a cold meaning.

"Are you ready for the last battle?"

Hong Lian sneered behind him: "I can't take them out of this group of monsters, and today they will drive them all out of the beast world!"

"That's the case, everyone will fight."

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