Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 290: change one's mind


One word, shocking.

The jealous writing on the jade is like a strange magic, deeply imprinted on the soul of all people, making their minds illusory.


The person with the strongest spirit in the field is undoubtedly Park Spring.

He took the lead to go back to God. After blinking, he blinked with some fear: "What kind of mental power is this? Can it surrender the tens of thousands of meters of life? Even if it was my master, I could not reach this. Degree...""Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest


He Yan also shocked back to God: "Well... really not Zhīdào, when did Burning Tianzong have such a terrifying baby? Is it afraid to be above the Horcrux?"

Park Spring can't be turned down.

But next to it, Luo Feng was somewhat puzzled and frowned: "But this burning Tianzong has such a terrible thing, why not use it early?"

"Oh, with the admiration of Hua, I can't control this thing." Park Quan smiled ironically and reached out and said: "You look at the position of the palm of your hand."

Several people blinked and looked at the situation.

I saw that the admiration of Hua Dakou’s big mouth was gasping, and the pale face was no better than Qin Shi.

In the palm of her hand holding a jade, there is a brand of purple-red, deeply immersed in it, and constantly devour her fair skin.

"That Yu Pei, is eating her?" He Yan was shocked.

Park Quan nodded seriously and said: "Well, if I didn't guess wrong, if Qin Shi would force her to share, she would not dare to use jade."

A few people suddenly realized the point of ignorance, and their eyes once again looked at the battlefield of the rolling smoke.

Qin Shi was shot hundreds of meters away, and the black suffocating around the body was obviously weakened. The third blood sputum to be opened was completely suppressed at this moment.

"The town is evil and jade!"

He stared at the jade in the hands of Envy, and his mind gradually recovered a little. That jade is not the treasure of the Qin family in the past: Is the town evil?

It was this collapsed jade, and it was in the back mountain to suppress the demons.

"Oh, the power of the demon really surprised me." Yan Muhua gasped, and her eyes moved toward the palm of her hand, staring at the collapsed jade and grinning: "But as long as there is a collapsed jade in hand, you are not afraid that you can pull it out." What wave!"

"you try!"

Biting his teeth, Qin Shi got up and wanted to approach the envy.

But at this time, the demons totem on the left arm suddenly trembled, and a force invisibly controlled him: "Little guy, don't be impulsive, she has a jade in her hand, and my strength is not an opponent!"

Being blocked, Qin Shi was furious: "Bastard, you didn't say this to me before. You didn't say that if I accept you, would you give me enough to kill her?"


"I don't care, if you don't help me, I will kill her myself, but if I can't kill her, I will be killed by her. Then you can't be sure, you can do it yourself!" The stone did not give the devil a chance to speak. He whispered in his heart and jumped up.

Upon hearing this, the demon opened his mouth and suddenly had the urge to laugh and laugh. He was one of the two great deities in ancient times. When was he not respected?

Today, I was intimidated by such a small, stubborn hair.

But Qin Shi said yes, now the two are a grasshopper on the rope. If it is said that there is no jade in the hands of Yan Muhua, the demon is looking forward to Qin Shi being killed. At that time, it has the opportunity to make a choice.

But now, there is a town in the hands of Yan Muhua. If Qin Shi is really killed, he will definitely not be good.

He is very jealous of the collapse of jade, especially now that he is still in his early years.

"Oh, it’s a crazy little guy." Nothing helps, the demon is laughing: "But I like it, today is a serious injury, I will help you!"


The voice did not fall, and a rough suffocation rushed again, directly rolling up hundreds of meters of dust and sand.

"Envy, take the move!"

The suffocating gas rolled into the body, and Qin Shi’s painful screams, and immediately the whole body’s muscles burst out, holding the Nether’s sword and squatting toward the squatting peak of the admiration.


The palm lifted, and the admiration of Hua quickly moved sideways. After a residual image, she flew into the wind and sand like a ghost, and photographed it against the chest of Qin Shi.


Qin Shi reacted very quickly. When he looked back, his elbows provoked upwards. A black scorpion turned into a hard sword, and the pilgrimage to the face was picked up.

Being approached by the sword, Yan Muhua rushed back and forth, followed by her thin figure, and then flew up into the air and crossed the arc, holding the hand of the collapsed jade into the blood of Qin Shi’s forehead.眸 Approaching.

"Little guy, flashing open jade!"

The collapsed jade approached, and the demon screamed with a horror. Qin Shi bit his teeth and rushed to the second half of the step. He followed him with one hand and grabbed the arm of the envious Hua Bai, and took advantage of it.


Yan Muhua’s palm fell directly on the ground, and a hundred feet of giant pits came out of nowhere.

"Old thief, die!"

With this opportunity, Qin Shi stepped on the empty rock with one foot and suddenly kicked his toes against the chest of Admiral Hua, turning into a phantom of thousands of black.


A palm fell through the air, looking at the tens of thousands of phantoms, admiring the heart of China's cold, the next second of the sky fell thousands of thunder bolts, such as the stars falling in the vertical and horizontal slashing in front of the two.

At the moment when Qin Shizhen’s eyes retreat, Yan Muhua used his strength to spread the front, and the fist-handed confrontation was like a cold arrow, and this time, the electric light and the flint, the wolf smoke.

The two entered a ghost, a thunder, a shadow.

Suddenly, the whole process is just a short period of interest. Whenever the opponents are handed over, the earth will be shaken, the mountains and rivers will collapse, and the whole mountain will be burned. In addition to the broken sacred gate under the thunder, it is already an absurd ruin.


"This, is this the matchup of the strong?"

"It’s terrible, it’s not a human...”

Looking at this scene, everyone present was shocked.

This battle, whether it is Sùdù or the degree of attack, is not the existence of their participation, each collision is dimly dark, sun, moon and stars.


The two collided again, the formation of the power into the thunder of the sky, the thunder is mixed with suffocating, the two fight dragons, the battle continues.

Just Yu Wei, the birth of the Ye He to the earthquake flying hundreds of meters, a stream of blood spouted.

"Little guy, are you still not dying?"

Yan Muhua was furious and thundered out with one hand. In the thunder, there was a raging fire in the sky. The fire was turned into a fog like two halos. In fact, three thunder nets were formed in the air, and they rushed to Qin Shi: "Three thousand Thunder !"


Looking at the three-way thunder net, Qin Shi bite his teeth and lifted the Nether Sword into the sky, but it was turned into a lingering word in the middle of the rotation.


The wild collision, the mountain and river are broken again, split into two.

Yan Muhua flew up a hundred meters away, and the color behind it was cold and cold to the extreme. There was a horror and incredible: "This, how is this Kěnéng? Is he gradually able to control the demon?"

Before Qin Shi was controlled by evil spirits, it was just a random attack and killing, but now Qin Shi clearly dominates and can use martial arts.

This point, admiring Hua Zhangran's Zhang Dazui, just had a fight, even if she mastered the collapse of jade, but it did not hurt Qin Shi half.

"Oh, do you really think that you can win the collapse of jade? You can't control the collapsed jade now, relying on the deterrent force in it to suppress the demon, ridiculous!" Qin Shi also retreated 100 meters, steady After holding the body, he raised the Nether Sword and scolded.

Of course, this words had just been said by him, and the demons totems began to tremble madly. In the heart of the demon, there was a feeling of being a thief boat. Is this obviously cheap and sold?

Hearing this statement, Yan Muhua's face is gloomy and cold: "Oh, Qin Shi, you really have a bit of skill, you can control the power of the demon to this extent."

"But, therefore, I can't let you go, today is a big fight, I will kill you in the cradle!"


When the voice fell, Yan Muhua took a deep breath, and immediately saw her face began to change gradually. It became pale little by little, and the rolling spirit gathered at the palm of her hand.

In the next second, the collapsed jade slowly floated up.

The collapse of the jade suspension, the wild spirit, the people present at the same time lost, as if the mind is completely sucked by the collapse of jade.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shi frowned at some accident: "What do she want to do?"

The demon suddenly burst into amazement and said: "The little guy, pull it away, this stinky girl wants to wake up the body of the collapsed jade based on itself. It’s really fucking!"

"Is it a jade?"

"What about nonsense? Run fast, the body of the collapsed jade hit, not to mention you, even in the heyday, I may not be able to block!" The demon whispered with a whisper, and the voice was full of fear.

"What?" Qin Shi opened his mouth and realized the horror of this attack. He did not dare to pinch his fists in a big way. He got up and wanted to step back.

"Want to run? Late!"

Yan Muhua whispered, and immediately saw her squirting squirting bright red blood, the fine blood fell on the collapsed jade, and slowly infiltrated into the collapsed jade, followed by the green radiance of the collapsed jade The beating between the formation of thousands of swords, straight to Qin Shi.


Just in the blink of an eye, the sword crossed 10,000 meters.

The sword shredded the space, and the universe seemed to be the end of the world. The gravel on the earth was crushed into powder.

Looking back, Qin Shi was shocked, but it was too late to dodge. The Sùd of this thousand swords was too fast: "Hey... this power is terrible."

The demon trembled as if he had encountered an unprecedented fear, but in the next second it was struggling, suddenly touching the demons totem, and then the sigh of the sky gathered together, and eventually became a fierce black beast, this beast was full. Kilometers, the dragon head of the lion, full of respect.

This fierce beast is not the demon body?


The beast screamed, the demon drove in the fog, and greeted the thousands of green arrows, and the two crashed into thousands of light, forming a group of light spots.


During the encounter, the arrow swayed, the demon was directly pierced, and the painful screams, and the black suffocating air suddenly broke into chaotic quicksand.


Qin Shi’s worried roar.

At this moment, his Zhīdào was a demon who saved him, and his cognition of the demon suddenly changed a lot.

It seems that it is not as sinister as the rumors. On the contrary, compared with those sacred justice sects, there is a bit more truth, goodness and beauty.

The group was suffocating, and the brain returned to the demons totem. The demon trembled voice recalled: "Rabbit scorpion, this time I will help you block it, you remember that you owe me, the next time I wake up, I will never spare you. !"

In the end, the voice became more and more fragile. The demon sacrificed the last black suffocation in the body, forming a armor-like entanglement on the body of Qin Shi, and went to sleep.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi’s innocent eyes He was really curious. If he could not leave alive, the demon woke up and really asked him to settle accounts. Is it necessary to dig the graves?

Of course, he dared to think about this matter. Now he is more worried about how to get out of here. The power of the evil spirits quickly dies in the body, winning the heavens, the mysterious spirits, the kings, and his body.

The beginning of the king's spirit.

This weak force, under the cover of envy of the envy, has caused his legs to tremble, not to mention fighting with admiration.

"Don't it really be ruined here?"

A panic, greet my heart, Qin Shi shuddered with some horror.

"This time, see who can save you!" Envy Hua Wei began to look up, the original beauty of the face is a bit embarrassed, a long burst of sound, like the phantom to the Qin stone.

"The man who saved him is here!"

Suddenly, a black shadow passed, and I saw a black saber-toothed tiger with full body hair, dancing with claws toward envy: "Little guy, give it to me, run!"

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