Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1007: Full face

After hearing the words of Jing Yunzhen, Nie Yunfei suddenly appeared.

"Oh, you still want to be thoughtful."

"Then do what you say."

Nie Yunfei recognized Jing Yunqi's statement.

It’s probably a big deal to stay in the thunder for a while.

But the death penalty is exempt, and the crime is not to escape.

Nie Yunfei still ordered the group of monsters and the rest of the Nie clan to attack the past against the Thunder.


After a fierce battle.

The Thunder did not die.

But the body has been scarred, and was seriously injured by Nie Yunfei and others.

"Nie Yunfei, and you stinky will regret it."

The thunder sounds weak.

But still do not forget the threat.

See you.

The people of Nie Yunfei and Nie Clan felt very relieved.

"Thunder, then look, who is regretting when it is time."

Nie Yunfei smiled coldly.

Jing Yunqi did not let the Thunder say more nonsense, and transferred the trial point on his trial waistband to the Nie clan, and he crushed the trial waist directly.

Then Jing Yunyi took the space box out and then directly into the space box of the seriously injured Thunder.


On the Daowu Square.

The most proud of them were the people of the Lei family and the Lu family.

Because with the trial of the big ratio, the Cang Clan lost one dozen at a time, and the number of people who died or voluntarily gave up has reached seventeen.

The number of Nie clan deaths or voluntarily gave up reached 20 people.

To know.

This is only a half-day period.

As for the Lei family and the Lu family.

Those who die or voluntarily give up, even if they add up, only five.

This gap is a bit bigger.


The entire trial area is so large. With the trial and comparison, the four major clan people will encounter a variety of powerful monsters and sinister places, or the probability that everyone between them will encounter each other. .

By the time the number of Lei Clan and Lu's clan is more, it definitely has the upper hand.

The loss of the Clan and Nie clan may be more serious.

"Nie Xiao, your Nie clan is really bad. In such a short period of time, you lost 20 people. It is estimated that when the three-day trial is over, your Nie clan will be eliminated in the trial. Got it?"

Lu Yan deliberately ridiculed.

"Three days? Lu nationality, then you are too high to see the Nie clan? I think I will not spend two days, the Nie clan will be completely annihilated. At that time, it makes people laugh and generous."

Lei Wanlong also took the words.

Very good mood.

This made the people of Nie Clan and Nie Haizong and other Nie clan people look very ugly.

Among the 20 people of the Nie Clan who have lost their qualifications for trials, 10 have died and 10 have chosen to give up, which is indeed a big blow to their family.

"Lu Yan, Lei Wanzong, don't be too happy. At the last moment, no one knows what the result of this trial will be!"

Nie Xiaoqing was angrily.

"Haha. Nie Xiao, things are still what your Nie clan is thinking about now."

Lu Yan sneered again and again.

"But I am a little surprised. Your baby granddaughter's physique is special, and it has been holding on for such a long time. I am afraid that it will not take long before you will see your baby granddaughter's name dim from the rankings, or even disappear directly. ""

Lei Wan vertical also said.

The disappearance of the name is equivalent to death.

This can not help but make the people of the Nie clan more angry.


At the moment when Lei Wanzhong finished, the scene suddenly exclaimed: "Look at the rankings."

Then everyone on the scene has turned their eyes to the rankings.

On the list, many of the names of Lu's clan and Lei's clan disappeared.

one by one.

Finally, twenty-nine names disappeared.

"What? What is going on?"

“In the past, trials have never happened to have such a one-time death so many people. This year has already appeared for the second time. What happened in the trial mountain range.”

"There are so many people in the Lei family and the Lu family. There is no reason to die so many talents."

Everyone on the scene is talking about it.

This result was not expected at all.

As for Lu Hao and Lei Wanzeng, they looked cold and cold.

They also did not understand what it was all about.

No reason.

The rest don't know.

But they are very clear that their Lu's clan and Lei's clan are united.

Even the strongest people who have encountered the Clan and Nie clan.

It is also a great chance of winning.

Even if there is no chance of winning, there is no possibility of such a one-sided death.


When they have not accepted this scene yet.

The name of the Thunder is also dimmed.


Lei Wan’s heart slammed down.

The Thunder is a nine-strong warrior in Tianwujing.

In the end, not only killed so many people of the Lei family and the Lu family, but also defeated the Thunder?

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

Fortunately, the name of the Thunder did not completely disappear, which shows that the Thunder is still not dead.

Otherwise, Lewan will probably be more difficult to accept.

"Ha ha ha, Lu Yan, Lei Wanzong, I have already said that it is too early for you to be happy. Now you should always believe it."

"Especially Lei Wanzong, I am very embarrassed, my baby granddaughter has nothing to do, but it is your baby grandson, the name has completely dimmed."

Nie Xiao laughed.

Before Lu Hao and Lei Wan were so aggressive.

Now, Lu Hao and Lei Wan’s face are ugly.

This is the face.

Played it to the fullest.

It made a loud noise.

It is also at this time.

Lu Yan and Lei Wan looked at each other with a look.

It seems that there is a lot of information exchanged between the two sides.


Both of them nodded.

At the moment of nodding, the two of them quietly took out a jade slip, and almost shattered the jade.

At the moment when the jade is crumbling, try to hide some hidden part of the mountain.

A man stood up suddenly.

"Everyone is uplifting, and it's time for us to be playing."

The man shouted.


Behind him, hundreds of men stood up suddenly.

It seems that a well-trained army suddenly received an order.

Each one has a very fierce momentum.

That kind of momentum spread, so that the atmosphere of one side of the world has become extremely suppressed.

"Then follow the previous plan, let me go with me."

"Remember, this time we only have one purpose. It is to catch all the people who participated in the trials of the Clan and Nie clan. If you can catch the living, you must catch the living. If you can't catch it, Then kill the innocent directly."

The man shouted coldly.

Then they led everyone to rush toward the rest of the mountain range like a locust.

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