Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1121: The arrival of the thunder

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-one chapter of the thunder killing hall arrived

Jing Yunyu is suspended in the air.

There are two nine-level spirits around him.

He is at this moment.

Give people a kind of atmosphere that is in the world.

"Give me kill."

With these three words from the Jingyun mouth.

Jing Yunxiao shook a finger.

The entire time of Wuchengcheng seems to be shrouded in a piece of killing.

Endless killing gas, revealed from the two killings.

So many people are shivering.


Above the stars, the stars are surging, as if the world is covered by the entire Milky Way.

A star of the stars descends from the sky.

It’s like a meteor across the sky.

Inspires the power of endless destruction.

The fire is not to be outdone.

The fire was burning, and the arrogance was soaring.

A cluster of fire groups, like a meteorite falling down.

The stars and the fire group shine together.

Starlight and fire are intertwined.

Endless power, smashing the sky.


It was directly rushed toward everyone like the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce with a destructive attack.

this moment.

Space is shaking.

The world is going to the end of the day.

The people of the Chamber of Commerce, such as Makino and Yin Zongba, have changed their faces.

"Speedy hands to resist."

Makino commanded the road.

In fact, he does not use his orders, and everyone must try their best to resist the life.

The power of the nine-level killing is not the power of a small array of methods for them.

Especially those who are warriors.

There is no such strength as Makino and Yin Zongba.

Their martial arts repairs are all below the Five Kingdoms.

These nine levels of killing are a nightmare for them.

So that they all do their best at this moment, madly resist.

But even so.

Many people can't resist it at all.

Whether it is a surging star or a fire burning.

They are not necessarily able to withstand it.


Ah, ah...

A scream of screams sounded.

A famous warrior has fallen.

Animal husbandry and animal husbandry and other people are angry.

This moment is also fully resisted.

Although they can withstand the two ninth-level offensives, it is impossible to protect everyone's Fengyun Chamber of War.

So I can only watch the Fengyun Warriors who are not sheltered by them, and die in the killing.

The warriors fell down.

The ground is full of dead bodies.

Jing Yunqi did not feel soft and gentle, and continued to manipulate the two nine-level attacking spirits to kill the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, he also gave the emperor fire to two killings.

As the stars and fire groups fall, and then the bodies of the dead Fengyun warriors are burned and refining, the endless martial arts elements are like the seas and rivers flooding into the body of Jingyun, making Jing Yun’s body more It is imposing.

In a short while, there was a sign of breakthrough in Jing Yun's body.

From the early stage of the Three Kingdoms of God, it broke through the signs of the middle of the three-year period.

In the process of fighting, you can also break through.

Jing Yunyi once again surprised everyone.

Even Ziqin and others, at this moment is also a courtesy of Jingyun.

This kid... is simply non-human!


Jing Yunzhen did not control whether there was a breakthrough in himself.

For him, there is only one idea right now.

All the people from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce were killed.

In particular, I thought of the picture of the death of all the people of Ziqin and Nie's clan, and this kind of killing will not decrease.

So that the two killings continue to be madly bombarded.

The people of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce also continued to die.

At last.

The people of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are only a few hundred people, such as Mu Qingye, Mumu, Yin Zongba and Yin Zhi.

"You... don't want to live one."

Jing Yun’s murder is in vain.

The sound of the sky is like a avenue, pointing to the world and stimulating the country.

Makino is now a little regretful at the bottom of my heart.

Why did he have to be challenged by Yin Zhi’s previous words, and he promised to provoke Jing Yun’s enchanting.


Even if he can win the enchanting Jingyun, I am afraid that they have to pay a lot, and he does not want to see the price.


Another word is drawn from Jingyun.

It is like the death sentence.

Then the stars streamer killing and the fire and killing the big array are no longer releasing a star of stars and a cluster of fire groups.

But all the stars are united into one, turning into a star ocean.

All the fire groups also gathered into a sea of ​​fire.

The stars and the sea of ​​fire are almost simultaneously blasted.

Go straight to Makino and others.

The momentum is magnificent, and the surging power that is surging on it is even stronger than before.

Makino and others are more shocked.

But it is also at this time.

"Haha, it’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes. I didn’t expect it to have a martial arts ember!"

A thunderous sound suddenly exploded in the ears of everyone.

Along with this voice, a void is directly torn apart.

Two men came out of it.

An old man, a young man.

Both of them are magnificent.

They just stood in the air, just like the two mountains suddenly stood there.

When Jing Yunzhen saw the two men, his face suddenly sank.

He felt a big threat from the two men.

The strength of these two people is definitely not low!

And still very low.

"Hey, a young age, I can actually manipulate two nine-level spirits. It seems that in these years, you have a lot of talents in your martial arts hall. It’s a pity that you are not going to walk, you have to obsessed with evil. It’s a waste of money. Wait for the seedlings."

The old man’s eyes were locked in Jing Yun’s body, and his eyes flashed a trace of fineness.

next moment.

He took a shot.

Just a casual hand.

But it broke out with an incredible momentum.

Then go straight to Jingyun.

Jing Yun's face was even tighter, and immediately turned the gun head, manipulating two nine-level attacks to attack and attack.


The world is roaring.

The former one of the palms collided with Jing Yunyi's two-line attack.

I thought that the offensive between the two sides would be a shock.

but no.

Because the palm of the palm is too strong.

The two nine-level killings manipulated by Jing Yunwei are like paper.

It was completely broken when you touch it gently.

At the same time, a group of powers Yu Wei also fell to Jing Yunyi's body.

The body of Jingyun’s body flew out directly.

Jing Yunyi fell heavily on the ground in front of Ziqin and others, and the ground was full of a huge hole, and several mouthfuls of blood were continuously sprayed in his mouth.

Although it did not hurt his life, it also caused Jing Yunqi to be injured.

And this scene.

It also made everyone on the scene feel amazed.

The old man is too strong.

Jing Yunzhen, who couldn’t be alive before, was so easily hit by one of his palms.

"It is actually ... the strongest of the seven-eighths of the gods."

Muqing Qingye pupils zoomed in for a while.

It is not difficult to judge from the breath of the old man.

The old man is at least a master of the martial arts of the seven-eighths of the gods.

This is definitely a giant in the eyes of Makino and others.

"Hey, you are fine."

Ziqin and others took Jing Yunqi out of the hole and asked with concern.

"Reassured, I am fine."

"The thundering hall in these two populations is the thundering temple established by the Thunder Emperor?"

Jing Yunzhen did not care too much about his injuries. His eyes had been falling on the two people in the Thunderbolt Hall. The killing of his body continued to rise.

"Yes. The old man should be a member of the Thunder Palace. Although the Thunder Palace has a stronghold in the West Wind State, the people who killed the Hall have rarely been active in the West Wind State. How can they appear here, and they know Are we the people of the Wu Dian?"

Zi Qin looked gloomy and his face was full of doubts.

At the same time.

In the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, a young man went out and the two men who rushed to the Thundering Hall were very respectfully arched: "Yin Zhi, the head of the Xifeng State Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, has seen two adults."

"Is it yours to the location of our thundering hall that there is a martial arts embers here? The scorpion can teach. After I have solved these martial arts embers, I will reward the thunder."

The old man took a look at Yin Zhi faintly.

It turned out to be him.

this moment.

Everyone seems to understand that when Makino intends to close the hand, why did Yin Zhi stand up and continue to stir up the incident.

He is just to delay the time, waiting for the people who killed the temple to appear.

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