Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 847: Assassination


The door of the boudoir was suddenly opened, and the old face was red, and the beard of the beard blinked: "Who is it, let the old man roll out!"

Then, Qin Shi back to the concierge, this slowly turned around, so sitting on the bed indifferently, the corner of the mouth gently rose: "Sui Suguo teacher, not seen for a few days, your temper is still so overbearing."

Su Shi and Qin Shi’s gaze collided. Suddenly, Su Shi’s body was inadvertently stunned. He was very surprised to see that “Qin Shi, are you?”

Qin Shi smiled and stood up: "That's not, what do you think?"

`猪`猪`岛`Fiction `www.huhuom "You, how come you come to the sea of ​​clouds? You shouldn’t go to the holy wind right?” He was so shuddering that he couldn’t care about Liu Mei, he Now I just can't wait to leave immediately, and when I have a slippery foot, I want to escape from the moonlight.

call out!

But he thought more, he has not yet turned back, a virtual shadow has already appeared in front of him, a big hand to explore, Qin Shi grabbed his neck: "I am surprised, right? Oh, more surprised is still behind It."

"You, what are you going to do?" Su Shi was full of fear and mad.

"Injury to my family of Qin Shi, you must die."

Hearing this, Su Shi was even more panicked. He struggled wildly, but he did not let him move. Qin Shi stood still in the same place, and a natural force firmly controlled him.

"Small, kid, you are looking for death, if you kill me, your daughter does not want to live!" Su Su is powerless, he lost his voice.

But it is also his sentence, angered Qin Shi, Qin Shi eyes cold: "I originally wanted to let you live for a while, since you are looking for death, then I will complete you now!"

After all, the blue veins on his palms all jumped, and the force of the heart was gripped. The face of the sputum was pale, and there was no blood.

Snapped! But at this time, the flower was a little flickering, and stopped Qin Shi: "Don't forget what you said to me, he is mine."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, he looked at the flower zero, and finally released his hand, cold channel: "quick speed."

"You don't have to say it!" The flower was cold and cold, and immediately she was hiding for a long time. It was finally exposed without any obscurity. The red cloak fluttered without the wind, and the snow shattered from it, making people see the delicateness of it. It is inadvertently shaking.

Even Liu Mei’s eyebrows flashed on the bed: “She, she is a woman? Is there such a beautiful woman in the world?”

But in her surprise, a very powerful force here, screaming, Su Gang just broke free from the hands of Qin Shi, then he did not even have the reaction, the chest was directly pierced, and he was shocked. To the flower zero: "You, you...!"

"I said, I will not let you go."

The flowers and jade hands were collected, and they were stabbed three times in succession. The whole body was directly penetrated, and the red blood stains suddenly stained the earth.

"A good woman...!" Liu Meiyu's hands are tight.

But Qin Shi is next to him, there is no wave of sorrow, he has long been used to the style of zero, and this is the picture he wants to see.

When the flower was released, the sputum was already out of breath. She said very lightly: "Let's go."

Qin Shi was indifferent and nodded. The first person was solved. After that, he did not rush to leave. Instead, he took off the space ring of the Susu, and injected it into the circle, searching for it, and then smashing it. Liu Mei, and the old man waved his hand, and tens of thousands of Lingshi were thrown by him: "Tonight, you are best all rotten in your stomach. Otherwise, I don't mind calling you this moonlight. Bloody cold wind."

After all, he and Hua Zi’s figure have disappeared, leaving only the sluggish Liu Mei and the old man, and the two of them clenched their fists. There is not much to say in one word.

Leaving the moonlight spring, the two flew directly out of Xicheng.

"The next step is Yunhai and Chen Xiezhe. Both of these people are in the palace. It will be much more troublesome than the suisu." Qin Shi said.

Spend a little dagger: "I know."

Looking at the appearance of the flowers and the light wind, Qin Shi could not help but smile: "I hope you really know."

The palace of the sea of ​​clouds, in the interior of the palace, the security of the day was loose, and almost all of the troops were hollowed out, all of which were placed in the holy empire.

There are two figures in the palace of the palace. A burly man said: "The emperor, this time, although it failed to kill Qin Shi, the plan is still smooth. It seems that it is only a matter of time to eliminate the red inflammation."

"Really, this time, if it really destroys the red inflammation, then the environment of this hundred tides, we are the well-deserved top three, and it is also very good to be able to establish a relationship with the holy wind." Another man spoke, this person Isn't it the sea of ​​clouds? He turned back and said: "Yes, it’s been three days. Is there still no movement on the side of Chi Yan?"

Chen Xiezhe shook his head: "I don't know, but I think, with the temper of Qin Shi's kid, knowing that his daughter was hijacked, should he soon kill the holy wind? As long as he goes to the holy wind, then wait for him. It’s the sky, even if he’s winged, it’s hard to fly.”

"Well, I hope that all of this can be done soon. I can't wait to see it. Qin Shi is dead in the shape of the holy wind." Yunhai's old eyes screamed.

"Congratulations to the emperor, Yunhai is in the hands of the emperor, and is about to reach an unprecedented peak!"

"Haha, everything will wait until after the event is finished. Now everything is still unknown." Yunhai modest.


At this time, a loud noise rang from the top of the palace, and the two frowned: "Who?"

"Oh, Yunhai Emperor said it was good. When everything is not sure, everything is still unknown. The Yunhai emperor is really self-aware!" With the loud noise, Lang Lang laughed, and a dark purple with a few lightning The figure appeared in the hall by the air.

Seeing the figure, Yunhai and Chen Xiezhe’s eyes changed dramatically: “Qin Shi?”

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Chen Xiezhe reacted very quickly, and rushed forward with a step, using his rough palm and grabbing it at Qin Shi.


Unexpectedly, when he just touched the body of Qin Shi, all the purples dissipated like clouds, and the whole person disappeared from the eyes of the two.

“The afterimage?” Chen Xiezhe was shocked and turned back to the sea of ​​clouds: “Emperor, be careful!”

The sea of ​​clouds was slightly shocked, and the spiritual power quickly moved. After that, it turned around with vigilance, and the palm of the hand was full of clouds.

"Ah!" But he just turned around and screamed at the back. When he turned around, Qin Shi’s mouth smirked, and he stood in front of Chen Xiezhe’s body, and the big hand lifted Chen Xiezhe high and let him How to struggle, but also struggle to open: "Yes, first of all, you can think of your master, a good dog, but you guessed wrong."

"Qin Shi, you...!" Yunhai saw it, and his heart panicked. He bit his teeth: "You, what do you want to do?"

"The grass is just the root." Qin Shi shook his head indifferently.

Yunhai, finally understand, he took a deep breath, sighed at Qin Shi: "It seems that we are all scorning you, you are not as ignorant as the rumors, everything we do in the holy wind, should I have been noticed by you."

Qin Shi shrugged with incomprehensibility: "Since it has been guessed, you should be very clear." When it comes to this, his eyes become violent, like a beast that wants to shred his prey at any time: "Remind you that the rumors of the outside world are not all false. At least there should be a sentence that you should have heard. That is the words of Qin Shi, and I can say that I have to hurt my Qin Shi’s relatives and must die!"

Hearing the words, Yunhai’s heart trembled fiercely, and an unprecedented sensation was revealed. After he watched, Qin Shi’s big hand forced the Chen Xiezhe’s neck to tighten tightly, and tightened it to the point that it could not He gasped, and he was shocked: "Don't, don't, Qin Shi, you let him go, I promise you, I will never go into the sea again in the future, and there will be no seas in the place where you will be red." I am now asking people to evacuate from the holy wind."

"Oh, the abacus of Yunhai Emperor is playing well. You are now evacuating your army in the holy wind. The holy wind will soon be aware. When they react at that time, you are threatening me with my daughter. "Why?" Qin Shi said, his eyes are cold: "I have lost so much in your hands in Yunhai. You are telling me now, what is the use?"

"As long as they can't be resurrected, my daughter can't return, then more repentance is futile, it's over." Qin Shi shook his head and saw his big hand began to force, Chen Xiezhe's tiger body trembled, all of a sudden It’s twitching.

"No!" Yunhai was shocked, his eyes finally changed, full of killing: "Qin Shi, this is what you forced me, I killed you!"


And he just had to go forward A shadow of the shadows fell from the sky, with a strange purple flower, his blow to the students.


The flower's chest was violently ups and downs, and a stream of blood spurted out, and it took several steps to go back.

"Small five days, I dare to block me, not self-reliant!" Yunhai disdainful snoring, hehe!

But in the next second, a muffled sound rang from his bedroom, and he felt that his face was warm to the surface. He stood up and touched it. The red blood was so obvious and constantly stimulating. His nerves.

Chen Xiezhe was killed by Qin Shi in this way. From Qin Shi’s palm, it was a golden phoenix. Like the armor of King Kong, it was also stained with blood.

"No!!!" When Yunhai reacted, his whole person collapsed and yelled at Qin Shi: "Boy, I want you to die!"

But in his shackles, Qin Shi looked forward and grabbed the jade hand of Yuluo, followed his other hand and threw away the body of Chen Xiezhe. The foot was forced to drive the jade and directly jumped out. The palace.

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