Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 226: 8 Baozhen

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hearing the sound of three sounds, Qin Shi’s body was deadlocked.

He used the light to look down and saw the Huangjiada general manager. The white bears were over half a year old, showing the old state of the ancient years, and the old hooks were heart-rending.

"Qin Gongzi, you killed the old man!"

"You killed the old man and put these innocent people. The whole thing has nothing to do with them. Huang Hailong has a lot of girls in the Huang family for the sake of Bajieyun Dingzong. They are all victims!" w" novel "Fiction chapter update Fastest

The head of the Yellow General Manager was kneeling on the ground, and he did not lift the mourning: "I Zhīdào have complaints in your heart, you will kill me, let me make atonement for them!"

A few paragraphs were very loud, and Shi Lan’s fifty girls stopped their hands. Chu had never left Zhīdào a few times back and forth.

At the same time, the young women of Huangjia looked at the head of Huang Jiada with ruddy eyes.

Huang Hao’s prestige in the Huang family is very high. He is easy-going and considerate. He is even more popular than Huang Hailong. Most of the old women here are blessed by Huang Hao. Now I see Huang Hao crying for them. .

"No, kill me, beg you to let Huang Hao grandfather!" A little boy, only twelve or three years old, he is very young but very determined, and flew to the front of Huang Hao, holding Huang Hao .

"kill me!"

"No, kill me!"

They are rushing to stand in front of Huang Hao.

Qin Shi and Huang Hao were both wrong at the same time, especially Qin Shi. He narrowed his eyes. He did not think that in the Huang family, he could see the picture of this emotion.

It seems that the world is right and wrong. It really cannot be said in a single sentence. Who can say that these Huang family members are not kind?

In fact, Qin Shi did not hate Huang Hao. At the beginning, because of Huang Kai’s business and Jin Xin’s fight, he always persuaded him to be a person who focused on the overall situation.

It can be said that the general manager of this position, he is very competent.

"Qin Gongzi, you don't hurt the children, they are still small, the old man is old and the dragon is a bad life." Huang Hao tears out, he held a few children in his arms and looked up.

Infected by the cry of the children: "Stone..."

"Jade sister assured, I should do what Zhīdào." Qin Shi did not wait for the book to finish jade, he took a long breath, and immediately his eyes suddenly fell on the plaque hanging outside the hall.


As soon as he shook his body, he jumped to the beam on the outside of the hall, and the one-handed blade ran a few streams on the plaque.

When his movement stopped, he saw the yellow character on the plaque, which had been replaced by a powerful Qin word.

Everyone looked at Qin Shi in the hall.

Qin Shi’s black robe, his body fell lightly on the ground, and immediately he looked at Huang Hao with his hand and many Huang family members. “There is a saying that the good birds choose to live in wood, I will give you two roads. One is to die, the other is to follow the Qin family, and the Eternal World is for the Qin family."

Qin family?

Bad town Qin family?

The Qin family in the barren town is very famous now, and everyone on the field is Zhīdào.

Huang Hao’s old eyes were happy, and a drop of old tears crossed his dry cheeks. I saw him with both hands and slammed his head on the ground: "Xie Qin Gongzi does not kill, the old man is willing to follow the Qin family forever!"

Next to the young woman in the Huang family, see the general manager of the Huang family, and one by one followed him to the ground and said: "We are willing to follow the Qin family forever."

"Eternal life follows the Qin family!"

"Eternal life follows the Qin family!"

The sound is very loud, and Hao Hao resounds in every corner of Babao Town.

The scene is magnificent and swaying.

As the dawn approached, the faint glow of the east, the first morning light in the direction between the sea and the sky, fell on the body of Qin Shi and the huge Qin characters on the plaque, emitting a faint glow.

The juvenile face of the juvenile is mapped under the halo, and a faint smile is hung in the corner of the mouth. The black robe is wrapped tightly in the wind, showing the king's breath that belongs only to him.

The breath infected the audience, Shi Lan and forty-nine girls, all of them fell on the youth who seemed to shine. The two forces of Huang Jia and Yun Dingzong were defeated in this young boy who was less than twenty. collapse.

They are on Qin Shi’s body, as if they have seen a special temperament that is full of contagion. It is the kind of warmth that makes people fall into the middle and is unwilling to come out. For this reason, their little faces rise in unison. flush.

"Shi Lan, you are so happy, you can find such a good man."

"Yeah, this is the man of Shilan. If it is someone else, even if it is a famous person, I will definitely not let him go."

The talk of Qin Shi, the girls' ignorant heartbeat, there is a girl who has a relationship with Shilan, Bùcuò, push Shilan: "Shi Lan, don't be silent, talk to us, Qin Is the son gentle and gentle, people are very good, usually it hurts you?"

The girls’ eyes are all on Shilan.

This time, Shi Lan returned to God, she was also shocked by Qin Shi, this is the third time she was shocked by Qin Shi, the first time in the blood wolf demon king's claws, regardless of life and death to save her, the first The second time was to save her in Gai Hui’s hand, but this time he was alone.

Shi Lan’s beautiful Dan Feng’s eyes glared, recalling the bitterness of Qin Shi’s understanding, and suddenly smiled: “He? Kěnéng will be serious at this time.”

"That's OK, let's talk to us, how did you catch such a perfect man?"

"Yes, Shilan, don't hide."

When the topic fell into the peak, the girls smiled and squinted and looked forward to Shilan’s answer.

But this sentence made Shilan silent. Her look was a little bit. There was a saying she didn't say it, but she echoed in her heart for a while: "He is really good, but unfortunately not mine..."

"Stone, look like, are you very popular?"

"Of course, I have not said it, as long as I am willing, the tens of thousands of harem is a small matter." Hearing the words in the book, Qin Shi proudly responded to the sentence, and immediately his eyes looked at Huang Hao and Huang family, satisfied with the clap.

He thought, this should be the most Hǎode solution, let them go, and take them in, let them follow the Qin family, so that they can not guarantee that they will not go to Yun Dingzong to report.

Moreover, Huang Hao is the talent that is lacking in the Qin family.

In the book, Jade is burning the book, looking at Qin Shi under the cover of the morning sun, recalling the road that the two men have traveled in a year, the little face is a little red: "We have grown up, and we are doing things Zhīdào!"

"Jade sister... Is there such a compliment for you?" Qin Shi expressed shame, but he was very happy in his heart. He rarely listened to jade in the book, so every sentence was very cherished.


To gather the Huang family is to gather the eight treasures.

Qin Shi did not hurry to go, after all, he has a lot of things to arrange.

He and Shi Lan rested in the Huang family for one morning, took a nap for two hours, and ate something to fill their stomachs.

During this period, there are often girls in Babao Town, in the name of giving meals or gratitude, come to deliberately and Qin Shitao close, even some parents of the girls directly to the Huang family to kiss, they have to marry Qin Shi.

Qin Shi once again succeeded in making a celebrity.

At noon, when the sun was shining, Huang Hao pushed the door to Qin Shi’s room.

I have long guessed that Huang Hao will come. Qin Shi smiled and stood up: "Huang Hao predecessor, are you here?"

Hearing the words of the predecessors, Huang Hao quickly shook his head and smiled: "Qin Gongzi, you are a good old man."

Qin Shi waved his hand and motioned that he didn't care.

He is sincerely appreciating Huang Hao, pulling Huang Hao to sit at the table, let Huang Hao explain the situation of Babao Town and Huang Jia now.

I heard that Qin Shi had mastered Huangjia and Babao Town. The Huang family is not very powerful now. The Orthodox Huang family bloodline is almost killed by him last night. Only the side branches are left. Hao has the strongest strength and is already the mid-term peak.

Knowing this, Qin Shi nodded, and he hesitated, and the space ring swayed in his hand. A piece of Feng Lingcao offered: "Predecessors, this sapling grass for you, should be enough to help you to the end of the seal."

When I saw Feng Lingcao, Huang Hao’s old eyes were bright. This kind of baby thing is very rare in Babao Town. It is full of temptation for him, but his eyes only stay for a moment, then he immediately regains his eyes and shakes. Underneath: " is too expensive. The old man who does not kill the old man has no return, how can he dare to accept your things?"

"Oh, you are my Qin family now, what are you afraid of collecting my things?" Interrupted Huang Hao's words, Qin Shi will seal the grass has been handed, and immediately he waved directly, throwing 3,000 in the space ring Shangpin Lingshi, a variety of spirit grass beasts and soldiers.

Seeing these things, Huang Hao’s eyes slammed out and he did not spit out a word. He is now more and more curious. What is the background of Qin Shi? These things are not the Huang family, even the two major cities, may not be able to come out?

"These are you holding."

"What, what?" Huang Hao's body trembled, knocking over the teacups on the table, and thumping in his heart. These things are worth more than the entire Babao Town.

Huang Hao wants to talk when he opens his mouth.

Zhīdào, what he wants to say, Qin Shi raised his hand and interrupted, saying: "These are not for you. It is for you to keep the town of Babao. I look at the bleak shackles of Babao Town and give these things to you. The people below. But remember, you must find a reliable person, rather than a shortage."

Hey, Huang Hao swallowed his mouth, he still can't believe it.

"Lingshi, this girl who was caught this time, the family remembers to subsidize some, the son-in-law under the Huang family is all scattered, give them some spiritual stones to let them not do, and I see the restaurant closed, take time to find someone Re-operate."

Qin Shi said that this pause, he lifted the cup on the table, pinched it in his hands and thought about it for a while, then a few points, said: "Babao Town will hand it to you, I hope I will come back next time, here It’s not as desolate now."

Keeping every word in his heart, Huang Hao's mood is getting more and more excited. He seems to have seen the splendid Babao Town. The most important thing is that he is the master of Babao Town in the future.

Even in the year of his armor, he once again burned the fighting spirit of the weak crown, and seriously pointed his head: "Qin Gongzi please rest assured, half a year, I will give you a brilliant Babao town."

"Well, do it well."

Shallow smile, Qin Shi raised his hand and took Huang Hao, and immediately turned his black robe, a token engraved with the Qin character: "Take him to the town Qin family, listen to the Qin family at any time."

Huang Hao's face is dignified and the token is taken down.

Properly arranged in Babao Town, Qin Shicai screamed, and immediately in his clear scorpion, flashed a faint light, and the light glides out through the window, pushing the ancient city.

"It's time to leave."

After lunch, Qin Shi and Huang Hao said goodbye. He told Huang Hao not to sing, and did not want to get rid of the drums. After all, he went to save before the trip, and his whereabouts should be kept secret.

Understand this, Huang Hao prepared the horses for the two according to Qin Shi’s instructions, only to watch the two men go from the backyard of the Huang family.

Looking back at the back, Huang Hao was silent.

The shock that Qin Shi gave him was too strong. In this young man, he felt the blazing fire, the feeling is derived from the arrogance in the bones.

His veteran squatted together and slammed a few times: "This time, the king, the ancient city will be a **** hurricane..."

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