Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1104: Is the president crazy?

Is the president of Chapter 1104 mad?

Feng Yun Ao and others searched frantically in the vicinity.

Jingyun and the wind are in peace and quiet.

Although the chilly atmosphere here is very rich, the cultivation of Jingyun and the wind is placed here, so the chilly land here does not have much impact on their bodies.

It’s just that the two used the mirror too many times before, so their mental strength is still very serious.

So it looks like the state is not too good.

"Fashionable adults, then we will take a short break here, let them find it nearby. After we recover, we will leave here directly. I will find a way to help you." The mark on the body is completely removed."

Jing Yunxiao screamed at the wind.

After this incident, the wind is even more impressive for Jingyun.

It seems that in front of Jing Yunzhen, he is a child.

Therefore, for Jing Yunzhen, he has no objections.

Jing Yunqi let him do what, he will do it.

After Jing Yunyi finished speaking, he naturally went directly into the Shoutian Supreme Tower to adjust his body.

that's it.

An hour has passed.

The people who are proud of the wind are still searching nearby.

But nothing.

This makes Feng Yun proud and others more ignorant of where to fight.

“The president, there is a cave entrance here.”

Suddenly someone found the entrance to the chilly land.

Feng Yunao and the rest of the people rushed past the fastest speed.

They are all stuck in the hole.

The hole was blocked by a huge stone.

It was the masterpiece after the scenes and the winds.

Not very close, it is hard to find.

It’s not bad to be able to find it here at an hour.

Seeing that the stone blocked by the hole seems to be newly placed, the Fengyun arrogant face suddenly sinks, and the heart also believes that Jingyun and Fengfeng should be hidden inside, and then Fengyun proud without any delay, directly shot.

The palm of the hand stunned and fell on the boulder of the cave.


With a loud bang, the boulder instantly shattered.

"All come with me. If they are inside, kill them innocently."

Feng Yun proudly ordered.

It is absolutely impossible to let Jing Yun and the wind rush to escape.

I heard a bang.

The wind sitting on the cross-legged slammed up and his face was slightly dignified.

After this hour of adjustment, his body has recovered a little, but it is not enough.

The stalwart of the Supreme Tower was turbulent, and Jing Yunzhen also heard the movement coming out of the stalwart tower, but the wind was so shocking that Jing Yunyi actually recovered completely.

At an hour's time, all the mental energy spent before was restored to the original?

This is too ridiculous.

But this is normal for Jing Yunqi.

The last time he was injured, he recovered a bit slower.

This time, he simply spent a lot of spirits on the use of the transmission mirror, so the outside world, that is, almost one day in the Supreme Supreme Tower, he can use the soul of the law to make his own spiritual power. Completely restored as ever!

Just as Jingyun’s came out from the stalwart of the sacred tower, Fengyun proud that they had already rushed to the chilly land in the cave, and finally saw the Jingyun 霄 and the wind.

"Hey, President, how do you say that you are good? We have been here for you for so long, you have found us now. Your business ability is too bad, right?"

Jing Yunxiao chuckled.

Feng Yun proud that they are even more angry.


Feng Yun proud only said one word at a time.

When he said this word, his killings instantly surged to the extreme.

It makes the whole chilly land even more chilly.

next moment.

They didn't have any stops, they all showed a powerful offensive, and they started to move toward Jingyun and the wind. A pair of squadrons and Jingfeng smashed the corpse.

"Wow, you are so fierce, I am so scared."

"But if you want to kill us, then continue to catch up with us."

"Come on, I am optimistic about you, this time, don't let me down as much as I did before."

Jing Yun霄 smiled slyly.

Then the transfer mirror is activated again.

A ray of light illuminates the entire chilly land, and the body of the two people has disappeared into the chilly land, without the means of Feng Yunao and others falling into Jingyun and Fengshen.


Fengyun proud everyone seems to be hit by the five thunder.

Escaped again.

Jing Yunzhen and the wind smashed his mother's escape.


Feng Yun proud this time is really angry, a blood is sprayed out.

He never dreamed that the president of his ceremonial chamber of commerce would actually be played by a young man!

"You waste!"

Fengyun proudly rushed to the sky, directly shot the two palms, photographed the other two Fengyunwei around him.

The two Fengyunweis have not yet figured out what happened.

It has become a tool for anger and anger.

Then fell directly to the ground, **** and fuzzy, and soon there was no breath.

The rest of Fengyunwei is a big jump.

One by one.

The current arrogance is like a mad male lion.

Let them be scared.

"Follow, continue to chase, do not know the little beast, the president will not swear!"

Fengyun proudly snarls.

Then rushing straight out of the cave.

The rest of the Fengyunwei did not dare to have any words, but they all followed.


After they left the cave, Fengyun proud suddenly stopped.

Because he suddenly realized that he had no trace of the imprint on the wind, he now does not know where the direction of Jing Yunhao and the wind escape.

Even if he wants to chase, he doesn't know how to chase, which direction to chase!


Another old blood spurted out of the wind.

Especially at this time, Fengyun proudly remembered the words of Jing Yunhao: Come on, I am optimistic about you, this time, don’t let me down again like the previous times.


Feng Yun Ao will almost completely collapse.



"Small chop, I must let you die without a place to die."

Fengyun prides itself on killing, the whole person is like a **** of killing, let the rest of the Fengyunwei look even more trepidation, fear that Fengyun proud will take them out.

However, this time Feng Yunao did not take them out.

Instead, take the mountain that has just been in the chilly land.

A treasure appeared in the hands of Fengyun proud, Fengyun proud of that mountain is a fierce shot.

Like catharsis!

Like anger!


A series of violent sounds continued to ring.

The entire mountain is constantly falling.

Seeing that Fengyunwei is even more chilling.

They have never seen Feng Yunao so miserable.

President... Is this crazy?

Some cultivators around him saw this scene, and each one was also terrified.

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