Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 596: 1 stroke

"What, what? You have a marriage contract?" The **** dragon's decadent appearance, all of a sudden, the spirit of the mouth, the boss of the mouth, even a duck can lay down: "That, what is your relationship with Cher?"

"Sister, Xue has long known that I have a marriage contract. She also knows that you like her, but your kid is too overbearing to do anything. He only knows how to use force and does not understand the mind of a woman." Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "After the Hundreds of Heroes, the young master will give you a good lesson to ensure that you will be beautiful, how?"

"Really?" The **** dragon listened, and he liked the quickest steps in the first two steps. He sneaked a tear and grabbed the hand of Qin Shi: "Brother, big brother, as long as you help me get the snow, later You are my big brother."

"That; pig; pig; island; novel www.zhuzhu+ I ask you, I am a leader, can you not listen to my orders?"

"Listen, don't say this, you just let me go to the sea under the knife. If my blood dragon is frowning, I am not a man." The blood dragon patted his chest and promised.

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction: "Go, rest assured, you only need to know more about Cher, she will be yours sooner or later."

"Well!" The **** dragon before the scorpion, completely turned into gratitude, rushed to the Qin Shi three 躬, this is full of joy and jumped off the table.

The whole name is over, so that the people on the stage are all dumbfounded. The second challenge is Qin Feng, Yin Feng is very handsome, is a standard handsome guy, and when he comes to Taiwan, he is lost. White skin and even women must envy a few points, hands in their pockets: "Qin brother, what is this fascinating soup for the blood dragon?"

"Oh, nothing, just tell him, I have a marriage contract, so that he does not have to worry, and promised him to help him pursue Cher." Qin Shi shrugged.

Yin Feng suddenly realized, but he said: "You really want to take my sister to buy people's hearts?"

"Haha, or deal with him such a rough person, other methods are not effective." Qin Shi Lang Lang laughed, and immediately took a step back and opened the battle.

"Well, no matter what method you use, at least you must beat me first, and you should not blame me for listening. After all, the Yin people have a thousand years of foundation, and I don't want to give him to someone who has no ability."

"That is a good brother, not as good as us. Everyone is fighting for the race. If you run out of power now, it will be affected after three days. Is it better for us to win?"

"One trick?" Yin Feng frowned.

Qin Shi’s voice was very loud, not only Yin Feng’s voice was heard, but hundreds of people present in the audience gathered in his ears. Yin Hong and Lin Yi did not understand: “What a stupid kid is doing?”

"Are you sure?" Silence for a while, Yin Feng opened his mouth.

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "My Qin Shi has always been a must, and is it really uncertain?"

"Oh, fun, then I will accompany you. If you can win me by one stroke, then I will not fight for this leader. I will be assured that the Yin people will give you." Yin Fengqi himself is Wu Chi, this time Qin Shi evoked the bath fire in his heart and stepped back a few steps.

Only two hundred meters apart, they stopped.

At the moment of stopping, the atmosphere around the battle platform suddenly became serious. The people on the field were holding their breath and staring at the two people intently. This move will be a victory, and that move will be earth-shattering.

"Qin brother, can you be ready?"

Qin Shi smiled and nodded: "Nature."

"Then I have to shoot!" When Yin Hong stabilized his figure, a hand suddenly opened, and immediately saw his arm, turned into a fire-colored wing, this wing is full of thirty feet The fire that burns on the wings makes the water in the air sublimate, and the half-walled sky turns into red.

"Is the Yin family blood wing?"

"Thirty feet, I did not expect Yin Feng's Yin blood wing, has been cultivated to this extent? Even if it is the Yin family, it is only barely able to reach fifty feet?"

"Well, the Yin family's blood wing is the eighth-order martial arts, and it is still superior to the eighth-order martial arts. This is interesting. With the spiritual power of the Yin brother, this blow is even the power of the first five days. Confrontation, may not fall in the wind, I would like to blame this Qin Shi, rely on what to resist." Hou Qiangu and Lin Fangze mouth rising, revealing a few mockery.

Several homeowners were under the battle platform, Lin Yi and Xue Xiongfei, Hou Wanqian three enviously said: "Oh, Yin Jiazhu, it seems that you Yin family, successor?"

"Well, the talent of Feng Feng is very good. I think that in a few years, I will be able to support my life." Yin Hong laughed with relief.

The blood wings unfolded, and the air around them began to converge into a rolling fire bubble. The bubbles continued to form a whirlpool, pointing to Qin Shi: "Qin Xiong, this blow, if you block it, I will win you."

"Oh, that Yin brother, you have to talk and count." Under the pressure of the bubble vortex, Qin Shi never drank before, he still stunned this Yin Feng, left his left hand behind him, from the bottom of his heart to the swallow Heaven: "The demon will lend me your strength."

The demons totem flashed a few points under the black robe: "What? Want me to shoot?"

"Well, this blow, I have to win."

"Okay, 30 million Lingshi." The devil's lazy opening.

"What do you want Lingshi to do?"

"Of course, it is used to restore physical strength. Do you think that my spiritual power is not the money for the cabbage in the vegetable market? This kid’s trick has touched the power of five days and will definitely consume a lot of my spiritual power." The demon did not have a good voice.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shi is full of black lines: "Even if you consume more, but you can't consume 30 million Lingshi, you can't consume it."

"Then you see, you have boasted out of Haikou. At this time, if I don't take the opportunity to blackmail, I am not sorry to stay with you for so long?"

"What does this have to do with staying with me for so long?"

"Because this is all with you."

"You...!" Qin Shi's teeth clenched, full of anger, but nothing, just nodded: "Yes, I promise you, but you don't give me the chain!"

"Get ready for Lingshi."

There is no nonsense in the demon. The next Qin Shi will feel the left arm swell, and the rolling suffocating under the black robe will bring together the power of fury in his palm.

Feeling this power, Qin Shi’s heart is inexplicably shocked. This power has far surpassed the existence that he can control. He is sure that if there is no evil demon, it will be the current suffocation on his left hand, and he will be able to counter him.


Suddenly rising suffocating, such as a deep valley dragon, suddenly spread the wings to cover the Lin family, half of the Lin family fell into the shadow.

Lin Yi, Yin Hong, Xue Xiongfei, Hou Wanqian, and the influence of the four majors have changed dramatically. The power of this suffocation has made them begin to taboo: "What is this power? This Qin Xiaozi, three days, How could it have harnessed this power?"

"This power, even if we are, don't dare to say that it is easy to stop."

"Catch the front, or you have to make a big deal!"

Yin Hongmeng stood up, and the color of excitement disappeared before, leaving only fear and panic. Unexpectedly, when he just wanted to speak, everything was too late, and the two afterimages were relatively stabbed on the platform like a sword.

call out!

The confrontation unfolded in a moment, and compared to Yin Feng's red blood wing, Qin Shi was only a fist wrapped in her arms.

However, this is a seemingly ordinary fist, but above it is the thrilling force that even the four masters are moving, suddenly colliding with Yin Feng's blood wing.


The huge platform collapsed directly, and the square collapsed. The battle platform was first turned into large chunks of gravel. Then the gravel only lasted for a few minutes, spreading an invisible heat wave from the central position to the eight sides. The gravel that was swept by the heat wave was directly crushed into powder and turned into dust.


A loud noise, this has not stopped, the earth is still falling, 30 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters.

The entire Lin family sag went down, and the ancient trees of the square kilometers were smashed, and even the hard-spirited stone of the towering spirits left a spurred gully on the top.

The onlookers, some who are inferior, are directly stunned by the heat wave.

"Quickly, otherwise it will collapse."

Four masters of the pupils gathered together, and at the same time kneaded the cumbersome handprints, and the solid barriers on all sides were sacrificed, trying to block this power.

This violent shock has lasted for half a column of incense, and the sweat of the beans has flowed from the forehead of the four homeowners. Obviously, in order to resist this catastrophe, they also consumed intense spiritual power.

The shock subsided, and the people who were still awake were also stunned. Looking at the sacred tiankeng in front of them, the dragons rolled one after another.

"How, how can it be like this?"

"This, this is really just a blow? Is it so horrible?"

Who can think of it, it is just the fight of two younger generations, and the one-handed fight has caused such a serious misery?

"What about you?"

Yin Hong's old eyes were red, and the heat wave had just dissipated. He even jumped up and rushed into the dust of the center.


At this moment, the two figures suddenly burst out of the sand, two figures, a black robe, a white gown, black robes are not intended to be Qin Shi, and the white gown is naturally Yin Feng.

The appearance of the two made the audience clear, but from the wear of the two I did not know the final result for a while: "This, who won this?"

"Hey!!" Yin Hong stopped for half a beat, grabbed Yin Feng and said: "How are you?"

Yin Feng shook his head, and the clear blink of an eye converges. He squeezes his fist and walks to Qin Shi’s side: "Qin Xiong, I served, the leader of the Baizu group, is not yours."

A few short words, the field is awkward.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, but look at it, it should be Qin Shi won."

In the surprise of many people, Yin Fengyi can never forget what happened just now. His **** wings and Qin Shi collided, and that force caused a whirlpool of the sky.

He deeply remembered that the whirlpool is like a sickle's sickle, and even the space is cut through, almost in the next second, he can swallow him, and in that urgent situation, Qin Shi is only With the help of the hand, the whirlpool of the spirit will be shattered.

For this reason, there was a second shock.

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