Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 238: Long-lost people

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Outside the ancient city, three figures passed, steadily falling on the side of the center of the city, above the tower.

Among the three, the leader is a black robe boy. The juvenile black scorpion reveals deep and clear, and the corner of the mouth always touches a slight curvature, giving people a different kind of warmth.

The teenager wrapped up in a black robe, looked around and looked at the familiar scenery in the city. He couldn’t help but open his hand and vomited deeply: "Oh, the ancient city, three months, my Qin Shi is back." "Fiction chapter update is the fastest

Beside Qin Shi, Shi Lan and two beautiful girls helped each other. Yin Mo was hurt, and she was pale and bloodless. Her eyes looked at the collapse of the city center.

On the platform, a gully splits along the sides of the platform. It feels like it was separated from the center by the giant sword. The two sides are separated from Huozong and Yunding.

Next to the bottomless sky, Lin Yun stood proudly, his whole body robe flew, a touch of extraordinary and powerful force against the crowd, from the direction of the fire sect, and other people are embarrassed.

Lin Yun squinted at the eyes and grabbed it with one hand: "Death!"

The ghost with a purple halo hand, tearing open the space is like a sickle's sickle, quickly pushing to Qin's chest.

"Stone! Save the Qin dynasty." On the tower, Yin Mo's weak beauty trembled, and quickly grabbed Qin Shi's black sleeves.

When the eyes were swept away, Qin Shi also noticed the movement of Lin Yun. A wild anger was sacrificed from his body, but at the moment he just wanted to shoot, his brow was slightly wrinkled and he could not help but stop.

"What's wrong? Fast, it's too late!" Yin Mo's anxious scream.

"No hurry, it looks like someone is in a hurry than ours." Qin Shi shook his head, and his eyes moved toward the left side of the alley, and there was a joy of joy.


Yin Mo and Shi Lan were puzzled, but at this moment, a vigorous and vigorous light and shadow took off from a distance, and with the wild wind, they stepped out of the alley, and rushed to the ring.

"Lin Yun old ghost, dare to hurt my Su Ming brother, isn't Zhīdào Xiaoye I have someone on the top?" Guangying rushed past the fire sect, stepping over the Tianzhu in the center of Fujian and Taiwan, and steadily fell in front of Lin Yun. Far away, a teenager explored the light and shadow.

Juvenile hair is messy, the whole body is full of filth, and it smells like a scent. It seems like it hasn't been bathed for a few years, but what is astonishing is that his scorpion reveals a clear light.

"Su Ming?"

"Is it a young Su family?"

Looking at the young boy who was found in the light and shadow, everyone on the field was surprised.

"Su Ming? You have long been Zhīdào?" Yin Mo's petite body trembled and asked Qin Shi.

Qin Shi smiled and nodded, and his face was blocked from smiling. He was behind him and held his hand.

"Hey, hurt my brother, don't ask the little man, I don't allow the people on the top!" Su Ming's eyes were fast, and a fire burning the sky spurted out of the robe, and immediately grabbed the collar of Qin Yu with one hand. Rear.

"Bad boy, you are looking for death!"

Su Ming’s sudden appearance was a little unexpected. Lin Yun’s instinctively took back the palm of his hand, and immediately saw his gaze in the cold, and he took a picture of Su Ming’s chest.

The palm is strong, and the purple aura tears open the space.

Yin Mo's beauty is condensed, pinching Qin Shi's hand sleeves: "Stone!"

When he heard the sound, Qin Shi shook his head and held down Yin Mo’s shoulder. He looked at Su Ming and smiled calmly: “Relieve, don’t be a small Su Ming, he is my Qin Shi’s brother.”


A loud noise, Lin Yun's purple light burst, Su Ming's body shocked, like being bombarded, the whole person was suddenly shot and flew nearly 100 meters, the foot rubbed on the ground to leave a crack.

Everyone is holding their breath.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming withdrew from the 100 meters and did not fall down. Instead, he took the Qin dynasty out of the power of Lin Yun.

When he stabilized his body, he squatted on his chest with one hand, and took out a huge piece of jade, shaking it against Lin Yun: "The old vulture, not hurt, I am mad at you!"

"It is the Sujia's Zhenjia Xuanbing: Taishan Yudun!"

The people under the field looked at the jade in the hands of Su Ming, and they all exclaimed.

"He has long expected it?" Yin Mo's eyes flashed in an incredible way.

Qin Shi is also a glimpse, and immediately nodded with a smile: "Oh, I said, this kid is reluctant to die, if he is not prepared, he will not die in vain."

"Bad boy, are you deliberate?"

Lin Yun looked at the Taishan Yu shield in the hands of Su Ming and screamed.

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders by default, and his eyes fell on the Taishan jade shield. His eyes became a little dignified. He saw a careful look on the Taishan jade shield. The cracks on the top of the mountain had become a few petals, and the light was also It is eclipsed.

"Hey... Taishan Jade Shield is amazingly capable, can withstand a thousand pounds of power, even by this old vulture with a palm smashed? A terrible attack." Su Ming's face is somewhat embarrassing, subconsciously moving backwards and half steps.

"Su Jia Xuanbing? It seems that you should be Su Can's younger brother? Your brother's talent is indeed Bùcuò, huh, huh, not Zhīdào, who is stronger than him." Lin Yun brows gradually stretched out, and immediately the eyes showed a sly smile .

Su Ming stood up and pretended to let the Taishan Yudun throw away, and immediately he picked up the messy hair that blocked the front of his eyes: "Hey, don't take me and the betrayal of the family's waste, he gave me the shoes of Xiaoye. Not enough, don't you Zhīdào, when I was burning the sky, I personally killed him as a traitor!"

"Oh? Did you kill Su Can?"

Lin Yun stunned and sneered and shook his head: "I heard this is not the case. It seems that Qin Shi used it. I almost managed to defeat Su Can?"

"Drink, your news is really incomprehensible, you are still the master of a loss, Qin Shi that is my younger brother, I advise you to know the best, quickly roll the cover and roll the eggs, otherwise I will lead the army, a wave of hands will be destroyed Do you believe it or not?" Su Ming said in a big way, he has never been able to stand up, and he is quite decent.

The people in the field are all wrong, looking at Su Ming with a weird look.

Standing on the rear high tower, Qin Shi's brow wrinkled, and immediately helplessly smiled: "Oh, stinky boy, repaired not Zhīdào refined how much, this bragging ability is to grow a lot!"

Yin Mo and Shi Lan looked at each other, and they also looked at each other and covered the veil with a smile.

Behind Su Ming, Qin Hao’s red face sighed hard: “What are you doing? Lin Yunlian’s head is not an opponent, you will die!”

"Shut up, you think I am willing to come, who told you to be caught up in such a disappointment, if I don't come to save you, I will be given a stone by Zhīdào. I would rather not see it. I would rather not be looked down upon by him!"

With a low bang, Su Ming pushed the Qin dynasty: "Let's stay up and down, see me clean up this yunding dog!"

Qin Hao had some confusion in his eyes, but he did not wait to speak, he was pushed down by Su Ming, and a group of disciples from Huo Zong rushed up to help him.

"Oh, there is a bone!" Lin Yun's stunned cold light surged, and immediately the eyes showed a taunting, laughing: "Qiu Ming, go to play with him."

"Yes, the head!"

Next to Qiu Ming, he was full of golden hair, and two fangs were licked in his mouth. The lion looked like a lion, and Lin Yun took it to the front. The big foot was shot on the ground, and the earth was trapped. .

"Kid, I will let you come back, try my claws!" Qiu Ming sighed with a sigh of relief, and immediately he looked at Su Minghu's body and shook it like a shell.

"Su Ming is careful!"

From the people of Huo Zong, they whispered, and they clenched their fists. Just now, he and Qiu Ming played against each other. Under the help of the devil, Qiu Ming was infinitely close to the later stage, and more importantly, he was in the body. The body is exceptionally strong.

Yin Mo is somewhat worried. Since Su Ming retreats before March, three months can be said that the door is not the second door. During this period, she and Qin Hao went to find Su Ming several times, but they were all rejected.

But she just wanted to talk, and saw the faint accomplices in the eyes of Qin Shi, but for a moment she was dumb, she would never understand, it was the trust between the brothers.

"Big big, have a trick, you try to come out, Xiaoye, if I wrinkle my eyebrows, I Su Ming and you have a surname!" Feel the earth shake, Su Ming proudly looked up, cold and proud to scan Qiu Ming.

"The mad boy, I was hit!" Qiu Ming's whole body trembled, and the two fangs shot the silver brilliance under the faint sun, tearing open the space, with a harsh whistling sound, approaching Su Ming.

The whole audience held his breath and stared at the two.

Qin Hao clenched his fists, and his throat was full of blood: "Su Ming, quickly avoiding, you want his mother to die for me, I will not be better in my life! I will avoid it!"

Unexpectedly, Su Ming stood in the same place, letting the wind swell his robes, raising clear eyes and aiming at Qin Qin, and whispered: "Relief, we will not die, then... wait for him to come back!"

When the sound fell, Qin Shi glanced at the high platform, and immediately flashed a soft flash in the black shackles. He smiled and shook his head: "Oh, this stinky boy."


A wild collision, Su Ming waved his sleeves in the face, and the five fingers spread out into the palm. He grabbed Qiu Ming’s lion fist and immediately heard the violent bang. A shocking spiritual force overturned the earth and collapsed on the platform. The crack of the next few meters, the dust is rolling in the cracks, and the gravel is full of sky.

The land behind Su Ming was shattered by power.

But when the dust and sand are exhausted, all eyes are a glimpse, and the incredible eyes are wide.

Mo Chen and Xun Lao Cang's old body trembled Just the attack is even if they are both, they dare not pick it up, but this is the attack, Su Ming stood in place, actually silk Not moving?

"Stop it? How is this Kěnéng?"

Qiu Mingshuo’s eyes were shocked, and he immediately pumped his fists, but his fist was caught by Su Ming, as if he had been caught by a huge hand, and he did not recover.

To catch Qiu Ming’s fist, Su Ming’s face was on the micro side. Through the gap between the two men’s confrontation, a cold mantra led to mocking: “Is this skill to use the magic character? You are really far from him!”


Bang! boom!

Sùdù was very fast, Su Ming’s eyes were condensed, and the next second hand ignited the fire of the palm of his hand. It seemed that the fire was burning and burning, and it was covered with fire.

In an instant, Qiu Ming’s body suddenly fell, and the golden lion hair of the whole body was directly burned to ashes. The whole person became a coke, rolling out a few tens of meters.

One blow, only one blow... Su Ming won?

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