Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 638: Yu Wenzhao

Kong Xianhui taps the dagger.

Affirmed, Qin Shi no longer nonsense, he stepped forward two steps, standing in the position of Kong Xianhui induction, his left hand extended **** from the sleeves.

The closure of the **** causes a strong magnetic field in an instant, the staggering of the electric light and the flint between the magnetic fields, a tumbling Thunder dragon curling up, and the dragons screaming.


With a low drink, Thunder Dragon sharply penetrated the earth, and the thunderbolt on the bluestone plate exploded, and the crack of a tile seam spread quickly, and the position of the three-meter square was quickly turned into a spider web.

But the accident is that the earth cracked into a spider web, but it did not collapse, but it was firmly bonded together, just like solid glass.

Qin Shi frowned, and one hand wanted to turn the stone away. Unexpectedly, these gravel were exceptionally strong and seemed to be attracted by the power of terror, and could not be separated from the earth.

"This secret passage has been set up with a social taboo. The ordinary spiritual power can't hurt it." Kong Xianhui said from the side.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shicai suddenly realized that his fingers slid into the seams, and a strong impact was poured into the sea, which made his brows wrinkle and quickly stabilized the sea.

"Drink, strong soul fluctuations." Qin Shi licked the mouth of his mouth, and immediately raised his chest: "However, it is difficult to live in this way? Insane thinking..."

Soul taboos may be an absolute barrier to ordinary people. The soul that has just rushed to the impact of the soul, even the power above the heavens, may not be able to shake here.

But for Qin Shi, this trouble is still not troublesome.

"Da Lili decided..."

The five fingers smashed from the chest, and nearly a hundred purple screams jumped out. Every smoldering fire was filled with a strong soul power, and finally embedded in the crack of the tile joint.


When the smoldering fire came out, the unbreakable soul was taboo, and instantly collapsed like a **** filled with rivers and floods. There was an invisible wave of air under the tile joints. The waves were constantly smashing between the smoldering fires.

Wait until the blast is gone, and a bottomless crypt appears in front of the two.

"Should it be here?" Qin Shichao Kong Xianhui greeted him, he was about to enter the crypt.

But at this time, Kong Xianhui suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shi's incomprehensible question.

Kong Xianhui's face is very stunned, her expression is very tangled. Seeing her like this, Qin Shi said again: "I said my sister, what is the matter, I will say that when I wait for this, everyone will be back. At that time, things will be troublesome. I can Don't want to die here."

Urged by Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui sighed: "Do you want to be clear?"

"Thinking about what?" Qin Shi suddenly blinked.

"Would you like to help me clearly? Once you help me find my soul, then you will offend the chaotic domain and bring you huge troubles. This trouble is not as simple as you think." Kong Xianhui said this. The voice is a bit low: "If you regret it, you still have time."

Qin Shi suddenly realized, and smiled freely. "What is it that I am, is this thing? I don't have to think about it, I have already known it. I said that if I want to help you, I will definitely help you."

Qin Shi’s response made Kong Xianhui move. She even saw no hesitation on Qin Shi’s face: “Don’t you be afraid?”

"Afraid? What are you afraid of? In a chaotic domain? Although I don't know what relationship you have with the chaotic domain, I really haven't put the chaotic domain in my heart, and I have already offended it once. Is it difficult to be afraid of the second time?" "Qin Shi shrugged: "But I am very curious, how can you offend the chaotic domain?"

Apparently, Kong Xianhui was moved by the words of Qin Shi. The girl is like this, so this time, there is no rush to reject Qin Shi, the slight redness of the beautiful, and smile: "You still remember that I said before. I also loved it?"

"Remember, fall in love with a scum man."

"Yes, it is him, he is in a chaotic field, a rare enchanting in a hundred years: Yu Wenyu..."

"Yu Wenhao?" Qin Shi blinked: "Sure enough, he? It seems that there is nothing wrong with blacklisting him."

"Do you know him?" Kong Xianhui was very surprised.

Qin Shi nodded, not concealing: "I don't want you, before I was outside, I heard the crowd of wild nights, and I mentioned this person, it seems that he is retreating."

"Retreat?" Kong Xianhui was disappointed: "It seems that he finally started to impact on that level?"

"What level? What level?"


"What? Domain?" Qin Shiyi widened his eyes.

Kong Xianhui nodded undecidedly: "Yu Wenyu, a chaotic enchanting man, is called a young master. He had a nine-day martyrdom three years ago. He is the most talented genius in the thousands of years."

Hearing this, Qin Shi’s stunned, this Yuwen’s strength is too horrible, right? Domain? That is Qin Shi’s existence only heard in rumors.

"That is to say, the resentment between you and the chaotic domain, is it because of this Yuwen?"

Kong Xianhui shook his head: "No, it should be said that it was because of the conspiracy of the chaotic domain that I and Yu Wenqi had this relationship... He was close to me, just for chaos."

"Why?" Qin Shi asked.

But when it comes to this, Kong Xianhui’s hands are tight and the position of the bones is slightly white. It can be seen that she is very painful.

"If you forget it, don't want to mention it." Feeling Kong Xianhui's appearance, Qin Shi is very interested in swinging his hand. He knows this kind of thing and can't help it.

Three years ago, she had a great influence on Kong Xianhui. She had not completely walked out of it. She needed time. Qin Shi believed that when the time was ripe, Kong Xianhui would be willing to talk to him, but that was all the future. Now The most important thing is how to help Kong Xianhui find his soul.

"Let's go, let's go."

Qin Shi took Kong Xianhui and did not hesitate to step into the crypt. This time, Kong Xianhui did not struggle, but was full of gratitude.

Entering the crypt, the surrounding is dark as night, the rock is very humid, this feeling is very bad.

Moreover, Qin Shi can feel that after sinking in this crypt, the spiritual power in his body is stunned by a huge force and cannot be mobilized in Dantian.

This feeling, Qin Shi is no stranger: "Here is the seal of the enchantment? It seems that things are not as simple as imagined."

He licked his mouth, but Qin Shi was a magician. The spirit of the fire flashed from the applause, and the darkness in the crypt gradually dissipated.

This crypt is very deep, with only a crooked path leading to the depths of the ground. Kong Xianhui followed the Qin Shi, and they walked nearly a kilometer, only to see the end.

After the small road, it is a huge open space.

In the center of the open space, there are four golden dragon columns, and the dragon pillars support the wild nights above. There was a faint candlelight over the dragon pillar, and the candlelight floated on the lampholder without the wind, giving people a feeling of ecstasy.

In the center of the four dragon columns, there is a light blue transparent light group. The light group and the baby's arm are almost the same thickness, but the inside is bred with majestic spiritual fluctuations. Qin Shi stood in a position 100 meters away and frowned. Wipe the rare dignity.

"Little guy, this place is not simple." The demon is in color.

Hearing the voice of the demon, Qin Shi could not help but scream. He had already felt that there were ghosts here, but he did not expect that even the evil spirits would be nervous.

"Looking at finding the soul of Kong Xianhui as soon as possible, can't be delayed here." Qin Shi thought for a while, punching Yin Huidao: "Can you feel your soul?"

Kong Xianhui’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing, and Mei’s always stays in the central blue light group.

"Where?" Qin Shi was shocked.

The blue light column in the center, even Qin Shi did not dare to approach easily. He felt that the blue light column was like a meat grinder for the soul. It was surrounded by sword-like fluctuations, and the soul of ordinary people It will be smashed as soon as it is close, and even he will not dare to approach it, or it will be scattered.

But the question is, is this soul of Kong Xianhui actually sealed in this meat grinder? And this seal lasted for three full years?

"It seems that I am still a little girl." Qin Shi licked his mouth.

"I said that this little girl's system is special and should be a systemic problem in order to protect her soul from this fluctuation." The demon spoke.

Qin Shi nodded, but since he knew the soul of Kong Xianhui, the next thing to consider is how to rescue Kong Xianhui's soul.

"Da Lili decided..."

Standing 100 meters away, Qin Shi gathered in Jinmang, and hundreds of Jinguang relics burst in an instant.


Unexpectedly, his spiritual strength is not yet close to the blue light group, and it is stagnant in the outer ten meters. If it is covered by a layer of invisible silk, in the effort of returning to the gods, hundreds of relics are broken and empty, and turned into The golden powder of the sky.

"Hey, little guy, don't try it, that blue group is a chaotic domain name: a soul knife, even if it's a nine-character magician, don't want to be close to him within ten meters."

Just under the trepidation of Qin Shi, a shrill sound sounded through the hole, and immediately around Qin Shi, forming a spiritual fluctuation visible to the naked eye.

No, it is the soul fluctuation.

The soul volatility brings Qin Shi's endless sense of oppression. This sense of oppression comes from the depths of the soul. It is like a spiritual imprint, and suddenly Qin Shi's knowledge of the sea is not to be born.


Under the painful struggle, an old body shadow slowly gathered, and a sly old man was full of evil smiles, and appeared in the position 20 meters in front of the soul knife.

"Who are you?" Qin Shi's teeth are low.

"Who am I?" The old man smiled Chao Kong Xianhui swept away: "You ask her, don't you know?"

Kong Xianhui saw the old man, and inadvertently moved half a step backwards: "Is it you?"

"Hey, little girl, I haven't seen you for three years. You grew up." The old man laughed and laughed. It was really ugly than crying.

"Who is this old guy?" Qin Shi suppressed the question.

"He is a deacon in the chaotic domain, the foreign domain will be demon." Kong Xianhui is very resistant to this eagle, and accurately said that it should be disgusting: "This person is in a chaotic field, the reputation is very bad, playing for the old Not to mention that the means of doing things are also very mean. Originally, based on his qualifications and cultivation, he is not worthy of entering the chaos of the chaotic domain. But three years ago, he joined the incumbent chief demon of the devil club, and framed the chief character of the incumbent. The magician, this is the magic sign."

Speaking of this, Kong Xianhui is beautiful and cold: "It was him three years ago, stripping my soul and sealing it here."

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