Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 920: I can save him.

"Qin Shi?" Li Tan was slightly surprised. This is a very profound look toward the undead old man. He asked, "Don't die, can you know this?"

"Know, just, this is Zhao's rabbit scorpion swaying through the city, not the opponent of the Qin brothers, taking their own insults." Undead disdainful grin.

"You...!" Zhao Jianjian suddenly became angry.

"What am I?"

The undead old road rises with the momentum of Zhao Jianjian.

Seeing that the two had to quarrel again, Li Tan quickly screamed: "Way" pig > pig "island" novel ww.m, you will not put my city owner in the eye?"

Li Tan opened, this is why the two are safe.

"The city owner, you have to be the master of me."

Zhao Zongjian once again used the bitter plan, and even waved his sleeves and touched a few of his old faces. A nose and a bitter tears looked like the real thing, causing the shamelessness of the undead.

Can be seen, Li Tan is really no way, this is to rush to the old road, to see the old road, there is no more words, he said: "That way, Qin brother in the Ming Hao room, we first look at it, When you ask him clearly, he will make a decision."

"What? The thief, in Li's room? The city owner, you are old confused, his man's ambition, will definitely be unfavorable to Li, I will not, I will save the young master Li!" Very fast, immediately he did not wait for Zhao Jianjian, turned over and leaped into the corridor inside the hall.

Li Tan frowned, but there was no more words, and the undead old road followed.

The strength of the three people is all superb, so a promenade will only reach the end with a time less than a fragrant incense, and Li Minghao’s room will come into view.


At this moment, a sudden loud noise came from the room, and a huge blasting gas Lang came from it. Even the door built by Xuan Tie Jingang was sunken and directly flew out from the wall.

This time, called Li Tan shocked: "Ming Hao!"

call out!

Almost, it was a blink of an eye. The power of the five-day world rose to the sky. He was still behind Zhao Zhijian. He suddenly went back to the front. The first one arrived in front of Li Minghao’s door and followed the eyes. Looking out of the room.

The room was full of dust and dust, and through the dust sand, Li Minghao was fainting on the ground, and Qin Shi was pale, with a slight blood in his mouth, flowing out of his mouth, and his condition was extremely poor.

Qin Shi condensed from the cloud, his eyes always fell on Li Minghao's body, and his thoughts turned back a few minutes ago. He just discovered the appearance of Li Minghao's soul.

At that time, he found that Li Minghao's soul was very excited. When he was unable to separate himself from the evil spirits and the evil spirits, he crossed the sea of ​​fire and walked to the cage of Li Minghao's soul.

Just near the cage, he frowned slightly.

He found that there was a strong black fire on the periphery of this cage. When the nature of the black fire was seen, the blood wizard opened: "The little guys, these flames, all of them are fierce, and they are a kind of fire." The fire is extremely corrosive to the soul."

"No wonder, Li Minghao's soul will be so weak." Qin Shi suddenly realized, and then he hesitated for a moment, the five fingers continued to rotate in the sleeves, then the star scales of the star-studded body wrapped his arm, he only explored his hand I want to dispel the black fire.


Unexpectedly, he tried his best to strike, and the first boxing of the tiger was in the cage. It only caused a few tremors, and everything was like a sinking sea.

And the few flames that were dispelled, even in a moment, once again breed, and the temperature of the flame actually increased in multiples.

"Well? What is going on?" he frowned.

"Little guy, be careful!" But suddenly, the blood wizard screamed.

Then, it is not allowed to think about Qin Shi, that makes up for the deep black fire outside the cage, as if there is a giant beast that has always been crouching under the abyss, suddenly turned into the wrath of the dragon, counterattack Qin Shi.

The heart was shocked, but when Qin Shi returned to God, everything was already late. He was protecting the heart with the power of the demon. This is a reluctant blow to avoid the fatal blow, but even so, the wrath of the dragon It is also to break through all his thoughts and become a strong repulsive force, which will shock his life out of Li Minghao's knowledge of the sea.

It was also because of this strong repulsive force that there was a shock in the room.

Going back to reality, Qin Shi always can't figure out what the final power is.

The blood wizard said: "If I didn't guess wrong, then the power should be a seal."


"Yes, and it is a very strong seal. It should be used to imprison the soul of this kid. Once the cage is attacked, the fierce devil will have a strong counterattack."

Under the analysis of the blood wizard, he continued: "And, from the last situation, the source of the suffocation in this kid should be the same as the undead, and no longer in his body, otherwise the fierce devil will be broken by you. It should not breed again afterwards."

"You mean, the source of this suffocation is not in his body?" Qin Shi frowned. "Where is that? He is an apprentice who is not dead, but from the scope of his knowledge of the sea, it should not have been reached. The ability to refine the life of Warcraft, and the vitality of the life of Warcraft."

"Really, this is the place of trouble. If you want to save his soul from the cage, you must first find the source of these suffocates."

Qin Shi was silent, and the blood wizard said that he understood that Li Minghao’s situation was even worse than that of the undead old road. Although the old road was also eroded by the suffocation, it was good for the soul of the undead. If you are not imprisoned, you can at least wake it up and ask.

But now, Li Minghao's soul is completely imprisoned. If he does not find it, he can't wake it up, but if he does not wake it up, it is difficult to find the source of suffocation. The two are contradictory.

"It seems that things are much worse than I thought." Qin Shi was annoyed, and just under his meditation, a sense of crisis suddenly rose from the back, calling him a cold heart, and violently turned back.


An angry fire rushed through the clouds and rushed toward his chest.

"Little guy, get out!" the blood wizard reminded.

Qin Shi frowned, but fortunately the anger was strong, but the speed was not too fast, which made his body flash to the side, barely hiding.


The fire broke through the wall at the back of the room, and the shadow of Li Tan was revealed from the cloud. He screamed at Qin Shi with anger: "Boy, what did you do to Minghao?"

Seeing Li Tan, Qin Shi revealed some accidents, but when he wanted to explain it, a figure that called him disgusted appeared next to Li Tan, and Zhao Jianjian ignited: "The city owner, have you seen it?" I said, this kid is not well-intentioned. He came to Li’s room and must be unfavorable to Li’s young master!”

"Don't talk nonsense!" The undead old man followed up and shouted. When he saw the situation in the room, he was also old-fashioned: "Little brother, what is going on with you? If you don't give a reasonable explanation, fear it is I can't keep your life today."

"Is there anything to explain? As far as the current situation is concerned, he is the heart of Sima Zhao, and everyone knows it." Yan Jie, Zhao Jianjian rushed to Li Tandao: "The lord, this kid's ambition is great, maybe he already Observing the city that never sleeps for a long time, it is very likely that I want to use Master Li, and then I want to take advantage of the city master, and start with the city that never sleeps! I want to say, the city owner, kill him now!"

"The city owner, can't!" The old road quickly stopped.

Zhao Zongjian is not willing to say: "No? Old guy, I see you and him are a group, want to fight together the city that never sleeps?"

"You...!" The itch of the roots of the old man, and then he licked his sleeves, this will not argue with Zhao Jianjian, reflexive to Li Tandao: "The city owner, I think, we should first find out the situation I dare to use my life to guarantee that Qin is not the kind of villain!"

"Do you use life to guarantee? Your old life, can you compare with Master Li?"

"Enough!" Can be seen, Li Tan's anger has been figurative, from his back to the illusory fire, but he is trying to restrain, after taking a deep breath, asked Qin Shi: "You better Give me a reasonable explanation."

Qin Shizhen started his eyes and quickly turned his mind. He said: "In fact, the Zhao family is right. There is nothing to explain. I will say something to the city owner. If you believe, believe, don't believe, then you will kill me."

"Say what?"

"I do all this to save Master Minghao."

"what did you say?"

Whether it is Li Tan, or the undead old road and Zhao Zhijian are stunned, Zhao Jianjian is the first to return to God, angered: "Hey, big words, you can save Master Li? You know these years, the city owner In order to treat Li Shaoye, how many resources have been consumed, how many living doctors have you come to? But they are not cured, you said that you can cure? How? You think that you are more powerful than those famous doctors? I see that you are in the mouth of the letter, want to give yourself the opportunity to escape?"

But for his screaming, Qin Shi ignored Always look directly at Li Tan: "I said, if you don't believe it, kill me."

Li Tan condensed and calmed down, and in silence, he continued to use the anger behind him to suppress against Qin Shi. He wanted to try to find any flaws from Qin Shi’s body. However, Qin Shi was so insulted, not Standing in the room, the unshakable perseverance, his heartstrings finally loosened, Shen Sheng said: "Then I ask you, you said that you have to cure my son, how much do you have?"

"As long as the Licheng master cooperates, I have 80% confidence."

Undead old words, revealing joy: "The city owner, you can try it, have you forgotten? My injury is also Qin's help to recover, maybe he really has a way to restore Minghao?"

Eighty percent, this is a very high probability. Li Tan has obviously shaken. He has never given up the cure of Li Minghao in the past few years. What else can a father be able to live longer than his son?

When I felt the looseness of Zhao Zhijian, Zhao’s face was obviously blue, and he suddenly made a gesture that everyone expected unexpectedly.

"Kid, you are less here to confuse people, I will kill you for the city!"

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