Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1158: Meet extraterrestrial beings?

Chapter 158: Encountering Extraterrestrial Spirits?

Ancient battlefield, on a clearing.

Twenty people are flying in the air.

If Jing Yunxiao is here, they can be recognized at a glance.

These twenty people are not the people of Beilingzong.

"Elder Yegan, according to the three brothers, the grave is not far ahead."

A man from the Northern Lingzong pointed in one direction, facing the night road.

"Father, the three brothers are timid and shouldn't be telling lies. The little miscellaneous must have also gone to the grave site. We should try our best to rush the road to this day and we should be able to chase the miscellaneous grave. The kid must be broken to pieces to shed our hatred. "

Ye Cang took the conversation angrily.

The three brothers in his mouth are naturally the three brothers that Jing Yunxiao met before.

After the three brothers separated from Jing Yunxiao, they were very badly intercepted by the Bei Lingzong people.

In order to save life, the tomb was arched out.

The people of Beilingzong originally just asked some of them if they saw one person, one tiger, and one flame. They didn't hope that the three brothers could tell useful information, but they did not expect that the three brothers said they met on the spot. Things to Jing Yunxiao.

So the people of Beilingzong immediately rushed over here.

Before Jing Yunxiao put the sword of Bei Lingzong in his hands, and also made a profit from the fishermen in their hands, they could not bear it in this tone!


Must kill that kid.

This is the voice of everyone in the Northern Spirit Sect.

"Speed ​​up, this time you must not let that kid escape."

Yegan's face was cold and grim, and there was no intention to let Jing Yunxiao pass.



Four were besieged by a group of people.

There are several first-class forces in that group.

Among the first-class forces, Jing Yunxiao also saw a familiar face.


Young Sovereign from the Fire Sect.

Before Jing Yunxiao sold the Ancient Seals on the cheap outside the ancient battlefield, he stood up, and finally Jing Yunxiao gave him four Ancient Seals.

But these are not important for the time being.

Jing Yunxiao's curious eyes locked on the four besieged.

Those four seemed to be controlled by something.

It seems that I no longer have my own thinking.

Each of them stared blankly, and looked emaciated.

There was black air all over his body, like tentacles.

There was a lingering thunder on her body, and there was a strange low roar from time to time in her mouth.

Seeing the rest of them, they rushed straight up, attacking and biting.

The others fought back.

But the rest of the offensive fell on them, but it didn't work.

They don't seem to know the pain.

Still frantically attacking all kinds of bites.

Rao and Jing Yunxiao frowned.

Jing Yunxiao didn't care too much about these four people, his gaze was looking at the area ahead.

Not far ahead, there is a deep pit.

There is an entrance to the grave below the deep pit.

At this time, the area around the entrance was covered by a black breath.

The black breath is radon.

But it is much richer than the radon layer that Jing Yunxiao saw before entering the ancient battlefield.

And in this kind of black gas, there is a touch of dragon's spirit.

But these are not important.

What attracted Jing Yunxiao's attention was that from time to time there was a flash of thunder in this black radon.

It can be seen that there is a Thunder Fox, which appears from time to time.

Looks weird.

at this time.

Two more figures swept towards the opening in the deep pit.

Attempt to forcibly enter the grave.

It was only after these people stepped into the black suffocated area that the action quickly slowed down.

It seems that there is great resistance, and every step forward is laborious.

What surprised Jing Yunxiao even more was that their souls seemed to be hit hard.

The whole person became increasingly embarrassed and horrified.

The two walked on and on, suddenly stopped.

Then he suddenly turned around.

Only this time they turned around, they were completely different from before.

The eyes of the two were empty and they were exuding black gas. The blacks seemed to form a tentacle on them, so that they looked abnormally strange, and at the same time they made strange low roars from time to time.

"No, the consciousness of those two people has been eroded."

Someone exclaimed.

"If you don't want to die, don't approach the grave anymore."

Someone else urged.

Before these utterances fell, the two eroded men's eyes turned green as they looked at the crowd.

There was no delay between the two, just like the four before, and they rushed forward with grinning teeth.

Then facing everyone is all kinds of attacks and various bites.

"Is it ... the extraterrestrial beings, the demons?"

Jing Yunxiao was shocked, and his brows frowned.

When I saw Master Longqing Road in Fengyun Realm before, Longqing Road asked itself to challenge the demon family once detained. The demon family is powerful, full of tentacles, and also masters a kind of Strange thunder means, those kinds of thunder means can erode the soul of others, corrupt the minds of others, so that others become demons and be controlled by demons.

Now there are six people in total, and the situation is like being controlled by the demon.

If this is what Jing Yunxiao thought, could there be ... extraterrestrial beings in this grave?

Thinking of the extraterrestrial beings that Long Qingdao had challenged himself before, Jing Yunxiao still has a lingering fear. The extraterrestrial beings are too powerful. They are not what Jing Yunxiao can now deal with, even if it is a reincarnation emperor , May not be able to chop those extraterrestrial beings under the horse.

"No, if there are such terrible extraterrestrial creatures here, it is not only these six people that are eroded. And even if there are extraterrestrial creatures, it must be sealed or imprisoned. Otherwise, extraterrestrial Souls have run out of the land for a long time. "

Jing Yunxiao's thoughts turned, his brows stretched slightly.



In the field, the crowd still fought fiercely with that six-headed monster.

Since the strength of the six people was not weak from the beginning, their combat power was not low after they became monsters.

More importantly, the lingering rass on them seemed to strengthen their combat power, and those rass also had an erosive effect on the souls of other people, although the erosive power was not as terrible as those thunder foxes at the entrance to the tomb But it also caused a certain degree of impact on the rest, so that everyone did not dare to be too close to these six people.

Can only fight with it far away.

"If you fight like this, even if you fight for a month, it is difficult to kill them, or they will be infected by them, and you will lose your mind."

Seeing their fighting, Jing Yunxiao couldn't help but say.

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