Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1169: Save people

Chapter 1169: Saving People

The huge movement was growing louder not far away.

Endless coercion started from that side.

Just for a moment.

It is the whole ancient battlefield that seems to be earth-shaking and violent.

Under these dynamics, Jing Yunxiao brought Xiaoxuan and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo closer to the past.

When you got close enough, you saw the light ahead. There were thousands of souls surrounding the crowd.

Jing Yunxiao was not in a hurry to see what kind of people it was.

His eyes even paid attention to all souls.

Vaguely, he saw again that there was a huge coffin among the souls.

Again ... Wanhun pulls the coffin.

? ? Jing Yunxiao was surprised and happy.

It is amazing why these dark nights appear in this ancient battlefield, and why do the souls and coffins appear again and again in the dark nights, what is in this coffin? Is this normal?

But Jing Yunxiao knew he couldn't figure it out.

Right now.

He couldn't bear the screams and kept thinking.

The group of men and horses failed under the attack of all souls.

Just then.

Only then did Jing Yunxiao set his sight on the crowd.

Fresh clothes angry horse, strong breath.

No one is unusual.

It should be someone of great power.

From their clothes, Jing Yunxiao faintly saw a funeral embroidered on his chest!

That word was embroidered with some kind of spiritual plaintext.

Gives a sense of inspiration.

If Jing Yunxiao guessed well, these people should be from the ancient family.

Except for those who have a funeral on their chest.

There are others.

The strength of those people seems to be weaker.

Should be the rest of the forces.

Are the people of the ancient family walking with the rest of the forces?

This is a bit strange.

And it seems that there are not many people in the ancient family.

There are only five or six people.

Are these five or six people separated from the rest of their ancient family?

But that doesn't matter.

Because at this moment these people are constantly being eaten by those souls.

Just a little effort.

Ten or more people died by fate.

Even the six people in the ancient family died three and only three remained.


Save one's life to build a seven-level floating slaughter.

Since we met.

Then help out.

It happened that Jing Yunxiao also wanted to prove that it was a coincidence or another reason that the previous souls did not do it themselves.

If it is a coincidence, all the souls here should also do something to him.

If it was not a coincidence, then all souls here would probably not do anything to him.

Come on like that.

Jing Yunxiao can just follow up directly.

See what is going on?

"Okay, master, you're good to see. This time, Xiao Jiu will scare away all the souls with amazing momentum again. Let you know how powerful Xiao Jiu's role is."

Xiaojiu is confident.

In fact.

From the past Jing Yunxiao asked him to help successfully ignite the longevity lamp.

The last time Jing Yunxiao said that it was because of the holy fire of the nine prisons that those souls had left.

This makes the Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo even more confident.

So after Jing Yunxiao finished speaking, the speed of the fire in Jiu prison was faster than Jing Yunxiao.

Just in the blink of an eye, it rushed around the group of people.

"Don't be afraid. My host asked me to save you. As long as I am there, these souls will not dare to approach you halfway."

"I know you'll thank me for a while, but don't thank me. If you want to thank, thank my host."

Before the rescue of those people, Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo was already saying thanks.

After hearing the words of Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo, those people were very pleased.

It's like seeing a straw for life.


What made the Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and those people's faces solidify was that after the appearance of Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo, the ten thousand souls were not frightened, and they did not stay away. They still hit them very strongly.

A stance to put them to death.

Even if the fire of Jiuyuan Shengyuan releases the fire to the extreme, there is no change in these conditions.

"Master, I seem to ... fail."

The holy fire of Jiuyuan sent a signal to Jing Yunxiao for help.

Jing Yunxiao and Xiaoxuan came to Jiu prison Sheng Yuanhuo and the men next to him.

After the appearance of Jing Yunxiao, those fierce offensive souls suddenly stopped, seeming to hesitate for a moment in mid-air, and the next moment was the same as the situation encountered by Jing Yunxiao the last time, Wan soul No more hands on Jing Yunxiao.

Rather, he went straight away.

See this scene.

Jing Yunxiao raised a brow slightly, actually ... not a coincidence.

They really don't do it themselves.

Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo was a little aggressive, but then felt very ashamed.

It turned out to be the soul that the master had driven away.

He thought he was himself!


The three ancient family members were astonished that those souls were afraid of Jing Yunxiao, and they were also grateful for Jing Yunxiao.

"This little brother, I just thank you for your help. The three of us are from the Heavenly Burial Family ..."

Among them, the man in Tsing Yi, grateful to Jing Yunxiao.

Jing Yunxiao just nodded at him.

No answer at all.

Don't wait for the man to finish.

Jing Yunxiao said to Jiu Jie Sheng Yuanhuo and Xiao Xuan Tao: "Little Jiu, Xiao Xuan. Let's go."

Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuan did not neglect.

When even following Jing Yunxiao quickly chased up toward the thousands of souls.

Leaving the three heavenly burial families look blank.

"Master Ye Qing, they ... seem to be chasing after those souls."

Another man said to the man in Tsing Yi.

"I know. But do you know who that kid is?"

Ye Qing was puzzled.

"How could we know this. It should not be from the ancient family. Otherwise, it would never be possible for him to run around in this ancient battlefield alone. And if it was from the ancient family, we would never have seen it."

The man replied.

The third man also said, "This boy is so strange. It actually made all the other souls wince. And he dared to catch up."

"It seems, it should be something unknown to him. But after all, he saved us, this kind of kindness can not be forgotten. After leaving the ancient battlefield in the future, find him to repay one or two. Of course, now also It ’s not time to discuss these things, we still have to leave here quickly, and then look for a safe place to hide, while looking for the rest of our heavenly burial family. "

Ye Qingwang looked towards Jing Yunxiao in the direction they left, and his eyes became a little deeper.

But he did not stay long.

Hurry off with the other two.

They were worried about hitting the scene just now, and this time someone rescued them, but if they meet again next time, it will be different.

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