Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 803: Wolf

In a dim wilderness, Qin Shi flutters like a lonely soul.

"Pain, it hurts."

After a long time, he began to gradually recover consciousness, but as soon as he recovered, the first thing he thought of was pain, nausea, and vomiting.

"Where is this?" He resisted the paralyzed heart, his eyes looking around, watching the ridiculous and desolate, and invisible regions.

"I am not in a chaotic domain?" Silence for a long time, a large piece of memory rushed into the mind, Qin Shi Meng's eyes wide open: "disrupted fields...!"

&nbs. Pig. Pig. island. The novel w.hha.omp; suddenly, in front of his eyes, the last picture before the loss of consciousness reappeared, so that his face was slightly heavy, and immediately he looked inside at the bottom of his heart.

"Hey...!" Just a spy, a stunned flash of light flashed from his eyes, and he took a breath: "This injury is really amazing."

The five organs, the six scorpions, the Ren Du Ermai, the Qijing eight veins, the Taiji gossip at the root of the hostage, the nine spiritual veins, and the Dantian Lingjing, the things that Qin Shi can see, even the blood and blood, are so unsightly.

Business aerial from here, it is almost invisible from a very clean place.

In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore, took his vision back from the body, and looked at the sky with numbness, looking at the gray sky, and his mouth was bitter.

"In any case, I have finally survived." Recalling the last pressing and precarious situation, he eased a lot of his heart. Relative to this injury, it may be more important for him to survive.

The injury is heavy, at least it can be restored, but if the life is gone, it can't really be resurrected.

"I don't know, what is the final result, and whether they are safe and sound." He pinched his fist and couldn't use his strength. Finally, he was free and easy to spread his hand.

However, in the deepest part of his eyes, the hot color is very rich, it can't hide: "If they have an accident, they will have to kill the three old dogs in the future."

The hatred, flashing in my heart, he sniffed the air around him, his brow wrinkled inexplicably, and a fierce smell passed through the nose and told him to turn his head.


Qin Shi’s black scorpion glimpsed in the bottom of his heart. From the end of the ridiculous land, he saw a large blockbuster black curse that was constantly spreading toward him.

"That curse is a demon worm?"

The man who had recovered his consciousness recognized the identity of the curse at a glance, and then he closed his eyes, relieved the exhaustion, and opened it again. The picture in front of him was clearly clear, and this clearness made him more panic.

In the direction of a hundred meters, there was a huge insect. The worm had sixteen legs and thirty-two tentacles, which were up to a hundred feet long and were moving toward him quickly.

There are also two large fangs in the insect's mouth that are as sharp as a saber-toothed tiger. There is a black liquid flowing on it, dripping on the ground, and the earth is melted.

"Drink, good corrosive power."

Qin Shi was shocked, and when he was surprised, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind, and his tears flowed out, as if a root drill was spinning in his head.

"Amount! It hurts, how can it be like this?" He grabbed his head hard and raised his head fiercely. This time he discovered that it was the huge demon worm that eroded the earth every time. The mind was painful once, and it was stronger than once, which made him understand a lot.

"This demon spirit is supposed to be the old dog of Yuanxiao who was planted in my body. It appears here, is it here..." A bold idea emerged, and Qin Shihei quickly looked around. The circle suddenly stopped in the direction of his west side, and in that he actually saw a very weak, but very familiar golden light body.

"That is... Xuantian ancient array?"

Although the golden light is very weak, Qin Shi is sure that he will not admit his mistake, that is, he knows the ancient heavenly array in the sea: "Here is my knowledge of the sea?"

Suddenly, he suddenly wanted to understand, with a big hand and a strong grip, this time he almost used all the power of the whole body, but it was only a condensed golden soul force, but the spiritual power was nothing, this is more certain, Here is his knowledge of the sea.

"No wonder, I will feel a little familiar from here, just... is it too embarrassing?" If it weren’t for the place where Xuantian Guzheng was located, Qin Shi couldn’t believe it. This absurd place is like a wild place. My own knowledge of the sea, this is simply a ruin.

But I don't want him to think about it. The huge demon worm has already rushed toward him. It is extremely fast. Like a human-gun gun, the rampant swims in his knowledge of the sea. Every time, Qin Shi is extremely painful.

"This beast, has already come to my knowledge of the sea?" Qin Shizhen's grit is tight, and he wants to connect his body with his power. But he discovered that his body was completely enshrined and covered. The sea is already his last retreat.

If it is destroyed by the demon worm, then he really has nowhere to go, and it is really dead.

"No, you must first remove this beast." Realizing this, Qin Shi did not dare to arbitrarily rise up, he did not want to work hard to escape from the chaos, and finally turned over in this gutter.

call out!

To this end, he almost did not think about the flashback 100 meters, but although he was extremely injured, but the control of the sea has not been lost, here is still in his control.

"This animal, really think of this as your own home?" Qin Shi Hanzheng flashed a fierce color, five fingers slightly open, bent, rushed to the devil spirits burst out of five golden light relics.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sea of ​​Qin Shi’s knowledge. The dim sky blew five light and shadows, like fireworks, very gorgeous.

But obviously, Qin Shi didn't have much interest in enjoying the scenery. After enjoying it for a while, I was afraid that he could move a stool and enjoy the shuttle bus to the area.

This is not what he wants.

The five golden light relics did not have any effect on the demon spirits. In the position 100 meters away from the demon spirits, they were directly blocked by the curses, and they were wiped out.

"This animal, how is it so strong."

He was slightly surprised. Now it is not a joke. It is a matter of life. He must find a way to break this dead end. If he continues this way, he will only have a dead end.

In desperation, he finally turned his gaze to the Xuantian ancient array that rescued him in the deep waters. Now he can compete against this demon spirit in the sea. Qin Shi thinks that there is only Xuantian Guzheng. It is.

"Little guy, help me again!"

Qin Shi waved the sword spirit formed by the three layers of soul. Although the sword gas could not defeat the devil spirit, it is still possible to do some slight blockage.


Taking advantage of this effort, Qin Shi quickly sneaked into the ancient array of Xuantian, and now only Xuantian Guzheng can save him.


The demon spirits quickly chased them up, and the places where they were walked behind were all absurd and turned into ruins.


All the way through the kilometer, the demon worms hit the ancient array of Xuan Tian, ​​suddenly formed a huge blast, the shaking Qin Shi from the inside are shaking a few times.

Fortunately, the demon worm is very fierce, but there is still no way to break the ancient sky, this is called Qin Shi could not help but scream: "Resist it down?"

However, this kind of relaxation did not last long, and the demon worm saw that the attack could not break this ancient sky, and soon turned the direction. Its goal is not Qin Shi, but the whole sea of ​​Qin Shi.

It is far away from the ancient heavens and begins to eat away from the sea. The souls, like his nourishment, continue to expand in the sea of ​​knowledge, and soon they become nearly a thousand big, and their strength and speed increase. A layer.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi’s forehead sheds cold sweat, and a touch of fear flashed on the face: “This way, it’s not a solution.”

Even if he can hide in the ancient heavens, if all the seas are swallowed up by the demon spirits, then his final result is still to die.

"Is there no way?"

He is not reconciled, is it that Heaven is deliberately playing with him?

"Little guy, it’s not your temper to sit still."

But also in desperation, Qin Shi’s ear suddenly sounded a symbol of hope, and his black scorpion suddenly gathered, and his look was overjoyed: “Demon?”

Isn't that sound a demon?

"Oh, this looks like, it is really enough." The evil shadow of the demon slowly emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge, that a huge black unicorn is domineering, and the nine pairs of **** eyes are very eye-catching.

"Really you?" Qin Shi’s excited voice shook and his eyes were reddish: "Are you awake?"

The evil spirit shook his head: "There is no this injury, exhausted me too much energy, I want to wake up in a short time, I am afraid it is really difficult."

Hearing, Qin Shi’s eyes were full of disappointment, remembering the appearance of the demon finally being smashed by Yu Deyu, and suddenly clenched his fist: “I will avenge you.”

"Haha, that is nature, I always believe in you, just as I believed in you, I will be able to escape from the chaotic domain." The demon nodded gratifiedly, since he can appear in the Qin Shi knowledge of the sea, then these days Everything that Qin Shi has experienced, he naturally has a panoramic view: "But, little guy, don't worry, gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, now you are too weak, you must learn to add your own wings."

"What are you doing now?" Qin Shi leaned his head and asked softly.

The demon faintly smiled and looked toward the greedy demon worm in the distance: "Now? Thanks to the little beast, the magic in it is very rich, and this is borrowed from me, from your knowledge. An invisible image is formed in the sea."

"Incorporeal image?"

"Yeah, otherwise, just look at you being eaten by such a small thing, it is simply to give me demons, how to be my brother!"

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