Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1153: A weird painting

Chapter 135: A Weird Painting

The King of King Kong Ants is powerful.

After seeing Jing Yunxiao them, the breath was even more violent.

next moment.

It ordered all King Kong ants to attack Jing Yunxiao.


The huge impact force, like a raging wave, hit three nine-level defensive spirit formations, making the three nine-level defensive spirit formations turbulent.

The attack of the King of King Kong Ants alone is worth the offensive of hundreds of King Kong King Ants.

So much so that the three nine-level defensive spirit formations seem a bit insufficient.

And because the King of King Kong's Ants was right across the entrance to the stone room, Jing Yunxiao couldn't cross it and enter the stone room.


All the King Kong ants fell on the defensive spirit array again.

The spirit array is even more turbulent.

One of the spirit formations had already had a slight crack.

I'm afraid it won't last long.

"Go to the stone room next to that stone room first, and then block the door of the stone room as much as possible."

Jing Yunxiao remained calm and acted immediately.

Then he moved his body as much as possible, and kept approaching that stone room.

Naturally, there are Vajra ants blocking the entrance to the stone room.

But as long as it is not the King of King Kong.

That's all good to say.

The fact is the same.

Jing Yunxiao, while maintaining the defensive array as much as possible, killed the past in that stone room. They quickly killed a **** path and finally entered the stone room.

As soon as he entered the stone room, Jing Yunxiao narrowed the three defensive spirit arrays and concentrated all his forces at Shimen, preventing those Diamond Ants from rushing in, and because the defensive spirit array's forces were concentrated together, the defensive power was even more A little stronger, at least to ensure that Jing Yunxiao they are temporarily safe.

of course.

If it is a last resort, Jing Yunxiao will not be able to die, so they will use the telescope to leave the underground palace directly.

But in that case, the treasures of the Dragon clan could not be obtained.

You must try your best.

Can't give up until the last minute.

"The two of you will immediately see if there are any organs or other exits in this stone room. I'll just maintain this defense array."

Jing Yunxiao urged.

Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuan both went out.

Find it in the whole stone room immediately.


When they searched Shishi around, they didn't find anything useful.

"Master, here is a closed stone room. And this stone room is made of special materials, like an indestructible fortress. We're afraid we can't find a way out with brute force. But there is a wall in this stone room. As for the secondary painting, this painting is different from the painting on the outside. It seems to have such a meaning. "

Jiuyuan Shengyuan Fire Road.

The flame condensed a finger and pointed at a wall in the stone chamber.

Following the fingers of Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo, Jing Yunxiao looked over and found that there was a picture on that wall.

This picture is chaotic, just like a child scribbles, and can't see any style.

But this picture was drawn with mental power.

There is still a lot of spiritual power on it.

In addition, Jing Yunxiao couldn't see anything strange about this painting.

The average person will never bother about this.

It will even be ignored as a normal painting.

But Jing Yunxiao didn't.

Because there is only mental power left.

Let Jing Yunxiao think this painting is not simple.

Wouldn't it be surprising if there is a remnant of spiritual power left in ancient times?

Apart from that, Jing Yunxiao used some secret method to imprint this picture into his mind.

When this picture entered Jing Yunxiao's mind, the endless power suddenly swept from that spiritual picture, and it swept the entire body of Jing Yunxiao in an instant, not only sweeping the whole body of Jing Yunxiao, The strength was getting stronger and stronger, and then began to burst out wildly.

Jing Yunxiao wanted to control, but couldn't control it at all.

"The two of you hurriedly hid in my space bag temporarily, stay as long as you can, and try not to come out."

Jing Yunxiao felt a little bit bad.

Immediately against Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuandao.

Although the space bag is not suitable for the living beings to enter, even if they are forced to enter, they will not stay long, and may even have some impact on their own bodies. Foreboding, once the energy in him erupts, it will cause a very terrifying destruction force.

"Master, are you okay?"


Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuan are extremely worried about Jing Yunxiao.

"Don't you hear what I said? Hurry ... in."

Entering the two words, Jing Yunxiao was almost unable to speak.

That power is really too strong.

Makes his entire body seem to explode.

The fire of Jiuyuan Shengyuan and Xiao Xuan heard Jing Yunxiao's violent scolding, and naturally they dare not stay any longer. Both figures entered the space bag on Jing Yunxiao's body at the fastest speed. At the same time, Jing Yunxiao tried his best to Protect your own space bag, so as not to destroy the space bag after a while.


An uncontrollable scream broke out from Jing Yunxiao's mouth.


It was so painful.

It is better to die than to die.

This kind of severe pain is like a flood beast. It suddenly covers every inch of skin on and off Jing Yunxiao's body, and even covers Jing Yunxiao's soul.

The double blow from the body and the soul made Jing Yunxiao miserable.

Just a few breaths.

Jing Yunxiao's consciousness began to blur.

He seems to have come to another world.

At this moment, he seemed to be in a world of nothingness, depth, and mystery.


With the shouting shouts, the endless flame rushed down from the sky, and under that flame, a dragon with a height of more than ten meters appeared, shocking the world and making Jing Yunxiao's heart tremble.

Fire Dragon.


After the fire dragon appeared, the water vapor suddenly rose around, like a surging ocean, turbulent, and then a huge green water dragon suddenly appeared.

Crystal tyrannosaurus.

Suddenly, there was a sudden change in the space and hurricanes burst.

A white wind dragon also appeared immediately, with a loud voice and extraordinary momentum.

Tianyi White Dragon.

Jing Yunxiao was stunned.

But it's not over.


Thunder Dragon, Lightning Black Dragon, Zixiao Battle Dragon ...

One dragon after another appeared next to Jing Yunxiao.

Each one is endless, Lingtian Jedi.

After these dragons appeared, they all knelt down towards Jing Yunxiao.

At the moment of kneeling.


A shocking explosion exploded in Jing Yunxiao's ears.

Jing Yunxiao felt that his entire body had completely exploded in an instant.


There's no after that.

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