Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 220: You catch me.

"Is it Yunding?"

Qin Shi's relaxed smile instantly solidified.

A faint cold light flashed through the shackles, and the anger rolled like a hurricane, and screamed along his black robe.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Shilan asked.

Qin Shi's hand sleeves swayed and held Shi Landao: "Come, take you to kill."

"Ah?" Shilan did not return to God, and was moved by Qin Shi to the southeast corner of the town. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

The two just arrived at the residential area in the southeast corner and fell behind a wolverine wall.

Looking around the wall, I saw that this residential area was full of mess, a group of Yun Ding sects dressed in Qingyun robes gathered in the open space next to the town.

Next to the open space, there is a lush old tree. A group of girls who are more than 20 years old are **** by the strong iron locks on the thick branches of the old trees. There are 34 people, their mouths are blocked. There was a whining sound in the mouth, and panic in the eyelids.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lan couldn't bear to ask: "Hey, what do these people want to do with these girls?"

"Not Zhīdào, but with Yun Dingzong's style of animal husbandry, I can't do anything good."

Qin Shi bloodthirsty lower lip, immediately he photographed Shi Lan's shoulder: "Where to wait for me, I will go through."

"No, I am following you, I can help you." Shilan slenderly took Qin Shi.

"Help me?" Pause, Qin Shi dynasty on the empty land on the Ding Zong's disciple to look at, this group of disciples are all, the leading disciples only seal the end of the soul, weak and unbearable.

This kind of strength, Shi Lan can completely single out their gang.

Hesitating, Qin Shi suddenly seems to think of something, smashing through the faint light of the light, staring at Shilan.

Shi Lan feels uncomfortable: "You, what are you doing?"

"Hey, are you going to help me?" Qin Shi gave a bad laugh.

When Shirandon had a feeling of being fooled, he stuttered his head: "Yes, yeah, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing Shilan promised, Qin Shi laughed, and the smile was brilliant. Immediately, he squatted on his waistband and handed it down to Shilan. He said, "Don't ask, this you hold, can help you hide the spirit. force."

"Hide strength?"

Look at it, Shi Lan tentatively reached out to pick up the soul of the tourmaline.

Her wonderful hand just touched the soul-stricken tourmaline, and the spiritual power in the body was exhausted in an instant, and the whole person was no different from the mortal.

This scared her to jump, and quickly recovered the jade hand, leaving the soul of the soul after the soul is refilled.

As if I had guessed it for a long time, Qin Shilang laughed: "Don't be afraid, can I harm you?"

"Maybe, this lady is so closed-minded, who is Zhīdào, you are not well-intentioned? In case you have any wrongdoing, I will be **** like this group of beasts, like I am so kindly sold, not Zhīdào!" Shilan winked her eyes and took over the soul-stricken tourmaline. The spiritual power in the body was once again taken away, and the strength was directly hidden.

Hearing, Qin Shizhen’s bitter smile.

Everything was ready, Qin Shi bowed his head and meditated for a while, and solemnly photographed Shi Lan, saying: "Comrade Shi Lan, now I have a very important task to hand over to you, are you ready?"

"A very important task?"

Shi Lan’s eyes brightened and nodded hard.

"Well, you are going out now, trying to get caught by them, mixing them into the girls who are tied up, and then asking what this group of people are doing!" Qin Shiqiang insisted on the positive cough.

"Hey, you let me go as a bait?" Just happy, Shilan's eyes changed, and he grinned and said, "I am Zhīdào, you are not sure!"

"Otherwise? They only catch women. If they go out, they can't ask me. Besides, aren't you going to help me?" Qin Shi smirked in response.

Two powder punches on the chin, Shi Lan put on a pitiful look, pouted: "Hey, don't, you are not afraid of them indecent? I am so flowery."


Qin Shi was speechless and sighed: "You are not rude to them, I think it is already very lucky..."

"Who are you talking about? When my sister is like you, day after day with hunger and thirst?" Shilanton screamed and pointed at Qin Shi and said: "I am so pure, obviously small and fresh."

"You are a little bit..."

With a glimpse of his eyes, Qin Shi rushed to hold Shilan’s mouth.

"Who?" Sure enough, Shi Lan’s voice alarmed Yun Ding’s disciple under the ancient tree, and several disciples were shouting at the corner.

Hearing the sound, Qin Shi leaned against the wall and sighed helplessly: "This is good, I can't think of it."

"Who is it, come out, what are you doing?" Several disciples who looked at each other, looked at each other and approached the corner with the blade in their hands.

"Well, what should I do if I am discovered?"

"What can I do? Go out quickly, remember not to expose the spiritual power and ask their purpose!" Qin Shi turned his eyes and pushed Shilan out.

"Hey, is there a man like you?"

Shilan slammed and lifted his foot and stepped on Qin Shizhen.

Qin Shi, who has pain in the back of his feet, has a cold air. When he wants to open his mouth, he sees that Shi Lan has turned over the corner. He looks like a cute little girl. He is screaming at the disciples of several disciplines. It seems like you have to say that you have the ability. Grab me.

Upon seeing it, Qin Shi suddenly lost his temper and shook his head with a funny smile. He found that the people around him were more than a teasing. If they got together, it was definitely a funny team.

Several disciples who saw the matter saw Shi Lan, and his eyes lit up at the same time: "Drink, the fish that slipped through the net, Chu from the brothers, come and see, this little girl is a young girl!"

Chu is the leading disciple of this group of people. He stood up under the old tree and walked to Shilan. He grabbed Shilan's chin and turned his left hand. Seeing Shilan did not have a little spiritual fluctuation, and nodded: "Well, it is a young, not repaired, is it counted that she is just enough?"

"Well, fifty."

The disciple next to him responded to the sentence.

"Well, ready to work." Chu is not satisfied with the point, immediately with one hand and a wave, a spiritual force to bind Shilan's hands and feet, thrown into the group of young girls under the old tree.

Shi Lan has just been integrated into the group of girls, and a few girls next to her have turned to sympathetic eyes. In Shilan fat friend, there is a baby fat girl, she spit out the final strip, and sighed: "Silly girl, all ran, what are you doing?"

"Don't mention it, who told me to find a negative heart, said that I want to take me to run away, and when I ran halfway, I was embarrassed." Shilan's performance ability is super strong, while he said that he was awkward.

The girl who had baby fat heard it and suddenly became furious: "It’s a savage beast. It’s okay, it’s a sneak peek. The man doesn’t have a good thing, and the key moments are totally unreliable.”

"Hey, timid waste, sisters don't feel bad, if you meet her later, my sisters will help you revenge!" Several sisters were infected by Shilan, a big sigh.

Behind the corner, Qin Shi, who has heard the sound, suddenly has the urge to think about the street. Which is it? In the bottom of my heart, Shi Lan’s disdainful confession of Yun Dingzong’s disciples went to the front, and counted the number of fifty young girls.

After the number of people was counted, Chu’s mouth swayed the silk and greeted the brethren of Yun Dingzong: “When you left, the brothers worked hard, and went to the Huang family to enjoy it at night, and Minger returned to the village in the morning.”

Upon hearing the order, Yun Dingzong’s disciples cheered and stood up and patted the dust on the robes. One person pulled up a girl and blocked their mouths. They walked toward the Huang family.

Seeing the crowd to go, Shi Lan was frightened, and her eyes slammed into the corner of the wall. When she saw Qin Shi, her mind swayed and groaned.

Qin Shi explored the corner of the wall, and a spiritual force came out and came to Shilan’s mind: "Don’t make a sound, first keep up with them, I will follow you with my mental strength. I will save you when something goes wrong, a little Missy. The appearance of a group of enemies in the spiritual world, you are afraid of embarrassment, can not release the spiritual power!"

Jiao Jiao slightly trembled, Shi Lan eyes angered Qin Shi, it is estimated that Qin Shi's heart has been killed, but in the end did not show up, coincidentally followed the Yun Dingzong disciples to the Huang family.

"Hey, telling you to hang me, let you be guilty first." Looking at the anger of Shi Lan, Qin Shi some schadenfreaked the palm of his hand, stalking the corner of the wall.

After he came out, he wrapped his black robe and his eyes were quite right: "This Yun Dingzong, who has taken so many girls, and all the people who have not been cultivated, what do they want to do?"

Think about it, Qin Shi always feels that this is not easy. For this reason, he is going to go to the next house to ask if he can find out what useful news.

Turning around, he jumped into a private courtyard. The courtyard of this house was uncomfortable, and the ground was full of filthy debris, which made him frown.

He took a big step and went to the room. It is estimated that it was the masterpiece of Yun Dingzong's disciple. The wooden door of this house has been destroyed. There is a couple of middle-aged couples.

The two are holding together and crying constantly.

"Hey, my daughter... my daughter!" They stared at each other, and they were full of bright red blood.

The anger in the scorpion can't help but ignite spontaneously. Qin Shi kindly asks: "Two, what is going on?"

Unexpectedly, when the sound rang, the middle-aged couple stopped at the same time. When the two saw Qin Shi, they raised the broom regardless of whether they asked them. They waved down to Qin Shi: "Roll! Roll! My daughter is gone, you still have What are you doing, roll!"

Look at Qin Shiang just wanted to explain, but the two couples did not listen to his explanation and directly blasted him out of the room.

In desperation, he walked around a few houses next to him, but the results were all the same, not because the emotions were too excited to lose their mind, that is, regardless of the Qin Shi.

After walking around the house, there was no news at all. In the end, he sighed, wrapped in a black robe and walked to the old tree in the open space, leaning on the ancient book for a long time of contemplation.

But at this time, a jade hand was spread out in the back, and it was shot on Qin Shi’s shoulder.

Qin Shi’s eyes glimpsed, and a smattering of the vigilance from the bones floated, grabbed the jade hand and turned to the next one, and turned over and whispered: “Who?”

"Hey! Pain!"

A sable like a yellow scorpion out of the valley.

Qin Shiyi, this is clearly seen, the owner of the jade hand is a woman, wrapped in a red robes, the robes faintly cover her face, but her body is highlighted, a graceful charm.

"It's you?"

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