Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 567: Blood wizard

"Blood Wizard?"

Upon hearing this title, Qin Shi could not help but frown.

"Hey, how about Xiao Pet? I said before, this group of you is not an opponent. You have to insist on not listening. Now it’s good. You have been killed by a film, don’t stay, let me know. "Is it a shot?" A shrill sneer sounded in the hall, and as soon as the sound came out, the atmosphere in the hall became obviously strange.

In the strange, the earth of the church suddenly turned into blood red, a layer of blood rose from the earth, and indifferently gathered in midair, forming a **** light group.

On the light group, there is a slight crack, and the crack continues to spread around, until the end of the 'Pig' pig's 'Island' novel www.(zhu)(zhu)().om bottom broken, from the light A thin figure was found in the group. The figure was covered with black mist and unusual mystery.

"Is he?" Lin Yu was shocked.

Feeling the abnormality of Lin Yu, Qin Shi’s curious question: “Xiao Yuzi, do you know him?”

Lin Yu’s murderous voice, said: “How can I not know, if it is counted, he is the real culprit of my father!”

"The real culprit who killed your father?"

"Well, you still can't remember, I told you before in the Qiongzhi volcano that my father was misunderstood a hundred years ago and wanted to find a long-term drug. As a result, Xiao Chong Queen found a wizard for my father."

Wrinkled, Qin Shi suddenly remembered: "The wizard, is he?"

"Yes, it is him, I always thought that he had already left, I did not expect that he was still in the empire after a hundred years." Lin Yu stared at the blood wizard, biting his teeth.

Qin Shi suddenly realized.

Taking advantage of the conversation between the two, the flower leaps to the side, revealing a touch of dignity and jealousy, saying: "Little guy, be careful, this person is not simple."

"Isn't it simple?" Qin Shi's weird eyes are zero, and people who can make flowers are so jealous, this red empire is rare.

Hua zero does not hide in the head, said: "Well, I can feel that this person's cultivation is not related to me, even in some cases, above me, if I guess wrong, he It is likely that it has reached half a step and five days."

"What?" Qin Shi was shocked, and the black-blooded and unrecognizable blood-blooded wizard explored: "You said, he has a half-step five-day situation?"

"Yeah." The flower is zero and low: "No wonder Xiao Cun was so calm before, and there is such a personal thing behind him."

"In this case, he should be the real cuddling of Xiao Chong." Qin Shi is also heavy, this thing is a bit serious, half-step five-day repair, even if it is zero, why not.

Lin Yu heard from the side, the whole person was embarrassed, half a five-day situation was enough to sweep the red inflammation, and finally suppressed: "Stone, if you have to, this throne I can not."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi smashed the gods, and immediately took the shoulders of Lin Yu, and condensed the dignity on the look, revealing a smile: "Hey, what do you say, I said that if you become king, you must Will make you become king and emperor, this throne only you can sit, others, rest!"


"Nothing!" Qin Shi directly interrupted, said: "Don't say that he has not reached the five-day situation, even if he is really a five-day situation, then what can I do? My Qin Shi this life, the most dissatisfied It’s life."

"Hey, a bunch of little guys, are you finished? After you finish, can you start playing, who are you coming first, one by one, or together? How can you do it?" Blood wizard half sitting On the **** light group, a few taunts stared at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s heart sinks.

The flower squinted and the first jumped forward: "Oh, it’s really embarrassing, let me come to meet you first!"

"it is good!"

The blood wizard's wrist was hard, and the body of a shock suddenly slammed forward. Before the trend approached to the scent of the flower, he smiled and said: "Hey, the little beauty is good. If I win, how about staying with me tonight?"

Spend a heart and a cold: "That depends on whether you live or not until the evening!"

"Well, you can rest assured that I will keep your beautiful little face." The blood wizard was stunned, and the dry palm was empty and shattered against the purple chest.


The two forces of the sky have exploded in the hall.

The flower zero and blood wizards rushed out of the court and rushed to the heights.


Under the influence of Yu Wei, Xiao Chong was not idle. She jumped directly from the ceiling and held a token of spiritual power in her hand. She said: "Yu Linjun, Qing Yumen, Lushan Zong, the disciples of the disciples, Together to kill this group of rebels!"

When Xiao Chong’s order came out, the Imperial City suddenly rioted and rushed out thousands of disciples from the forest outside the city. Among them were the royal guards, and the disciples of Qing Qimen and Lushan Zong directly entered the city.

The war has continued.

When thousands of people came out, Lin Yu was not willing to show weakness: "Lin family disciples, meet the enemy!"


Hundreds of Lin disciples have long lurked near the palace, and after removing the instructions, they unloaded the disguise and smothered the crowd outside the city.

Qin Shi wrapped the black robe tightly and took the squatting beside the lower body. He said: "Go to the Qinzong disciple."


"Wait a minute!" Ling Xiaogang got up, Qin Shi looked changed, and turned back to Xiaoyue Road: "Middle-moon seniors, you are the body of the spirit, here is not for you, you and my Qinzong elders go first."

Speaking of this, he waved one hand and grabbed the tragic wooden heart corpse and handed it to Ling Xiaodao: "You will hand over the screaming seniors to my master for a while, let him bring the whistling predecessors back to Qin. Zong, then through the **** bursts, to help the younger generation of the body to cast the body."

Listening to Qin Shi's close arrangement, Xiaoyue's heart is not warm, at this critical moment, Qin Shi has not forgotten her, trembled: "Little guy, grateful words will not say the old, this pregnant spirit warm jade For you, maybe it will come in handy."


Qin Shi bowed his head and held a piece of jade on the dry hand of Xiaoyue. This jade is very strange. He just put his hand on the jade and sent it back with a warm feeling. It is very comfortable.

"This pregnant spirit warm jade, is in the volcanic volcano before, Wu Tong through the volcanic magma, plus hundreds of natural animal remnants of the beasts, has a powerful healing effect on the soul." Xiaoyue weak road.

At the beginning, I still want to quit, but I heard that it has a very powerful healing effect on the soul. Qin Shi could not help but move his mind. Although the jade in the book has healed, but still in a coma, this pregnant spirit may not be able to Help her?

At the thought of this, Qin Shi will accept the warming jade.

Qin Shi accepted, Xiaoyue and Yan smiled: "Yu will be handed over to you."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi's eyes stunned, nodded decisively: "Well, you can rest assured that the whistle-blood predecessors, you will be able to meet again."

Seeing Ling Xiao with the whistling away, Qin Shi whole person dignified.

When the war started, Lin Yu and Fang Heng met again. Lin Biao, Fang Xin’s three sisters, and Nanyue’s six princes all joined the battlefield.

The disciples of Xuan Dian also participated in the war under the command of the elders of Sanqing.

The war has become more and more fierce, and it has exceeded the expectations of the people. Before that, the city was still a wireless city. At this time, it was like **** on earth. The fire of the sky was falling with the Tianhe River, and the half-walled city fell into a collapse.


At this time, a sudden explosion came from high altitude, and only a shadow was shot down.

This shadow drags three thousand long hair like snow, isn’t it the main flower of the hall of the temple?

"The Lord!"

"Flower sister!"

All the people were shocked, and the flower zero was defeated?

This is something they can't imagine.

"Hey, this is the so-called red inflammation first? Is it just that? Little beauty, it seems that you are going to accompany me tonight." The blood witch's harsh laughter passed down.

Xiao Chou Yan Yan Daxi, although there are many people on the field, but what really makes her jealous is only spend zero. In her opinion, as long as the blood wizard can defeat the flower zero, the rest are only small.

Qin Shirenren shrank and jumped into the air without hesitation. He hugged the flowers: "Are you injured?"

"A little injury, not in the way!" The flower was struggling to get up, and on her left shoulder, five bright red blood appeared.

"Is it so heavy that it hurts?" Qin Shi frowned and frowned. "If we join hands, do you think you can win this blood wizard?"

The wound on the shoulder was silent for a while, and the flower bite the lips of the cherry lips: "Difficult, from the point of view of the opponent, this person is far more powerful than me."

"Difficult, that is to say, there is hope?" Qin Shi licked the cracked corner of his mouth. He said: "I hope there is no hope. I will hold him for a while, you will treat the wound." Ok, then we teamed up."

The flower was smashed and frowned: "Can you hold him?"

"I don't know, but if I hold him for a while, there should be no problem." Qin Shi did not boast of the mouth. The blood wizard was too strong. He did not grasp it at all. He said, "Let's hurry up, don't let me wait too. Long."

When I heard Qin Shi’s words, I was hesitant about it. Now I can only do this. I didn’t nod in nonsense, and I started to work with the power of the knees.

"Carry your temple master!"

Seeing the flower zero began to heal, Qin Shi rushed to the Xuan Dian's Sanqing elders and gave a low voice, then the body under the black robe was The expression revealed a heavy weight.

Stepping into the air, Qin Shihei locked the blood wizard: "Next, I will be your opponent."

"Why, is this a replacement? But the people who have been in the past three days are not allowed to send you a two-day-old boy. Is this coming to death?" The blood wizard's accidental irony.

In the face of the blood witch's teasing, Qin Shi shrugged and said: "Is it coming to death? You can try it!"

"Oh, it's a funny kid, you are Qin Shi, just as you are my goal, then kill you first." The blood wizard's look changed, and directly rushed out of Qin Shi.

call out!

As soon as the offensive was approaching, Qin Shi did not dare to care. He quickly stepped back a few steps, and the whole person fell into meditation: "He just said that I am also his goal? What is the origin of this person?"


Unexpectedly, he should not be allowed to think more. The position he had previously blasted out of the air, revealing a deep hole in the space.

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