Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 588: 1 more

"Hundreds of races? What is that?" Qin Shi tightened his brow.

Lin Wei and Fang Xin’s three sisters looked at each other and could see from their blinks that they attached great importance to this hundred races.

In the end, Lin Yan sighed: "The Bai ethnic group is a competition in the territory of the Baizu, organized every ten years. Only the younger generation can participate in this competition. The final ranking will determine the family of each of the Baizu. Ranking, the last session of the Baizu group, if I remember correctly, it should be the champion of the Yin family where Fang Wei’s sister is, the second is Guo, the third is my Lin, and the fourth is Yan. Family, the fifth is the blood family where Fang Xin’s sister is. This is the top five rankings of the previous session. The family of Fang Feng’s sister seems to be ranked 32nd?

"= pig = pig = island = novel = www = zhuua = ah, the last session, we have internal disorder, so the Bai ethnic group has been sluggish and barely qualified." Fang Feng did not hide the road.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi’s heart could not help but be shocked. Especially in the eyes of the other phoenix, there was a bit of surprise. He thought: “I didn’t expect that the family of the three sisters of Fang Xin’s family would be so strong. Especially This Fang Feng is actually the first family. It is really a human being."

"What about the dragon?" Qin Shi asked.

"Dragons...!" mentioned this, Lin Biao four people are heavy: "This hundred years, the tenth group competition, the Dragons are not participating, and now no one knows what their strength is, but if the brother-in-law said, This dragon tooth has four days, which shows how the strength of the dragon family is not to be underestimated. To know the top of this dragon tooth, there is also one of the most enchanting geniuses in the centuries, called Bai Bai!

"Dragon white?" The name Qin Shi heard.

"Well, this dragon is white, this year should be just over twenty, but he was in a secret exploration three years ago. With one person, hundreds of people were slaughtered. Among these hundreds of people are the elders of my Lin family. The power of the four-day world."

"Three years ago? Can you kill four days? What is the enchanting speed of cultivation?" Qin Shi was shocked.

If it is said that if you change to an old guy who is over half a year old and can kill four days in three years, Qin Shi may not be in the heart. After all, fifty years of cultivation will reach four days. In the last three years, it is the peak of four days, but it is different for this dragon. It must be known that this white dragon was only seventeen years old, and it is almost seven years old. That is to say, this dragon has reached the four-day world in only 12 years. This kind of anti-day talent has given him three years of growth, and now there is no limit.

"Yeah." Lin Wei Jiao Rong Tieqing: "If the Dragons really participate in this group of races, it is this one-on-one, no one in the Baizu can deal with."

"What is the use of this champion?"

"Accordingly speaking, this champion is only a ranking, it is a kind of honor among the Baizu, but this year's group competition is not the same. This year, I don't know why countless small families jumped out and asked this year's group champion to lead the Baizu. When it comes to this, Lin Yu resentfully said: "I didn't understand before. For these small families, even if they are the champions of the group, they can lead the Baizu. It is impossible to win with their cultivation, but listen to the brother-in-law. As soon as I said, I understand that the dragons will be engaged in ghosts."

"Well, if this is the case, then it will be said." Qin Shi nodded with approval, but he raised some taboos on the dragon. After all, a family that can forbear a hundred years is just this calm heart. It is not a stream of rats.

Fang Xin worried: "If this is the case, then the Dragons' preparations must be sufficient. The matter must be reported immediately to the family. Otherwise, the family will be difficult."

Fang Wei and Fang Feng lightly daggered, and Mei Jun was looking forward to it.

Lin Qi squeezed the jade hand, can be seen that she is also very worried, after all, Lin is to raise her land to her, is her hometown.

However, the three sisters of Lin Biao and Fang Xin are different. The three sisters are married to the Baizu. They are already the people of the Baizu. On the contrary, the empire has too much concern for her. The most important thing is Lin Yu. .

"Lin, don't worry, Xiaoyuzi is more mature than you think. He is not a child. He can manage the empire." Looking at Lin's worries, Qin Shi smiled: "In addition, you are not not. came back."

"Call...!" Lin Biao screamed and shook his head in frustration: "I am afraid that this will never return. The dragon's power is far stronger than imagined."

"You don't have to worry about this."

"Hmmm?" Lin Xi and Fang Xin's three sisters are puzzled and look forward to Qin Shi: "Sister, what do you mean by this?"

"I promised Rakshasa, protect you, and your family. If you have something to do, then what other faces do I have to come back to see Rakshasa? If this little thing is not doing well, if you are losing faith in people, How can I give my child an example in the future?" Qin Shi shrugged and said: "So, I will follow you on this trip."

"No!" Unexpectedly, the four interrupted Qin Shi at the same time: "You can't go, the rumor is needing you now, you have to stay with her, and this time it is too dangerous. If you have something, how do we? Tell the rumors?"

"This is the meaning of Rakshasa. Some sisters can rest assured, and I am going to the Baizu just to be on the way. My goal is to be on the whole continent. If the Baizu is blocked by this little dragon, then I have nothing. Qualifications say that this continent should be traversed." Qin Shi mouth corners up, that moment his gas field went straight into the sky: "I want my woman, I want my child, become the most happy person on this wild land." So I can't be slow."

Qin Shi’s gas field surprised the four people. Fang Feng couldn’t help but step back and shuddered.

Lin Wei felt the heat of Qin Shi. For a moment, I didn’t know why the heart was calming down. All the previous concerns seemed to be picked up by the breeze.

At this point, she finally understood why Qin Zong can carry forward in Qin Shi's hands. Why Qin Shi can become the backbone of so many people, it is just this domineering momentum, it is not ordinary people can show.

"You decided?"

"Well, I decided. Actually, I came to see you. I just want to tell you, I want to go back to the Hundreds of People with you." When it comes to this, Qin Shi takes a deep breath and respects the eagle. "In fact, I Going to the Baizu, there is one more thing besides Raksha."

Speaking of this, Qin Shi is very serious: "Lin, I and Xiao Yuzi are not brothers, but their feelings are better than their brothers. This kind of thing should have been done by Xiao Yuzi, but now he is an imperial king. The empire can't be without a day, it must be innocent, so let me replace Xiaoyuzi, Linyi treats me like a son, let me do filial piety for you."

Although, because of the reason of Yuluo, Qin Shi and this group of people have some confusion, but his heart is clear.

Lin Yu was in the desert town. On behalf of Qin Tianqing and Qiong Shuyao, just like the parents of his generation, he was a brother. He had a difficult time in Lin Biao, and he had to stand up.

"Good!" Lin's voice whimpered, and the moving beauty was red. She patted Qin Shi's shoulders hard: "Yuer can have you brother, the greatest blessing in his life."

"Lin Wei, you are wrong, I can know him, it is the greatest blessing in my life." Qin Shi’s mind, all these four years ago, he and Lin Yu met the picture, lingering.

Who knows who, who is honored, who can tell?

However, in any case, the two names of Lin Yu and Qin Shi have been circulated in the future for thousands of years, becoming the immortal story of the Red Yan Empire.

To Lin Biao showed his heart, Qin Shi began to have a headache, and then what he had to do was how to convince his wonderful old man.

"Hey, let him know, he must not let me go." In my heart, Qin Shi came to Qin Zong's residence.

Unexpectedly, he just knocked on the door of Qin Tianqing, and a rough voice rang in the ear: "Rabbit scorpion, come to me, do you want to say goodbye to me?"

"Ah?" Qin Shiyi, looking at Qin Tianqing who is making tea on the chair, was inexplicably surprised: "Hey, how do you know?"

"Don't forget, you are my son." Qin Tianqing put down the teacup and looked up: "You kid, can be safe for so long, I am very contented, what are your plans?"

"I want to go to the Baizu first. I promised Luosha to help Lin."

"Help Lin Lin? Lin Lin what happened to them?"

"This is the case...!" Qin Shi relayed the events of the Baizu to Qin Tianqing.

Hearing this, Qin Tianqing acknowledged: "If this is the case, you really should have passed, and then how can you say that they are our relatives?" When it came to this, Qin Tianqing paused: "When is the preparation for departure?"

"On these two days, one month later is the Bai ethnic group, and there must be a lot of things to be prepared during this period, so the sooner you can rush, the better." Qin Shi explained.

"Are you in Arroyo, are you arranged?"

"I think, let you and your mother take care of her." Qin Shi held a fist, with bitterness in his voice.

In fact, the last thing he wants to trouble is his parents. After all, his parents have raised him for so many years. Now he has not bothered his parents, but he has to trouble them.

"Bad boy, this is deserved, you are the pride of our Qin family, as long as you don't forget what you said at the beginning, you must make Qin Zong Qin family grow up~ all on your shoulders There can be no scornfulness." Qin Tianqing looked through Qin Shi and took a heavy shot on his shoulder.

Qin Shizhen’s point is so decisive.

"If I said it, I will do it." Qin Shi looked up and turned to Qin Tianqing. Suddenly, he slammed on the ground and slammed three rings in a row.

"Bad boy, what are you doing?" Qin Tianqing quickly helped Qin Shi.

Qin Shi has decided to shake his head: "Hey, children are not filial, can not always accompany you and my mother's side, this trip I will leave the empire, the days after we meet will be less, you and your mother to take care of themselves."

A few simple voices made Qin Tianqing's old eyes red, and when he was in the deserted town, Qin Shigang returned to the Qin family and was at home. At that point, he took out the entire empire, but now it is a glimpse, but it will be facing the whole continent.

"Well, let's do it boldly, take out the day that belongs to you, remember that no matter where you are, you are the son of Qin Tianqing, you are all proud of you."

"Children remember."

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