Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 886: The talent of Jinyan

In the boudoir, a graceful shadow came into view. She was so thin and soft. From her arms, she was holding a baby girl wrapped in a quilt. The baby girl sucked her finger and didn’t know it. How much grievances, crying in silence, when she saw the Qin Shi after a small head, she suddenly converges, such as the heavy treasure, revealing a cute sweet smile.

Yuluo brakes also returned to the head. When compared with Qin Shi's four eyes, the slightly cold eyes seemed to melt instantly, revealing the gentleness that only the latter had before: "Are you back?"

"Well, it’s a bit late to come back." Qin Shi smiled and sat next to the mother and daughter. He licked the shoulder of Yuluosha and smiled. "How? What about Jinyan, is she okay?"

"Well, she is like you, hey."

Yuluo braked into the arms of Qin Shi, and the two of them were very tacit. No one mentioned the loss of Jin Yan. It was like this for a long time. With the shackles of a woman in her arms, Qin Shi felt full of self-blame. Open the way: "Follow me, I have suffered you."

Yu Luozha swayed: "Stone, don't say that, it is my life's luck to follow you. If I am still wandering in the ridiculous jungle, I will drift away, no branch, I gave you rebirth. I gave it to my family."

After all, she suddenly looked up and looked at Qin Shi with her bright eyes. She was very innocent and said: "After the end of the holy wind, I am afraid that it will not last long, you have to leave. Is it?"

That tenderness is like water. For a time, Qin Shi didn't know how to respond, but in the end he nodded. "Well, I don't want to lie to you. I can accompany you for a while, but it won't be too long, after all... ”

In the latter case, he did not spit out. The jade finger of the jade squeaky had already reached between his lips and teeth, and shook his head at his smirk: " Needless to say, I understand."

Immediately, she whispered slightly: "After a while? That is enough. In fact, when I choose to follow you, I know that you will be extraordinary in this life. I have already prepared myself."

Speaking of this, Yuluo brakes the golden words in his arms, and the little woman looks like a sweet smile: "What's more, you see, she is not the best companion you left for me? I will wait with Jinyan." The day you came back."

"I know that although we don't have much time together now, but one day, you will bring Xuexin and bring back Yujie. At that time, please don't leave me, okay?"

Qin Shi’s tiger body trembled fiercely, fearing that any one, bloody, responsible man, when he heard this understanding, could not help but feel the pain?

He gritted his teeth tightly and held Yuluo in his arms: "Thank you, I promise you. When I wake up Yujie and bring Snow Heart back, we will never separate."

"Yeah!" Yuluo's nose is softly spit out the aroma, and immediately her beauty is slightly smashed, such a blur: "I believe in you."

After that, she suddenly sat up straight: "Right, Jin Yan is now full moon. The spirit of this little girl is a little special. I have observed it before and found that I could not look inside her body, it seems to have received a huge The power is the same, and it doesn't matter whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Let's take a look."

Qin Shi wrinkled his frown. What kind of powerful force can there be in the body of a little girl who just had a full moon? Can it be called Yu Luosha that she can't look at her?

Thinking of this, he is ready to take over Qin Jinyan to see what is going on. He said that he is also the father of Qin Jinyan. He does not want to see his daughter have something.

Unexpectedly, he just reached out and was met by Yuluo's blame: "No, it's not like holding a child. The child is too young. Her bones are very soft. You should flash to her waist."

"Well?" Qin Shi stunned the gods, and immediately did not wait for him to open. Yuluo brakes thrown a big white eye to him. One action and one action gave Qin Shi a demonstration. A jade hand dragged Qin Jinyan’s lower body. With one hand on the shoulder, I said, "Be like me, you can hold it. You try."

Qin Shi licked the mouth of the cognac. If it was said that it was his strength to fight and kill, but it was really difficult to live with him as a master of how to hold the child such a delicate thing.

According to the guidance of Yuluo Brake, he tried clumsy and tried to almost drop the golden words to the ground. Yuluo was frightened. After grabbing Qin Jinyan, he screamed at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi grabbed his head and couldn't help but remember that when he returned to the Qin family, Qiong Shuyao blamed Qin Tianqing's appearance. At that time, he could still laugh with his heartlessness. Is this the legendary retribution?

"Oh, the birth of this little girl obviously threatens my status at home."

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, and the jade Luo brake screamed, and then he handed Qin Jinyan to Qin Shihuai.

After trying several times, Qin Shicai finally grasped the mystery of it. He couldn’t help but rejoice. Who can imagine that a lord of Qin Zong who dominated Baichao would be happy because he learned how to hold a child. Is it the charm of home?

Home, the sheltered harbor, can always ask people to remove the camouflage, wash away the exhaustion and boring of the whole body, Qin Shi is now deeply felt.

Even he can't wait to live this kind of comfortable life, but he knows that the premise is that he has to remove all the heavy tasks on his shoulders, then he needs to work harder.

When he was able to skillfully use the cleverness and dragged Qin Jinyan in his arms, his mouth rose: "Oh, this is really a specialization in the profession. It seems that the simplest thing to hold a child is not the case." More tips."

Immediately, he is no longer delayed. A big hand spreads out from the back of Qin Jinyan, and immediately from his five fingers, it is a faint glimpse of the delicate light of the light, the light is like a small Like the snake, in the constant change, it turned into a small person, two clear big eyes full of luster, then Qin Shi took a deep breath, and injected the villain along the back of Qin Jinyan.

This little man is made up of Qin Shi Nian Li, which contains a very strong soul force, so the little one's what he saw and heard will all be reflected in Qin Shi's knowledge of the sea.

Of course, if it is only the power of the soul, it should be translucent purple, or gold, which is in line with the attributes of Qin Shi, and the reason why there will be that crisp green light, mainly Qin Shi is afraid that his power is too strong. Jinyan is now just a young baby. He knows the sea and has not yet coagulated. He accidentally hurt the golden words, so he deliberately used the rain of the rain to reveal the power of his soul with the power of the gods and turned into a force with vitality. .

This will be much safer.

Nian Li swims into the body of Qin Jinyan. The skin of this little girl is very delicate, just like her mother, and because of the baby, the whole body is full of vitality, like a water man.

However, Qin Shi’s mindfulness has not advanced too far. He has just swam from the central nervous system of the spine to the five internal organs. He suddenly suffered a huge force of exclusion, and he was unable to advance half a step.

Of course, if he wants to forcibly enter, it is naturally easy, but that will inevitably use great power, it is likely to hurt Qin Jinyan's delicate body, which makes him dare not act rashly.

"Oh, this power is...!"

Qin Shi smashed the gods, and immediately he passed through the power of the soul and slowly penetrated in a permeable way. Only then did he find the nine veins that were still in the shape of flowers, and what struck him was that from the nine threads, He actually faintly agreed, feeling the power of several attributes?

And that attribute, like him, is a Ray attribute, but it is like a tyrannical trait than his Ray attribute, which is a bit more hot and hot, as if it is a fire attribute.

At the thought of this, he felt very novel. The big hand of the power of mind used a soft force to gently open the nine veins, but when he looked inside the veins, it was the whole person. The picture was stunned.

"This is, Ling Jing??"

Wrong, in the body of Qin Jinyan, even the Lingjing, but only the completion of quenching, into the spirit of the seal will be mastered.

Moreover, Qin Shi discovered that Qin Jinyan’s Lingjing was actually made up of two colors, half of which was dark purple and half of which was fire red. Among the two colors, none of them penetrated the strong attribute power. The species is his mine attribute, and the other is the fire attribute of the jade.

Attribute Lingjing, that is above the heavens, can only be quenched.

"This is too unbelievable." Qin Shi felt shocked in his heart.

At this time, the blood wizard's voice is also awakened from his heart: "Hey, double attribute Lingjing? This little girl, a terrible talent."

"Double attribute Lingjing? What do you mean?"

"Double attributes, as the name suggests, means that this little girl, in the future cultivation, is likely to master two attributes ~ This phenomenon is extremely rare between heaven and earth, if it is cultivated to Dacheng The foundation will not be limited."

Qin Shi was once again shocked. The power of attribute is the power of heaven and earth. One person has a kind of strength. If there are two kinds at the same time, what is the concept?

He even dared not imagine.

"However, Jin Yan is still small, just just full moon, no cultivation foundation, how could you have Ling Jing?" Qin Shidao's heart is puzzled.

But in this regard, the blood wizard is not too surprised, said: "This phenomenon is normal, you and your wife's blood are experienced by the thunder and temper, and they have a strong heritage. The starting line of the younger generations will naturally be superior. It is only a normal family inheritance. At most, there are only Wang Lingjing in the inheritance of the heavens. Only the inheritance of the domain can be a small chance to reach the heavens."

"Why, I am not a domain with Raksha, she will have the attribute Lingjing when she is born?"

"This, I think it should be the reason for swallowing the demon statue. Your blood contains the blood of the swallow. The cultivation of the swallowing demon is the heaven and the earth, the supreme supremacy, a heavenly environment, not enough. odd."

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