Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 978: She will also participate

Qin Shi himself may not know that his name is in Qingxuezong. It was spread all over the country, and no one knows it.

In Qingxuezong, it is a new disciple of the new entry. It is no stranger to the words Qin Shi. Because of it, in the Qing Xuezong, it is like a cold spirit girl: Xue Xuexin.

In the Qingxue sect, it is called the existence of the arrogant woman of the sky. Like the sect of the Qingxue sect, the rare ice-cold property of thousands of years is the best for her, plus The immortal talent of the immortal has reached a very high level in just a few years, and it has a very loud reputation among the eight domains.

The most important thing is that God is too fond of her, not only to give her this, but also to give her the world's fascination, is the countless men + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + love obsessed in the heart, even in the green In Xuezong, countless male disciples are proud of saying that they can compete with Xue Xuexin. The pursuers occupy more than 80% of Qingxuezong. Many Qingsong elders also do their best to involve this article for their children. Red line.

However, these years, Qi Xuexin never smiled at any man. She is like a cold ice that has not melted for a thousand years. It is close to people and feels cold. Only a name can make her warmer and reveal a bit lighter. Laugh, and the name is Qin Shi.

In Qing Xuezong, everyone is full of curiosity about Qin Shi, and now they can see it with their own eyes. The disciples of this group of Qing Xuezong can’t help but feel a little excited. Especially the little girl with Yan Ling’s eyes, the eyelashes on the apricot eyes flicker and flash, as if Qin Shi will see the same bottom.

"It turns out that you are Qin Shi, but it is a hairy boy in a seven-day world. I really don't know if she has no long eyes, how can she look at you?" Suddenly, a sly landscape spits out from Bai Yikou. He looked at Qin Shi with a look of disdain.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, but he was too lazy to care about this little man.

"If you are nonsense, don't need him to do it, I will send you to Xitian." The voice of Zi Lingsha sounded from behind, very sweet, but could not help but ask Bai Yi to lick, and quickly shrinked his neck, he still remembers now. Before, Zi Lingsha almost gave him the appearance of poison.

"Well, there is no need to care about him." Qin Shi rushed to Zi Lingsha, and then ignored Bai Yi, and directed at Fiord: "The old predecessor, since it is over, we are not here anymore." Be careful with the road ahead."

Fior opened his mouth and he smiled helplessly: "Little friend, there is one thing, I still want to ask you."

"What, the old predecessors, although I said, I said that as long as it is Qing Xuezong, I will do my best to help." Qin Shi deliberately emphasized the words of Qing Xuezong, and Fior could not help but smile. He is also an old guy who has lived for a hundred years. Naturally, he can understand the meaning of Qin Shi’s words. That is, as long as it is the case of Qing Xuezong, he will manage it, and apart from that, he will not be able to say anything.

But he did not blame it. Instead, he stunned Bai Yi. If he changed to be Qin Shi and saved everyone, he would also be counted by Bai Yi. He would not feel good. He quickly said: "That is sure. This matter has an inseparable relationship with my Qing Xuezong."

"Oh?" Qin Shiyi looked up: "Older generation, then you said straight."

Fior bowed his head and stared at the dead hand for a long time, and could not help but sigh: "I am dissatisfied with the small friend, we were going to rush to the Chaos Cemetery to participate in the sacrifice of the Divine in this eight-domain, but unfortunately on the road. I was ambushed in a chaotic field. If it wasn’t for the help of a small friend, I was afraid that we would have died in Huangquan now."

"But even then, the poison of the chaotic domain that we are planting in our body has not been solved, and the spiritual power in the body has been disrupted. I don't care, but these little guys are the sacrifices of this **** in our Qing Xuezong. Candidates, they can't delay, they must arrive at the Chaos Cemetery as scheduled." Fior said this, praying: "So I hope that Xiaoyou can help people to help the end, send the Buddha to the west. Help me send these little guys to the Chaos Cemetery."

"The sacrifice of the gods, the chaotic cemetery?" Qin Shi heard the words repeatedly, and the heart was slightly surprised: "Older generation, you said that the sacrifice of the gods has already begun?"

"Yes, this year's festival of the gods is about to begin, and this session is somewhat different from the past. In the past, it was in the eight domains, and it was transmitted to the divine enchantment in the chaotic cemetery through the transmission array, but This time, the transmission array has been deactivated, and it is escorted by the elders of various factions. It is also an early assessment. The eight domains have been ambushed from each other on the road, and only survive to the enchantment of the gods. Only through the preliminary game, has the opportunity to enter the realm." Fior bite his teeth: "I just did not expect that the chaotic domain would be so embarrassing, and successively ambushed in my Qing Xuezong peripherals, green There are already several teams surrounded by Xuezong."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi was slightly surprised. He turned back and looked at Haoyue, and exchanged his eyes. But this scene fell in the eyes of Fior, but he mistakenly thought it was because of the ambush in the chaotic field, the bite of the teeth: "Well, the insidious area of ​​chaos, These years are no longer a secret, but also blame me for negligence, so I hope that Xiaoyou can help me this, this matter is very important to me, Qing Xuezong, and I am thankful here!"

Speaking, Fior wants to rush to Qin Shizhen.

Seeing Qin Shi quickly reached out and stopped, a look of sorrow: "Older generation, you can't agree with you."

“Well?” Fio’s old eyes were happy: “So, is Xiaoyou promised to be old?”

He did not hurry and nod, but hesitated first and gave a message to the two men: "Since the sacrifice of the gods has begun, it is too late to rush back to the sword, let us go directly to the chaotic cemetery?"

"I don't care, anyway, I just have to follow you." Zi Lingsha squinted and smiled, and so did the moon.

Affirmed, Qin Shi turned back and responded: "Well, just right, we are also on the way, then the old people here will give me peace of mind."

"Thank you Xiaoyou!" The boulder in the heart of the old man was put down, and turned back to the disciple behind him to explain: "Next, you will follow Qin Shi Xiaoyou, he will **** you to the enchantment of the gods, and then with my ancestral The big forces round, on this road, everything must follow the instructions of Qin Xiaoyou, do you know?"

As a disciple of Qing Xuezong, it is naturally proud. He heard that many disciples flashed dissatisfaction on their faces, especially Bai Yi, and he said: "Let me follow him? That is not enough to kill me." It."

"No one wants to take you, if you don't want to follow, you can't walk yourself. If you say more, I will feed you!" Zi Lingsha angered, and a poisonous Dan was caught between her fingers.

Bai Yi has shrunk his neck and dare not say anything.

Yan Ling is very excited, she is the first to open, wrapped around Qin Shi, happy smile: "I know, I am willing to follow Qin Shi brother, I also want to see, he has somewhere, can Let Snow Sister be so fascinated."

After all, she was very naughty and rushed to Qin Shi to smile: "Qin Shi Big Brother, then I will give you care, if you dare to bully me, I will complain with Xue Xinjie, I said to you, Xue Xin Sister is in Zong, although there are not many friends, but I am definitely one."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi helpless smile, but with the look of Yan Ling cute and sincere, he would rather believe that she is a friend of Xue Xin, nodded: "Do not worry, even if I die, I will send you to the enchantment of the gods of."

"Don't say anything that is not dead, if she is known by Xue Xinjie, she will definitely be angry with me." Yan Ling smiled.

Qin Shi nodded with a smile and rushed to Fiord: "The old predecessors, I will take them away first."

"My Qing Xuezong's reputation, I will give it to you, Qin Xiaoyou!" Fior is very solemn.

Qin Shi also agreed very seriously. Then, he gently greeted the disciples of Qing Xuezong: "If you are willing to follow me, follow up. If you don't want to, I am not reluctant. If you have confidence, you can come. There is nothing wrong with the chaotic cemetery."

After he finished speaking, he waved at Zi Lingsha and Haoyue: "Let's go."

He stepped forward and rushed toward the center of the eight fields, in the direction of the chaotic cemetery.

Yan Ling is the first to keep up. Someone started, and many of the disciples of Qing Xuezong are erratic. Suddenly, the second person keeps up, and then there is the third and fourth, until the end, only Xia Baiyi, a tangled expression, finally shouted: "Hey, hello, wait for me!" Then, hurriedly chased it up.

Qin Shi blinked at this and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Along the way, Qin Shi and other people are not fast, because Yan Ling and other people are also very poisonous, there is no way to fly, can only rely on a slow walk, but Qin Shi is not in a hurry, and finally, no, He used the power of the thunder and was able to catch up, so on the road, he is more concerned about the status quo of the snow heart, so many years have not seen, he really wants her rushing Ling asked: "Yan Ling, can you tell me, how is she now?"

"Snow heart sister?" Yan Ling smiled badly, then very naughty and squinted her head: "Then I can't tell you, until you see Xue Xinjie, naturally you know, yes, she will I will be able to meet you in this session of the Divine Festival."

"Do she also attend?"

A touch of surprise color, from the black stone of Qin Shi can not cover the flash, his fist fiercely clenched, the heart beat a few times.

After all, he can't remember how long he hasn't seen the woman he missed day and night, and he loves deeply, and he can't help but start the storm.

He narrowed his eyes and flashed in his mind, all of which were short-lived pictures of him and Xue Xin.

"Snow heart, six years, I finally climbed from the little empire's hair boy, step by step, now, we only have a long distance... You, miss me?"

"After a few years, we will finally meet again. Do you want me to be the same, excited?"

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