Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1019: Surprise

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters are not a surprise

Seeing Lei Wanqi hands-on, Nie Yunfei on the side changed his face.

"Hey, be careful."

Nie Yunfei wants to help Jing Yun.

It’s just that Jing Yun霄 doesn’t care.

On the contrary, he sneered: "Lee Wan, are you sure to do it to me?"

Lei Wanzhen has completely ignored the Jingyun.

Continue to go to Jingyun.

But when Lei Wanqi’s offensive was about to fall on Jing Yun’s body, Jing Yun’s side suddenly had a figure between him. This figure was very embarrassing, and it was hand-held by Jing Yun’s.

Seeing that figure, Lei Wanqi’s offensive instantly came to an abrupt end.

Because that figure is not someone else.

It is the Thunder.

At this point, Jing Yun霄 is carrying the Thunder, as long as the finger is moved, the Thunder may be a life call.

Thunder is the baby grandson of Lei Wanzong, the chief of the Lei Clan.

And Lei Wan is the eldest brother of Lei Wanqi.

The Lei family is very valued by the Thunder.

Before Lei Wanxi was very puzzled, why did he not see the Thunder in the trial mountain range, but never expected that the Thunder was actually caught by Jing Yunzhen and Nie Yunfei.

No wonder they dare to come here so unscrupulously.

It turned out that they have the Thunder card.

As the second grandfather of the Thunder, Lei Wanxi naturally did not want to see the Thunder die.

So this time I can only close my hand.

"Well, you are a mess, you will let the baby go quickly, otherwise you will definitely regret your life forever."

Lei Wan screamed.

An angry anger rises from the sky.

"Let's let go? Of course you can. But Ben Huang is not scared. If you want me to let go, then you have to let people go. So let go and let go, the decision is actually in your hands."

Jing Yun’s play was a smile.

Between words, the Thunder’s body was deliberately raised a little higher.

"Two grandfather, save me. I don't want to die."

Although the Thunder was seriously injured before, but on the road to dare to bury the slope, Jing Yunyi used a set of healing methods to help him heal a lot, so the damage of the Thunder is not so serious now.

But it is absolutely impossible to break away from Jingyun’s arm.

And he also saw the heart and soul of Jing Yunhao and Nie Yunfei.

Therefore, Jing Yunqi wants to kill him. It is definitely a very likely thing.

So that he only has to cry for help now.

Hearing the thunder and calling for help, Lei Wanxi’s look was even more chilly.

"Well, I put the people of your Nie clan, you put the Thunder."

Lei Wanxi soon compromised.

These compromises are actually not serious for them.

Because of the people who put the Nie clan?

Once Jing Yunzhen put the Thunder also.

At that time, they can still use Jing Yunqi and others to get through.

"Yu Huang, can't put it."

Nie Yunfei naturally thought of this.

Not just him.

The rest of the Nie clan also thought of this.

Although the people of the Nie clan want to be saved.

But they also know that once Jingyun releases the Thunder, they are equivalent to not being rescued at all.

The Thunder is in the hands of Jing Yun, and Jing Yunyi has a chip, and the Lei Clan and Lu Clan will not take them.

Therefore, the rest of the Lei's clan did not want Jing Yun to release the Thunder.

However, Jing Yunqi did not care about the ideas of Nie Yunfei and the rest of the Nie clan.

It’s a cold smile: “What are you waiting for? Let’s let go.”

this moment.

Everyone thinks that Jing Yun is a fool.

Not only did he not save the people of the Nie clan, but he still forced himself to the road.

Lei Wanxi was relieved, and he was also afraid that Jingyun would not let the Thunder, which would be even more difficult for their Lei family.

After all, he wouldn’t let the Thunder go wrong anyway.

"Let people."

Lei Wanzhen is not afraid of Jing Yun.

Because Jing Yun霄 they are the best in the middle.

I can't afford any waves.

Jing Yunyi also has no words and no faith.

When I saw Lei Wanqi and others put the people of the Nie clan, I immediately put the Thunder.

Only when the Thunder was released, Jing Yunhao’s powerful soul power poured out, and finally it was completely applied to the Thunder, so that the Thunder’s entire time was lost.

It’s just that the rest of the people who didn’t find it.

that's it.

The people of the Nie clan came to Jing Yunzhen and Nie Yunfei.

The Thunder went to the side of Lei Wanzeng and others.

"Yun Fei sister, we are wrong, we should listen to you before, should not be separated from you."

Nie Chen apologized to Nie Yunfei.

Before they insisted on separating from Nie Yunfei, they did not expect that it would not have been long before they broke into the group of black people, and then they were directly captured by the black people.

If you followed Nie Yunfei, they might not have such a thing.

Nie Yunfei did not say much.

Because everyone knows that they are not out of danger now.

When I saw the security of the Thunder, Lei Wanlong turned his face immediately: "It’s really a stupid boy. Now I see what you still have to fight with us. Everyone listens, quickly, and gives me all this group of people. Grab it. As for the kid, kill it directly."

That kid, naturally refers to Jingyun.

Jingyun has delayed them for a lot of time.

Still so arrogant, which made him very upset.


All the Lei's and Lu's clan are in the hands of people.

I want to arrest Jing Yunqi and others.

"Lee Wan is it? You are so old, how to do things so unsteadily. Do you know why I am so easy to put the Thunder?"

Jing Yun snorted.

A mysterious look.

This made Lei Wan's brow wrinkled.

This kid... What do you mean?

It is also at this time.

"Two grandfather."

The Thunder around Lei Wanqi called Lei Wanqi.

Lei Wanqi instinctively looked at the thunder around him.



A short knife appeared in the hands of the Thunder, and then slammed directly toward Lewan's body.

Lei Wanzhen did not take any precautions, so there was no response at all.

Just watched the short knife smash into his chest.

Fortunately, Lei Wanqi’s strength is there. The short knife is not completely penetrated. Lei Wan’s body is on the side of the body and is separated from the Thunder, but even so, Lei Wanzhen is seriously injured, if it is The short knife will go deeper into the middle of the finger. I am afraid that the heart of Lewan will be pierced directly, and then the life will be called.

"How is this going?"

Lei Wanzhen did not think that this would happen.

The person in front of me is indeed a thunder, such as a fake replacement.

Why can you suddenly start to do it yourself?

The rest of the people around are also all over.

Only Jing Yunxiao chuckled: "Old guy, surprise or surprise? Is it unexpected? Isn't it irritating?"

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