Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1191: Alliance?

Chapter 191: Alliance?

Celestial Burial Family, Celestial Family and Qingyun Family, the three major families appear one after another, which is surprising.

But what's even more surprising is that these three great families all said that the kid was their friend.

This is incredible.

When people in the surrounding forces saw this scene, they couldn't believe it was true.

Jing Yunxiao was young, and there seemed to be nothing extraordinary. How could he meet the three families all at once?

And let the three great families come forward for him.

"Before this boy dared to **** the treasures of Qin Yue Family and Long Yan Family, I thought he was trying to find his own way of death. Now it seems that this is not the case.

"They obviously have capital. No wonder the Qin Yue family and Long Yan family are not considered."

"There are three ancient families supporting me. I and I will not look at them like Qin Yue Family and Long Yan Family."

"But what exactly is this kid, why have I never heard of such characters in the Baizu domain before?"

Everyone talked.

But more people are curious about Jing Yunxiao's identity.

If such a proud son of the Baizu domain appears, it should not be unknown, but they have never seen Jing Yunxiao before.

This is where they feel strange and curious.

The Qin Yue family and the Long Yan family were also surprised.

Their ancient families always have their own pride and backbone. Will they casually say that a young man is their friend?

And in front of this posture, these three families are obviously standing on the side of Jing Yunxiao.

This makes people feel strange.

"What do you three families mean? Have you fallen to the point where you can find someone just to be your friend? Or do you want to take away the dragon treasures in this way?"

The leader of the Qin Yue family is an old man with a crane.

Named Qin Baichuan!

He had never seen Jing Yunxiao, so he did not believe that Jing Yunxiao was a big man. He even believed that these three families wanted to **** the treasures of the Dragon family, so he wanted to have a relationship with Jing Yunxiao who had snatched the treasure.

Then, from the hands of Jing Yunxiao, the Dragon Treasures can be taken as their own.

Ruyi abacus ... it's a good fight.

"That Dragon Treasure belongs to our Longyan Family. You better not think about it and give up as soon as possible."

The leader of the Long Yan family is an old woman.

Named Long Aojun!

His face is wrinkled and looks at least hundreds of years old.

The marks left on her face by the years are obvious.

And she naturally thinks that these three families came out for the dragon treasure.

"Have you finished speaking? If you haven't finished speaking, then you continue to say, I'll take a step first."

Jing Yunxiao smiled slightly, and then he wanted to leave with Xiaoxuan and Jin Meng.

"Today you don't surrender the Dragon Treasures. Do you think your kid can escape?"

The old woman Long Aojun, the leader of the Long Yan family, shouted coldly.

Naturally do not want to leave the scene like this.

"Is it true that my Qin Yue family eats rice? If you do n’t give the dragon clan treasure to our Qin Yue family, you are absolutely dead."

Qin Baichuan, the leader of the Qin Yue family, also took over.

Between the words, the strong breath of both of them was released without reservation.

It made the atmosphere around it extremely cold.

"Long Aojun and Qin Baichuan, don't you two old guys understand me? This Xiaohuang friend is a friend of our burial family. If you dare to do it, don't blame me.

The celestial burial guard immediately expressed his position.

"Xiaohuang Xiaoyou, rest assured, as long as our Tianfeng family is here, no one dares to touch you today."

Tianfeng Haoyue is the same.

But he said directly to Jing Yunxiao.

"Xiaohuang Xiaoyou, if you have other things, just leave, and I will leave it to my Qingyun family to help you."

Qing Yun'ao finally vowed to be authentic.

The words of the three leaders of the three great families once again made everyone on the scene surprised.

None of them are for the treasures of the Dragon Race.

But just to help that kid.

what is happening?

The Qin Yue family and the Long Yan family could not understand it at all.

Who is this kid?

Actually let the three great families help each other so enthusiastically.

"Okay, then you talk, we will have a period later."

Jing Yunxiao was not polite.

He didn't want to continue wasting time here.

Someone was willing to clear him up, and he was naturally more than happy.

After that.

Jing Yunxiao really left.

With Xiaoxuan and Jin Meng, they disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Xiaohuang Xiaoyou, wait for my heavenly burial family, this place is too dangerous, we have a good care together."

Tianfu Shoufeng saw that the Qin Yue family and the Long Yan family did not do anything, and immediately followed.

"Xiaohuang Xiaoyou, wait for our Tianfeng family, we will ally."

The Tianfeng family immediately caught up.

"Good alliance, I also agree that Xiaohuang Xiaoyou only needs one word, and our Qingyun family will never give up."

The Qingyun family also followed.

Everyone at the scene was blinded.

What is the situation?

If everyone thought that the three great families just wanted to help Jing Yunxiao.

Now it's not just to help, it's to please.

But those are the three ancient families.

That is the most powerful existence in the entire Hundred Clan.

Do they need to please someone?

Need a ball.

All other forces please them.

And they have not yet seen the rest of the forces.

But now?

The three ancient antiquity families are vying to please a kid?

This is so abnormal.

How can the boy, He Dehe, please the three ancient families?

The Qin Yue family and Long Yan family are even more confused.

All in their place!

It is difficult to return to God for a long time.

As an ancient family, they know more than anyone that they will never bow to people easily.

It's no different from humiliating yourself.

If only one family did this.

That's understandable.

But now it is three big ancient families.

It's totally different.

And these three great families do n’t want dragon treasures anymore. Is that kid more important than the Dragon Treasures?

But only the people of the three great families knew it.

They are not knotted.

But Jing Yunxiao deserves them.

Don't say anything else.

Just saying that Jing Yunxiao has mastered the means to deal with the demons is enough to make them good friends.

Although they don't know Jing Yunxiao's identity, it doesn't matter.

They all agree that once they get along with Jing Yunxiao, it will definitely bring great benefits to their family.

And more importantly, before they met the demon, now that they have reached the core battlefield of this piece, it is estimated that they can also meet the demon and follow Jing Yunxiao's side, with safety and security.

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