Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1178: All obey me

The crowd was disobedient, and Jing Yunxiao couldn't help it.

Can only go one step at a time.

And when the people of the three great families were close enough to the three dragon treasures, the heavens and the earth around them were darkened.

Endless black breath began to come from all directions.

These black breaths are full of thunder.

It is truly the means of the demon.

The demon shot.

And Jing Yunxiao found that there were more than one demon here.

There are three heads.

The breath and power emitted by the three-headed demon is also much stronger than those demons that were eliminated by Jing Yunxiao before.

More quantities.


This is really bad news among bad news.

The demon shot, and the light of the three dragon treasures was instantly obscured by the black breath.

Those who are too close to the three great families are also shrouded in black.

Then there were all kinds of screams.

Ahhhh ...

The screams kept ringing.

Hutian grabbed the ground.

"not good."

People from the three great families have retreated.

Those powerful leaders and others, relying on their powerful body speed, withdrew from the black encirclement with a thunderbolt.

Those who did not respond well, or whose strength and speed were not so powerful, were eventually completely wrapped.

In the end, a whole thousand people were in danger.

And at the same time.

An extremely cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"It's been so many years, and we didn't expect humans to be so stupid. Our demons are just a little bit of a trick, and they were all fooled."


It was one of the demons' voices.

The voice of another demon also sounded: "Ha ha ha, ignorance is ignorance, small is small. Compared to our demons, they are useless."

The third demon also took the conversation, and his voice was extremely cold: "When all these ignorant humans have become our puppets, then we can use their power to completely break the seal. At that time, our demon family will Once again, a strong rise will lead this continent. "

Hearing these voices, those in the three great families who were not wrapped in black breath were shocked.

"The devil is actually a demon? How is this possible? Didn't the devil's family disappear from our dragon domain mainland years ago?"

"Is it the legendary horrible demon? How is this possible?"

"It has been rumored that the demon has not gone extinct before. This is true."

The people of the three great families were terrified.

Each one's complexion showed the color of panic.

Don't blame them.

Even if Jing Yunxiao was the reincarnation emperor in the previous life, he knew very little about the spirit.

Not to mention the top ten ancient families in these hundred ethnic domains.

It is estimated that only their ancestors or family ancestors know a little about the spirits.

And even if it's a little conscious, it's just a little bit.

"Since you are here, don't even want to leave."

"All are obedient and become puppets of our demons, and help us break through the seal as soon as possible."

The spirit's voice continued to sound.

Then the black breath continued to sweep rapidly towards everyone.


The three big families are a little panicked.

Seeing the black breath pouring in, they all retreated wildly.

But some people who retreated slowly were still shrouded.

Then a series of screams sounded.

"It was too late for you to retreat, but now it's too late to retreat. If you want to survive, just obey my instructions, all are close to me.

Jing Yunxiao's voice was loud.

When everyone was retreating, he took the lead and rushed forward with Xiao Xuan and Jiuyuan Shengyuan Fire.

While rushing to the forefront, he was also humane to the three great families.

The people of the three great families have entered the realm of demons, and even if they retreat, most people still cannot escape.

There is only one battle, and there is a chance for life.

And things are up to now.

Jing Yunxiao, Xiaoxuan, and Jiuyuan Shengyuan Fire alone cannot deal with these three demon spirits and those who are about to become demon spirits.

Only by relying on the strength of these three great families can we have a chance to turn the danger and then completely kill the three demon spirits.

As he rushed to the front, the spirit of the demon spirit soon enveloped them in Jing Yunxiao.

But this kind of shroud is useless to Jing Yunxiao.

The Royal Magic Heart Sutra and the Magic Beads lit up at the same time.

A pure power spread from Jing Yunxiao's body, just like the water waves.

"What? How is this possible? How can you ignorant humans be able to resist our spirit breath?"

The demon made a surprised sound.

Jing Yunxiao did not care about these.

"You're not near me yet."

Jing Yunxiao continued to drink.

If they weren't worried that these people would become demons, it would make the situation worse. Jing Yunxiao would not even bother to save these people.

Within Jing Yunxiao's 100-meter radius, the spirit of the demon spirit could not be eroded at all, and between Jing Yunxiao's speech, the people within 100 meters of his body finally realized this.

Before Jing Yunxiao had said it, they still didn't take it seriously.

but now.

They have to take everything seriously.

"Get closer to this little friend, he has a way to resist the spirit breath."

Many people started to shout.

The rest of the people within a hundred meters saw that they could not escape at all, and they were frightened to see that the spirit of those spirits would be shrouded in them.

Suddenly they heard the shouts of their companions, as if they had found a life-saving straw, and all of them rushed towards Jing Yunxiao's position.

As a result, more and more people entered the defensive circle where Jing Yunxiao was. Within a hundred meters of Jing Yunxiao, people were moving.

But even so, many people are still shrouded in spirits.

In the end, Jing Yunxiao's three family members were no more than 3,000.

That is.

More than two thousand people are experiencing the corruption of demons.

"This little friend, these demons are really terrible. You must have a way to take us out of here, right? Let's get out of here quickly."

Someone urged Jing Yunxiao Road.

"Shut up. Before you fought for the treasures of the Dragon Race, why are you trying to escape now?"

"Once we escape, when the demons break out, not only the entire ancient battlefield will become the domain of the demons, but even our Dragon Continent will be under great threat."

"Do you want to watch the devastating devastation of our land of dragon domain?"

Jing Yunxiao scolded very dissatisfied.

Obedience as early as possible does not make the situation like this.

"But these demons are so strong that we are not their opponents at all."

Another was timid.

"Without a fight, you have flinched. How could you be his opponent."

"Do n’t stop talking nonsense. If you stop talking nonsense, get out of my defensive circle. If you don't want to die and don't want to be a demon puppet, all listen to me obediently. Follow my hands and eradicate these demon.

Jing Yunxiao's voice was earth-shattering and could not be ignored.

Although young, this moment has become the backbone of everyone.

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