Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 724: Seal robbery

The wind blew up the hair, and Kong Xianhui stunned the gods and walked to Qin Shi. "What happened to this fat man? What kind of ecstasy medicine did you give him, and the whole person seems to be crazy?"

Qin Shi couldn't help but laugh, and shrugged innocently: "Who knows, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"That is strange." Kong Xianhui will not believe Qin Shi, can make this fat man like this, it is estimated that only Qin Shi can do it, but she did not ask, the jade hand explored, one plant The precious grass of the plant was handed to Qin Shi: "These are all the spiritual grass for treating internal injuries. I think it will have some effect on your injury."

Qin Shi moved to take over the grass, and immediately he was silent for a while, saying: "That is good...!"

"I know, give me these days, I am still saying that as long as I am alive, no one can approach you."

Qin Shi revealed a few warmths: "Thank you."

"Right, that is called the ink wolf is still guarding the door. Do you want to go out and talk to him first?" Kong Xianhui's phoenix eyes flashed and suddenly said.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was shocked: "He still guards?" Inevitably, he admired this ink wolf, this kid's obsession with alchemy is too deep, right?

To tell the truth, if it is not nine turns of chalcedony, if you change it, he may have let it out, but nine turns of chalcedony grass can't work. This is a matter of safety in the book, he must not regress.

"Forget it, be willing to keep it, let him keep it, wait for a while to see no one cares about him, hit the wall, and then go back." Qin Shi sighed, and immediately returned to the room.

In the room, he sat cross-legged on a futon that pierced the lotus show, and set a shield enchantment around the futon, which became a golden ancient clock and sealed him.

He was silent for a while, and the deep black scorpion closed slightly, and the air around him was accelerating and the wind was mixed.

Close your eyes, he is not in a hurry to make a fortune, but to look at himself internally. This time the injury is really too serious. Now, looking at the situation in the body, his mouth can’t help but twitch, these five internal organs. Six hexagrams, ribs, hand bones, meridians, blood vessels, all over the body, there is no good place.

"I really feel sorry for this body."

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, and the palm of his hand was spread out. He squeezed a cumbersome handprint and put it on his lap. The five fingers immediately fainted the starburst. The light from the four shots was like a firefly in the night sky. magical.

"Ganlin rain dew!"

Spiritually circling three times around the body, the blood blocked by the blood of the bath was pulsed, and after the whole body reached the convergence, he quickly ran up the rain.

In conjunction with the Holy Spirit flower, the firefly on the Scorpio enters the nose and mouth, and turns into a green and green life, warming up the broken body.

It is an extremely slow process to nurse the injury. Every step must be done well, step by step, and you can't rush to seek success.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause the result that the speed of the desire is not up to speed, and the result of the object will be reversed. Fortunately, Qin Shi has nothing to do in the recent days, but it is rare to fight with the darkness in the body.

In the room, the sun and the moon are not divided, and the blink of an eye is half a month.

During this period, the darkness in the body was like a fortress guarded by thousands of people. When he attacked one inch and one inch, he finally took all the time to break it, which really cost him a lot of effort.

But the most important thing is that this is only the beginning. Although the dark disease has recovered, his body is still very empty. For this reason, he crushed the spirit grass that Kong Xianhui gave him, wrapped it with spiritual power and sent it through the nose and mouth. In the abdomen.

Under the medicinal nourishment, Qin Shi's pale face appeared a little red, and a few more **** colors.

"Is it almost?"

Qin Shi spit out the turbidity of the chest for a long time, the gas is slightly blackened, and there are traces of blood on it.

But one spit out, Qin Shi’s injury is completely restored.


But things are always such an accident. This time, although the injury brought great pain to Qin Shi, it is not without good.

After this strong overdraft, the process from the zeroing has made Dantian get a very good promotion. The lavender nucleus is running on the nucleus. At the upper end of the fifth blood, it is actually a crouching Brontosaurus.

At the same time, Qin Shi’s eyebrows flashed, and the purple thunder was printed clearly.

"Are you going to break through?"

Qin Shi was slightly surprised, first revealing a surprise, but the surprise immediately became gloomy.

Breakthrough is a good thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing to reach this time. He has not had much time in the chaotic domain. If he breaks through now, he will have to wait for half a month.

Moreover, he has countless enemies, half a month of hard work, and the creation team will sneak attack on him. Zhao Xin and others may be able to protect him for a while, but it can never be a lifetime.

"I really don't know if I should say that I am lucky, or that I am unfortunate..." Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, wrapped the black robe tightly on his body, and in a hesitation and struggle, he finally chose to give up. , remove a lock.

"Is it sealed?"

With his head down, Qin Shi whispered a few times, his eyes always looking at the locks, and his heart was filled with messy waves.

"Blood wizard, how do you use this thing?"

"You will inject all your spiritual power into the veins to break through, and then let this thread become saturated, so that there will be a connection between the spirit and the thunderbolt, which is the link before you lead the robbery." ”

"After the two form a connection, you quickly swallow this thunderlock into the belly and block him on the pulse that is about to break through, so the connection between the two will be blocked." The blood wizard explained, immediately Seriously: "But this process, you have to be very careful. If you are not careful, you can not seal the thunder, the thunder will be forced to lead, then you can't resist it with your current preparations."

I heard that Qin Shi’s face is blue and green, is it too risky to do so?

He even suspected that the blood wizard was not deliberately pitting him? When he was killed by a thunder, then he escaped? But I don’t think so. Without the power of his soul, the blood wizard can’t survive. The two are now a grasshopper on the rope. What does he do for himself?

After hesitating for a while, Qin Shi’s suspected blood sorcerer looked at it, and finally decided to pinch the lock and lock the lock. The big hand was filled with a touch of starburst, and he was brought to himself with a spiritual power.

"Forget it, gamble!"

Qin Shi was dignified, and the spin was about to seal the lock. He began to look inside his body.

The fifth change of the spirit is very rough, the above-mentioned thunder properties are like splashing out, Qin Shi gently bite the teeth, and all the spiritual power is slowly injected into the veins.

In this process, he was very careful, and after being nourished by the spiritual power, the spirits roared like a lion and tiger, and Qin Shi’s belly was overwhelming, very messy.

If a person's body is a world, then Qin Shi is now a world full of crisis and absurdity.

Know the sea into the dry, Dan Tian Cheng Kun.

Thunder and lightning, blood is like rain.

Under this murderous force, Qin Shigang's face was pale again, and the wheezing became disordered. In the fifth saturation of the veins, his eyebrows suddenly came with a stinging heat, and the thunder and robbery flashed continuously. A few.

In the first district, outside the mansion, the sky is immediately gathering a faint thundercloud, and it is still expanding, 10,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 30,000 meters.

Seeing this scene, countless disciples were surprised.

"This is, the robbery cloud? Is anyone going to break through here?"

"Look carefully, isn't this the residence of Qin Shi? Is he going to be refined?"

"Qin Shi? It was not long ago, the guy who caused the confrontation between the two forces, and finally led to the inner domain? He actually lived here?"

"Well, and he is still a magician. You forgot the thing that the magician broke through not long ago. Isn't it just in this mansion!"

"Great!" The envy of countless disciples.

In the guest room, Qin Shi did not know, he once again became the focus, but concentrated on the process of blocking the robbery.

"It is now!" The blood wizard quickly screamed.

Qin Shi was a black scorpion, and the big hand grabbed the lock and thunder lock, and did not dare to inject it into Dantian.

"Seal it on the thread you want to break!"

According to the blood wizard, Qin Shi pushed the lightning lock to the fifth day of the pulse. He used all the power to open the lid above the lightning lock, and a wild suction roared out.

The power was very unscrupulous, and it was rampant in the dantian of Qin Shi. Immediately, he immediately locked the fifth day of the pulse, like a hungry, hungry wolf, and swallowed the fifth vein of Qin Shi.

The space inside the thunder lock was unusually large, dark as night, and the bottom was invisible, and the fifth thread was swallowed by him and immediately indulged in this darkness.

With the sinking of the spiritual veins, the spiritual power of Qin Shi’s body seems to have been evacuated, and all of them fall into the lock.


Two powerful words were shouted by the blood wizard, and the black scorpion of Qin Shi was so strong that he suddenly squeezed his fists and even his lips were bitten, which buckled the locks of his dantian.


It was a moment of effort, and an invisible impact burst into the house.

On the outskirts of the mansion, everyone is curious to look at the sky ~ ~ want to see what a huge Thundercloud, and breakthrough.

At this moment, the invisible power runs through the mansion and directly into the clouds, like a sharp sword inserted into the heart.


Under the influence of power, the thunderclouds burst open, the darkness faded away immediately, and the sky was once again exposed to the blue.

Everyone was surprised by the glare of the blink of an eye, and some people sighed and said: "Hey? This, what is going on? Thundercloud? Say a good breakthrough?"

The crowd licked the confused eyes.

"Failed? Is this a breakthrough failure?" Many people feel that this is possible: "It is estimated that, after all, the head of the World Youth League has been disabled, and half a month wants to make a breakthrough, not self-reliant... !"

"This time the breakthrough, then his cultivation will be affected, not to mention being seriously injured, at least in a short period of time, it is impossible to recover."

The color of disappointment flashed across the eyebrows of the crowd, shaking his head and gradually spreading.

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