Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1005: Miss Ben is a beastmaster

In the trial of the mountains, Jing Yunyi continued to shuttle among them.

A lot of dangers were encountered along the way.

But they are all without fear and no difficulty.

During the period, I also got a lot of trial points.

However, Jing Yunqi is not too persistent in these trials. Instead of working hard to find a trial point to get it, it is better to wait for the rest of the clan to **** them.

Grab the test points of the remaining clan, not only can increase the test points of their own clan, but also reduce the test points of the remaining clan.

Why not?

that's it.

After spending half a day, Jing Yunzhen finally arrived at the position agreed with Nie Yunfei.

Just did not see Nie Yunfei.

I saw only the remaining disciples of more than twenty Nie clan.

Among them, several disciples of the Nie clan have fallen to the ground and have a life call.

At this time, the disciples of these Nie clan were also surrounded by the other two clan.

I can see from that costume.

The two clan members are the Lu family and the Lei family.

A total of thirty people.

It is full of momentum and full of strength.

The leader is the Thunder of the Lei family.

"Thunder, your Lu's clan and the Lei's clan are colluding together."

Among the Nie clan, a young man shivered coldly.

This young man is called Nie Chen.

It is a brother of Nie Yunfei.

Beyond Nie Yunfei is one year younger.

At this time, he and the rest of the Nie clan looked at the Lu's clan and the Lei's clan with a fierce look.

"Haha, Nie Chen, your Nie clan now knows. It is already late. This time, the trial is bigger than the Nie clan, and you are waiting to perish."

Thunder haha ​​laughed.

After the laughter, the Thunder suddenly fell cold.

Then he ordered the rest of the people behind him: "Everyone works together to kill all the people of the Nie clan. Don't leave a living."


The rest of the Lei's and Lu's clan nod.

Then they showed their weapons.

I want to do something with Nie Chen and others.

In the eyes of Nie Chen and others, the color of despair is revealed.

They... naturally not the opponents of the Thunder and others.

Once they fight, they will die!

Seeing this scene, Jing Yunyi did not intend to stand by and watch. Although the three people who had been rescued by Nie Zheng had disappointed Jing Yunzhen, not all the people of the Nie clan were so rude.

Jing Yunzhen naturally represents the Nie clan to fight, can you see death?

Can be in the time when Jingyun wants to shoot.

In the other direction of the jungle, a series of movements suddenly sounded.

It seems that there are a lot of figures rushing from the position of the jungle.

"Thunder, and all of you, the Lei family and the Lu family, you even want to fight the idea of ​​my Nie clan, it is really delusional. Today, Miss, let you know that my Nie clan is definitely not what you can provoke. ""

As the Qingling coldly rang, the jungle suddenly plucked a shadow.

This figure is very familiar to everyone.

It is not Nie Yunfei.

At this time, Nie Yunfei, Tsing Yi wraps, and outlines Miao Man's figure. There are a lot of blood on his body. It seems that she has experienced some killings before, but these bloodstains make her whole person look more fierce.

The rest of the Nie clan and other Nie clan saw Nie Yunfei, and the desperate eyes finally showed a hint of joy.

The Thunder and other Luis clan and Lu's clan saw Nie Yunfei, first smashed, and then Thunder and other people laughed even more arrogantly: "Nie Yunfei, this trial mountain monsters are numerous, with your physique It’s really strange to die now.”

"But you come just right, so that you can save the young master from wasting time looking for you. You can say that you are self-investing."

After hearing the words of Thunder, Nie Yunfei also sang a smile on his face.

"From the net, you can see who is the net."

"Give me all out."

Nie Yunfei waved his arm.




In the jungle that Nie Yunfei plucked before, there was a sound of beasts screaming.

It seems that the herd is in turmoil, and everyone on the scene is suddenly changing.

Then, a fierce monster was plundered from the jungle.

There are huge and powerful wild wolves.

There is a violent earthworm.

There are six-winged golden eagle with a strong shape.

and many more.

A dozen dozen monsters.

It was so reflected in the eyes of everyone, and finally stood around the body of Nie Yunfei, just like Nie Yunfei’s right arm.

This makes it even more difficult for everyone to shrink.

"How is this going?"

Thunder was full of surprises.

Then he stared at Nie Yunfei with a look of horror.

Doesn't it all mean that Nie Yunfei's physique is special, specifically attracting all kinds of powerful monsters to attack her?

How did these monsters not only attack Nie Yunfei, but they also seemed to follow Nie Yunfei’s command.

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

"What happened? Haha, Thunder, I forgot to tell you that this lady is a royal sorcerer of the super invincible slogan. These monsters have been tamed by me."

Nie Yunfei laughed.

Hearing Nie Yunfei and introducing himself, Jing Yun’s mouth could not help but reveal a smile of relief.

The scorpion can teach too!

It is normal for Nie Yunfei to be able to tame so many monsters.

Her physique attracts the beast. When she stepped into the trial mountain range, she will attract a lot of monsters, and then use the beast to decide to tame these monsters one by one, but the blood from Nie Yunfei also knows that during the tame process, Nie Yunfei must have experienced some hard work.

"What? Are you a beastmaster?"

The Thunder was once again horrified.

The rest of the people are also horrified.

The sorcerer, the one who is one of the best.

Moreover, the strength of these monsters is not low, can tame these levels of monsters, which shows that Nie Yunfei's animal skills are not generally strong.

But why haven't you heard of Nie Yunfei as a beastmaster before?

When did she become a beastmaster?

The Nie clan was so hidden.

"Thunder, now I know, it’s already late."

"You think that your Lei family and the Lu family are colluding together, you can do whatever you want."

"This time, the trials are bigger than you, and your Lei family and Lu family are waiting to be destroyed."

“All of them work together to kill all the people of these Lei’s and Lu’s clan. Don’t leave a living.”

The last two sentences were told by the Thunder to the people of the Nie clan.

just now.

Nie Yunfei returned to the original place.

After Nie Yunfei finished, the dozens of monsters that were tamed by Nie Yunfei all moved.

Each of them rushed out, and all of them broke out with strong strength.

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