Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 837: aware

"He has been hiding strength since the beginning, deliberately showing us weakness, calling us to be careless, we have been cheated by him!" Ge Han angered.

Wen Yan, Yan Su and Hong Teng's faces were shocked, and they looked up at Qin Shi, and their eyes were dull: "How could this be?"

The three, who are the best in their respective empire, and now use the ban, but still not as good as the debut boy, is this three people able to accept?

But the fact is that, as Ge Han said, the two also understand that if they are delaying, the three of them will not be seriously injured. It is very likely that they will be accounted for here.

 ~Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ novel www.zhzhuam; "First evacuate, we calculated the mistakes, this kid is too enchanting, just by the three of us today will definitely not be his life, can only be considered from a long time." Awkward way.

Gehan nodded: "Hongteng is right, can't be delayed any more. You have already angered him. If you go wrong, we have no chance to go."

"So let him go?"

He is not willing to squeeze his fists. Of course, it is not so reluctant to say that he is afraid. His mountain empire can be as tyrannical as the Holy Wind Empire. Now he will provoke the red and the dead. It has reached the point of endless death, and the reputation of Qin Zongzong in the outside world will certainly not let them go. At that time, they are likely to be devastated by the hope of the mountain. After all, the **** example of the Beastmaster Empire is in front.

"Otherwise, is it left to die?" Ge Han glanced at him, and he immediately saw the worry of Susu. He said, "You don't have to worry. Now our three empires are on a boat. If it is red, it’s true. Looking at the mountain, our holy wind will not sit idly by, let alone..."

Speaking of this, Ge Han’s eyes suddenly became cold.

"Since the plan on that side has been successfully completed, let's go first. It will take a long time for this kid to take the initiative to find us. At that time, it is our home court, and we must pay for this kid's blood debt!"

Hearing the words, Yu Su was silent for a long time, and he nodded helplessly: "Well, you can only do this. I hope that Wangshan can survive this robbery."

"Through this robbery, the Baichao area is the world of our three great empires." Ge Han patted the shoulders of Susu, and immediately raised his head and headed for Qin Shidao: "Bad boy, we have planted it today, but Don't worry too much, we will meet again soon, and by that time, it will be your death!"

"Want to go?" Qin Shi frowned, black smothered: "That can't be done."

"The three of us want to go, you can't stop it!" Ge Han coldly, tightening him to step forward alone, rushing to the two people behind him: "Two help me, stop!"

"Yes!" The two men opened the bows left and right, and the **** prints of the three eyebrows flickered. On the Scorpio, they became a huge **** demon. After that, the three men were wrapped in the suffocation of the group and rushed to the distance.

When Qin Shi saw it, he narrowed his eyes and immediately slammed his foot. He used a light beam to penetrate the sky, and one hand shrouded the three.

However, at this time, the suffocating temper around the three people suddenly burst, and a fierce demon giant with a thousand feet smashed out and hit a group with Qin Shi.


The fierce giant is extremely surprised. The blood vessels above it are lifted up. Like a poisonous snake, the strength of the force is comparable to that of the scorpio. It is called a fierce tremor at the mouth of Qin Shihu, and the chest is becoming more and more depressed. A few kilometers away.

"Scorpio fierce?" Qin Shi was shocked.

"Kid, I said, you can't kill the three of us." Ge Han laughed, and the figure of the three disappeared in the dark.

Seeing that the three people escaped but could do nothing, Qin Shi’s face was all blue.

"Little guy, no way, the three of them are surrounded by the shackles of the sorcerer's sorcerer's enchantment. They can force the three of them to retreat. You have tried your best. If you force the three to leave, the fierce The magic will appear, at that time, I don’t want to say you, I am afraid that you will suffer huge losses."

"Call...!" Qin Shi screamed, and he also understood the words of the blood wizard, but he was not willing, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, this time let them go three old dogs first, since the group has started to me. I started, then I don’t want it, they will act."

"It's true, they won't get rid of jade, they should not give up."

"A few years ago, I was in their eyes, just a piece of dispensable piece, Xiao Yan, but now they can't let me go? It's good, it also proves that my efforts in the past five years have not been in vain Finally, it is enough to tell them to be jealous."

And thinking of this, Qin Shi that has always been indifferent, under the black sorrow of the waves, actually suddenly flashed a bit of excitement of the luster, called the blood wizard to scream, shook his head: "It is a madman!"

"Hey group... our hatred, we are slowly counting!"

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and at this moment, he frowned, and suddenly there were several broken sounds behind him, asking him to go back.



Lin Yu, Hua Zi, Ling Xiao and others came from two major regions, and saw Qin Shi safely, Lin Yu was relieved: "How are you?"

Qin Shi shook his head: "I am fine, how have you all come over? Are the Eastern and Western regions solved?"

"Well, we have all been cheated. I just arrived in the western region. The old dog of Hongteng is coming to the south. Their goal is not to be red, but to deliberately take us apart and then start with you."

"The Eastern region is also."

Qin Shi was not surprised by this, and smiled calmly: "I know."

"Do you know?" Lin Yu stunned, and then he looked up and looked at the tiankeng, which was full of kilometers deep outside the border, and said: "Drink, tragic, what about the three old dogs?"

"I was beaten by me."

"What?" Wen Yan said that all the people were shocked. Lin Yu and others who had handed over to Hong Teng and Sui Su had a cold breath, knowing that they were in the eastern region and the western region was not bad. Blocking, Susu and Hongteng are extremely powerful. Even if they spend zeros, they almost missed them. But the two tyrannical people were actually beaten by Qin Shi.

And the most important thing is that there is a Gehan in addition to these two people, but it has an eight-day realm.

"Oh... it’s a enchanting!"

Lin Yu shook his head and sighed, and then he pondered for a while, saying: "But I can't figure out, you only get back to Hongyan for less than half a day, how can they get the news?"

"And, look at the posture of their attack today, it is clearly aimed at you, deliberately want to lead you to the southern region and kill them."

After hearing this, many people suddenly realized: "Yes, this year, although the three empires have carried out various invasions against Chi Yan, this is the first time like this."

But for these, Qin Shi suddenly clenched his fists.

"Not that they are targeting me, there are others."

"Another person?" Lin Yu frowned.

Qin Shi nodded. "Well, they are all pieces that have been used by people. I really understand me and I don't know who they are moving."

Wen Yan, Lin Yu asked in amazement: "Who is that? Is there such a power?"

Qin Shi hesitated, but for a time he did not know how to respond, but did not wait for him to speak, Ling Xiao several people suddenly realized from the side, looked up at Qin Shidao: "The sovereign, is that power?"

Qin Shi nodded helplessly, and they all participated in the battle between Qin Zong and Burning Tianzong. They also all saw the tyrannical power of Yu Yuan. He wanted to hide, naturally it was difficult.

But for Lin Yu, he didn't want to say it. After all, Qin Zong is his own power, but Chi Yan is not, and there are countless civilians in the red, they are innocent, he does not want to involve Chi Yan. Into this fate.

But he thought more, didn't wait for him to speak, Lin Yu suddenly stepped forward, and once had a few tender faces, now it is very fortitude, after a year of tempering, full of the king's domineering, directed Qin Shi seriously said: "Stone, I know what you are thinking, you don't want to say it now, but you don't care, but you remember my Lin Yu, I said that we are brothers, the first three years, I have not been able to accompany you to mold miracles It is a regret of my life, but in the days to come, there will be no shortage of me in your life. Now your days are not bitter, everything is developing in a good direction, so I can rest assured in the empire. When I am a king, but you remember, when you really encounter a Even if you put down the red flaming throne, I will be with you side by side, accompanying you through your most bitter days. This is the brother."

"Xiao Yuzi...!" Qin Shi stunned the gods. The eyes with a bit of chilling suddenly softened a lot. Finally, they smiled and nodded. "I know, we are always brothers."

"Yeah!" Lin Yu nodded, and then he looked toward the distant army of the holy wind empire, and laughed: "Hey, I am afraid that these three old dogs will not count, even if they are three Joining hands is not your opponent. After this time, you should be able to call them a lot of jealousy, but it is a pity that they will run away, otherwise the three empire of the Holy Wind will be hit hard."

Qin Shi nodded and asked the three to escape. It was also the stem of his heart, but when he thought of it, he suddenly frowned and suddenly felt a little different.

"Little guy, what's wrong with you?" The blood wizard, and the **** of the gods of the gods are very strong, and I feel the fluctuation of Qin Shi, and I can't help asking questions.

"No, you think about it. From the action they started, they are really targeting me, but the last barrier of the evil spirit is clearly set when they help them escape. That is to say, the group has long been expected. Did the three of them not be my opponents? I expected that the three of them would run away?"

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