Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 256: Bloody

After a lapse of half a month.

The **** battle was finally completed with the efforts of the old and many disciples.

The large **** battle was built on the back of the Qinzong Mountain. On the top of the cliff on the back mountain, it was the location where Qin Shi and Pu Quan were located. It happened to rely on the towering old trees of the back mountain, and the location of Ling Tian could be said to occupy the advantage of time.

The large array is hexagonal and a large stone plate.

Around the stone plate, it is the three pillars of the sky. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

In the center of the stone plate, there is a **** sky, and the sky is red, the wild blood is full of pungent smell, but in this pungent **** smell, it is mixed with extremely embarrassing spirit. Force, spiritual power unscrupulously danced in the mountains with the wind, rolling up the dusty sky.

Near the **** bursts, it will make people feel dizzy, and even the temperament will become restless. For this reason, Qin Shi indicates that many disciples with insufficient strength should not approach, and he and many elders come together.

Looking at the familiar **** battle, Qin Shi holding a long blond hair, Shi Lan's beauty is tightly closed, the mouth slightly raised upwards, can not see any pain, but there is a kind of relief happiness.

"Shi Lan... I can finally resurrect you!"

Qin Shi screamed, and everyone had no openings beside him.

He moved the black scorpion to the thin side, paused on Yin Mo, and he opened his mouth, but he stopped talking.

"Hey, take it." and Qin Shi looked at each other, Yin Mo smiled, she was very free and easy to pull out the dagger in the palm of the hand to open a **** mouth, a blood flowing down the blood, wrapped in spiritual power Handed to Qin Shi.

Looking at the blood in front of him, Qin Shi bit his lower lip and struggled, finally reached out and picked it up: "Small flat chest, thank you!"

"Don't be tempted, I can resurrect Shilan sister, I am very happy too. But when I resurrect Shilan sister, you can make Hǎode compensate me!" Yin Mo smiled very freely, she was really happy, after all, she and Shilan Some friendships, Shi Lan is also very good for her, Qin Shi is taking care of her when Shi Shi is not there.


Resolutely nodded, Qin Shi no longer nonsense, he crossed Shilan and went into the **** battle.

After entering the **** battle, he sacrificed the essence of Yin Mo with spiritual power, and the blood circling in the air, licking the blood into the center of the stone plate.


The blood is immersed in the blood, and the blood is trembled fiercely. It is like the collapse of the pillar of Optimus. It causes sputum on the clouds of the sky, and the blood-red blood is mixed with the blood in the runes on the stone plate. The rune began to beat by the influence of blood.


The blood and the stone plate were completely integrated, and the stone plate began to violently tremble. The trembling strongly shook the whole mountain, and a huge blue light pulsed along the stone plate, and suddenly blocked the blood.

Looking at this scene, everyone was exclaimed: "What is going on?"

"Yes is open!" Yin Mo responded, and the jade hand was pinching on his chest. He looked at the **** eyes and shivered. When he remembered that she was trapped in the pine forest, she could not help but feel pain. .

At this moment, suddenly grabbed her shoulder: "Don't be afraid, when we are together, no one will be hurt again!"

"I am just worried about him!"

"Trust him, he can always bring us a miracle!"



Bloody inside the big array.

The formation of the formation method, the blood of the cockroach rises along the stone plate, the blood gas is like a lonely ghost in the underworld, constantly surrounded by Qin Shi, sometimes turned into fog, sometimes turned into a human face, when passing With a whistling.

"Jade sister, what should I do?"

"Put Shilan's body in the blood of the center of the big array!"

Qin Shi paused, and immediately, according to the requirements of the jade in the book, Shi Lan was placed in the blood of the center of the stone plate. The blood was filled with clear spiritual power, and the spirits lifted the body of Shilan, and the long skirt was in the wind. Dancing constantly.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shi was not opening, gazing at the stone pillar, holding his hand and waiting silently.

Now, you only need to be able to restore the life of Shilan's body with a large **** battle. Then, if you instill the soul into the body, you will be able to resurrect Shilan.

Calling ~~!

The wild blood is rising, and Shilan's body is suspended in it. The already cold body suddenly starts to emit a faint fluorescing, which makes Qin Shi unhappy: "It became?"

"Well! The vitality has begun to recover."

"Great, Yu Jie will inject the soul!"

In the book, Yu should be the next one, and then he will no longer hesitate to sneak out, and the palm of his hand will roll up the milky white enchantment. In the enchantment, the poem of the long-haired golden-brown lie in it, only see the jade in the book. The soul of Shilan jumped out of the enchantment and rushed into the body of the poem.

Both eyes will be integrated, and Shilan will soon be resurrected.

Qin Shi’s heart pounded and shook his fists with expectation: “Shi Lan...”


But at this time, the soul just injected into the blood of the moment, only listening to the rushing collision sound, Shi Lan soul hit on the body of Shi Lan, was actually blocked by the living, and changed a little thin.


Looking at this vision, Qin Shi suddenly shocked: "What is going on?"

At this moment, a **** red fog, smashing the fangs in the blood, turned to the poetry of Shilan.

"Recruitment, receive!"

In the book, Jade stunned and slid his eyes, and waved his hands to quickly reclaim Shilan’s soul into the enchantment. Immediately, her face stared at Shilan’s body: “Not good, Shilan’s body is actually rejecting her. soul!"

"How could this be?"

"It should be the reason for this bloody..." The jade in the book stared at the **** fog that was tumbling in the blood, and said: "These bloods are as if they are occupying the body of Shilan, and trying to win the shell of Shilan! ”

"What?" Qin Shi turned his head in a hurry, his eyes fell on the delicate body of Shilan through the blood. Under the help of the **** blood, Shilan’s body has indeed recovered its vitality, and the fingers keep beating. In the end, it even became a fist.

However, Shi Lan’s whole body kept twitching up and down. He had a smile in his mouth and licked his teeth. The brow wrinkled deep and deep, and his head kept swinging from side to side, as if he had encountered something terrible!

"What can I do to help her?"

In the book, Jade frowned and shook his head and sighed: "It's useless. Now I can only wait. This **** only resists by the will of the poetry in the body of Shilan. I only hope that she can survive this robber!"

"If it is quite good? What will happen?"

"It's quite... But Shilan's body is occupied by **** Kěnéng, and the container of the soul will be distorted. At that time, Shilan's soul will never return to the body, and there is no way to resurrect..."

"Even... will become a **** stimuli, and eventually lose the humanity, only know how to kill! Include you!" The book is silent for a while, and the face is a little embarrassing: "I am careless, I did not expect this blood." The bloodyness in the big array will be so strong to this extent..."


Suddenly surprised, Qin Shizhen clenched his fists.

"Shi Lan... Don't Yǒushì!" whispered softly, his lower lip was bitten, and the **** smell fainted in the mouth.


Suddenly, Shi Lan’s closed beauty suddenly opened, her eyes were red and occupied by blood, and the body curled in the blood, suddenly rolled down and stood in the stone plate, staring at Qin. stone.

"Shi Lan?"

Qin Shi blinked.


But at this time, a string of sounds trembled, Shi Lan’s petite body began to rise, her golden brown long hair danced, suddenly approaching the side of Qin Shi, the jade hand into the palm of the robes, a palm to the chest of Qin Shi under.


Shilan Sùdù is extremely fast. Under the **** infection, the strength reaches the early stage of Wang Lingjing. Qin Shi has been slammed into the blood enchantment and spurted a blood.


In the book, Yu Jiao snorted.

But at this time, Shi Lan moved again. She was completely killing without feelings, and the wild power continued to rush to Qin Shi.

Under the attack of Wang Lingjing, Qin Shi even started to open up the star-studded hegemony, and began to gradually become less and less, and soon flew out of the body seriously injured.

"Stone!" Looking at the scarred Qin Shi, the book jade eagerly jumped out of the book, and the fingertips jumped to the spiritual power to gather a little, suddenly smashed down to Shilan's eyebrows.

"Jade sister! Don't!" Qin Shi suddenly shocked, standing up with a stone plate and standing up, grabbing the wrist of the book in the book: "You can't hurt her, or Shilan will never be resurrected!" ”

"But... she will kill you!"

"If I didn't have her, I would have died!" Qin Shiyi shook his head and shouted.

The book is silent, but she understands that Qin Shi is right. At this time, Shilan is different from the illusion that was condensed in the needle pine forest. This Shilan is a poetry of flesh and blood. It is the true body of Shilan. Breaking her down, Shi Lan really can't be resurrected.

"Let me give it a try!"

Qin Shi took a deep breath and stood up and stared at Shi Lan: "Shi Lan... wake up, don't you forget, you said that I will never ignore you, why do you ignore me now? ?"

"I am Qin Shi... I am a big man!"

"Don't you forget? You are the one I want to guard!"

A series of words reverberated in the **** burst, Shilan's delicate body suddenly trembled, but just so, her nephew was once again covered with blood, and then the whole person swayed, a sharp dagger Pulled out from the waist.


Taking out the dagger, she slammed forward and stabbed her chest against Qin Shi.

"Stone!" Jade anxiously exclaimed in the book, Shi Lan has approached Qin Shi.

Looking at the edge of the blade that gradually expanded in front of Qin Shi suddenly smiled relievedly, he opened his arms and raised his chest: "If this is what you really want to kill me, then Come on!"


The dagger was infinitely close, the voice just fell, and the dagger was less than a square inch from Qin Shi’s chest, but at this time, Shi Lan’s body suddenly trembled, and the blood in her beauty gradually faded away, her eyes staring indifferently. Qin Shi, Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang, numbness of the martyrdom: "Hey... big... head...!"

Qin Shi suddenly blinked, showing a smile.

"I am Zhīdào... you can't bear it...!"

"Stupid hat... wake up."

The website has a monthly ticket, and Xiaoguang naturally wants to earn something. This is a symbol of strength. Tomorrow is October 1st, and it will start to compete for the October monthly ticket list. Because it is not clear about the difficulty of the monthly ticket, Xiaoguang promises that the monthly ticket will burst. Now, start the code word, prepare to explode tomorrow, and explode more conditions: 2 monthly ticket explosions are more than 1 chapter, and the top is not capped. If you can't finish writing, continue in the future, in the case of the 2 chapters, look at the power of my shallow army, how many chapters can make me break out!

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