Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 881: Powerful protection

"Hey, boy, trembling, I am the descendant of the Wanshan madman, let me illusion out of the demon body, you are dead." The screaming voice of Li Hufa was as loud as a thunder, and countless people were shocked.

At this time, Lin Yu and others have already collected the Holy Wind and the tens of thousands of people, and their eyes are fixed on the monster that is huge and more exaggerated than the nine stars.

"The power of horror, can this really win?" Lin Yu's heart sinks, and the feeling of protecting the law is as untouchable.

That is not the existence that human beings can understand.

Li protects the law into a demon body, the power is strong enough to be unimaginable, and the cultivation is also improved, reaching five days, the percentage of pigs, the percentage of pigs, and the extent of the peaks. After his change is completed, the red inflammation is ruined and destroyed. Constantly devastating it, its means of sizzling, called countless people to be scared.

It even gives people a feeling that this is no longer a war, but a massacre. It is a cruelty. Thousands of red-blooded troops are smashed by the spattered rocks in the blink of an eye.

One of the compatriots was cruelly slaughtered, and Lin Yu’s mourning roar: "No!!!"

He was crazy, and his foot slammed hard and rushed to the law.

"Xiao Yuzi."

Su Ming Yin Mo and others quickly exclaimed.

Everyone rarely saw Lin Yu’s gaffe. After a year’s tempering of the emperor’s technique, his heart was far more than ordinary people, but in this **** scene, he was still dying.

Qin Shi black and cold, but also nervous, a hand holding a hand, will stop Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, don't be impulsive!"

However, Lin Yu had already been stunned by anger and looked back: "I am not impulsive? I am a king of a country. How can I look at my nationals, one by one, and die? They are all my flesh and blood." ”

Qin Shi was silent, and he did not know how to persuade Lin Yu. To be honest, is he not angry? He felt that his blood was going to explode, and the blood was roaring in the blood vessels, and it was boiled by anger.

But reason tells him that he can't mess with his hands and feet, especially at this critical moment, otherwise it will only make the **** of the law.

He bit his teeth and said: "I will not let the disciples of Chi Yan die in vain. I will certainly avenge them. Believe me!"

The firm gaze was directly on the cheek, and Lin Yu felt the burning tingling and calmed down.

He turned back and Qin Shi looked at him for a long time. After that, he glanced at the law with a red eye and he nodded unwillingly: "I know."

Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief. If Lin Yu had just really provoked the law, if there was any accident, he was afraid that he could not face Zhou Qin in his life, and he would forgive himself.

"Hey, wasn't it really screaming? Is there any temper?" Is this the ability of Emperor Chiyan?" Li Hufa laughed and laughed.

Lin Yu fiercely squeezed his fist, but suddenly a big hand pressed on his shoulder. Qin Shi calmly shook his head and said, "Give it to me."

After all, his body swayed, and he was blocked by the force of one person in front of the Red Army. Immediately, the five fingers tightened, and a emptiness waved, and a sigh of anger was shot. With the suffocation as the boundary, the Guardian Law and the Red Army were split.

Although the Guardian Law is now very high, but after being suppressed by the blood of the evil spirits, it is impossible to break through the boundary. This is called the Red Army to avoid being killed.

Qin Shi looked up and looked more serious than ever before. From his surroundings, it seemed that there was a constant chilly power, and even the air was frozen. Cold: "I will be your opponent."

Li Hufa had already expected Qin Shihui to stand up, disdainful laughter: "Not self-reliant!"


Immediately, a landslide-like boxing wind fell on the Qin Shimen door. The fist was big, covering the sky, and the 100 meters around Qinshi was dim.

Qin Shi is calm and calm, mobilizing the power of the soul, and the five fingers are directed at the opening and closing of Tianzhu: "Shelley clothes!"


A huge golden pagoda floated in the air, and it collided with the giant boxing. After that, the Qin Shi handprint flipped very fast. In the process, his body also swayed, stepping into the golden pagoda, and finally the handprint. Fixed, a strict rune embedded in two fingers, a little bit of force, branded under the base of the Golden Tower.

Rune entered the tower, and the whole golden tower suddenly turned at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, like a diamond drill.

When the speed reached the limit, Qin Shi burst.

"Buddha one!"

The golden pagoda was like a ignited gun, and with the help of the rotating wind, it was shot down on the sky, and it was swaying between the two days. Even the protective method frowned. "Drink, good boy, you actually Also familiar with this anti-sky soul martial arts?"

"There are still many things you don't know."

Li protects the Fa, and screams: "Oh, arrogant, you are really good at martial arts, but it has no effect on me. Today I will ask you to understand what is called the light of rice, what is called Haoyue."

Behind the huge magic feather patted it, forming a fierce hurricane, and immediately, the sturdy body figure rose by a hundred feet, ten fingers crossed the chest, and the nail suddenly stretched out a hundred meters, like a piece of invincible blade, bursting into the blast The golden pagoda was cut hard.


Suddenly sparked, the two just touched, the dark night sky seems to have been illuminated, but this kind of counterbalance lasted only for a short time, the spire of the urn tower came out with a crisp crack, a The crack immediately turned into a hundred, thousands, and tens of thousands.


The golden pagoda slammed into a smashing powder.

This is called Qin Shi’s eyelids slightly heavy: “Can’t you?”

The figure of Haoyue crossed from a distance and arrived at his side: "He is too strong, and with a blow, you can't hurt him."

"I know, I didn't want to hurt him. I hurt him with a single blow. Then I am too self-sufficient, but I want to delay some time, but it seems that even this can't be done."

"Let's delay time?"

Qin Shi nodded. "Well, if I can give me some time, maybe I can seriously hurt him, or even kill him. Maybe I want some time now, it is difficult."

Haoyue heard the frowning, Qin Shi said that he was very surprised, but he was silent for a long time, but did not say much, just said: "Are you sure?"

"To tell the truth, I don't know much, but I can't think of anything else." Qin Shi is very honest. He doesn't want to deceive Haoyue, because he has something to do next, he can't believe it.

Hao Yue suspiciously looked at Qin Shi, as Qin Shi said, now there is really no other way, even if he and Qin Shi, plus the nine stars, can not beat the law, so he bite his teeth "Okay, let me give it here. I will not let anyone alarm you when I am incense. But if I am more than a musk, I can't guarantee it."

"A scent?" Qin Shi measured it in his heart and bit his teeth: "Enough."

To be honest, this time is really reluctant, but he also knows that he can fight for a scent. It is already the limit of Haoyue. He wants more time, and it is really difficult for some strong people.

What he can do is to save time from his own body.

"Get your cockroach up, you should still be able to use it, ask him to help me!" 皓月言, without a little drag, holding the lyric sword will rush to the law.

Qin Shi looked at the moving back and was moved. He had no friendship with Haoyue. The latter could not hesitate to believe in his life. It is rare.

Of course, he also knows that a very important part of this is because of the hatred of Haoyue himself, but those who are not important to him, he only sees the result.

He also didn't want to waste the time of the moon. The five fingers rushed to the nine-star void that fell to the ground: "Big, hard work, after the event, I must find a way to help you repair, then trouble you, help me to stop it." ”

The nine-star stunned eyelids flashed a few times. The huge body rolled from the ground and collapsed alongside the rivers. This only barely lifted up the body, screaming and screaming at the law. Go up.

"Oh, this, can you still be active? It’s really the guy who guarded the virtual hole in the chaotic field." Li Hufa’s accidental stunned, but it’s not too moving, he can destroy the nine stars once, naturally Confidence destroys the Nine Stars for the second time.

He raised his fists, and the five sharp nails shimmered in a faint fire. The fire was faintly purple, and it was dark purple. There was a bit of evil. He grabbed the nine stars and grabbed it.


Unexpectedly, the claws have not been stabbed to the Nine Stars. From the far side of the sky, it is actually a few swordsmanships that are sharper than his nails, and they are scattered by the clouds and arrows.

This is called Li Hufa's slight eclipse. It can be seen from his eyesight that the sword awning is not a common martial art. It is a very sturdy sword There is no doubt that there is only Jianzong in the sword.

"The sword-level swordsmanship?"

"Hey group, die!"

Haoyue’s footsteps are empty, and the lyrical sword is resisted by his shoulders. However, if someone carefully watches it, he will find that the moon is not holding the lyric sword, but the left hand is completely integrated with the lyric sword.

"This is, the combination of the sword and the sword?" Li Hufa once again exclaimed: "The kid, I did not expect that your understanding of the swordsmanship has reached this level. Before that, I really yelled at you!"

When Haoyue and the sentimental sword are merged, the scornful color before the protection of the law finally converges, becomes serious, and confronts the confrontation with Haoyue.

Taking advantage of the fierce battle, Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief from the clouds. Since Haoyue struggled for his time, he naturally would not live up to the moon.

Therefore, he did not delay, wrapped the broken black robe, and immediately converges like this, sitting cross-legged on the cloud, pulling up the arm sleeves, staring at the dark demons totem, taking a deep breath. : "Demon, help me."

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