Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1519 Boy and Girl

Yan Qingyun walked out from the direction of Luoyan Fairy Palace and came to the central area of ​​the void. She looked at Zhong Ziya and asked, "Mr. Zhong, do you want to play a song together or solo?"

"Play solo." Zhong Ziya said. If they played a song together, it would be easy to see the difference between the players. Yan Qingyun was of noble status and was the little princess of the Fairy Palace. As a man, he should give in. Playing solo can better show personal style, which is perfect for the current occasion.

"Then play solo." Yan Qingyun nodded lightly, and then she waved her slender jade hand, and a lavender long zither appeared in the air. The long zither exuded a faint fragrance that filled the air and refreshed the heart.

The people around closed their eyes and felt much calmer in their hearts. Before the sound of the zither started, it seemed that they were already in their artistic conception.

Zhong Ziya glanced at Yan Qingyun, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes. This little princess seemed to be more extraordinary than he imagined.

Those who truly understand the piano can tell the other person's attainments with just one glance.

Han Ronger looked at the two people in front of her, and suddenly looked at Qin Xuan with a strange look, and joked: "Don't you have anything to say?

After saying this, Shang Yang, Duan Ruoxi, Ximen Bingyue and others all looked at Qin Xuan, their expressions were a little strange.

What is the relationship between this guy and the little princess of Luoyan Fairy Palace?

Surprisingly, he can let her play for him personally.

"I have nothing to say, everyone should just focus on listening to the piano." Qin Xuan looked at Han Ronger with a calm face, and his tone seemed extremely calm, as if to show that he had a clear conscience.

"Humph, covering up is the fact! "Han Ronger glared at Qin Xuan, obviously not believing his nonsense at all.

At this moment, a delicate and soft piano sound suddenly sounded, like a sound transmitted in an empty valley, and in just a moment, it attracted everyone's attention.

Many people looked in the direction of Yan Qingyun, with a touch of surprise in their eyes. Although they did not understand the art of piano music, they could feel that this piano sound was very unusual!

"This piano sound..." The expressions of the people of the Zhong family all changed. They were from a family of piano masters, so they naturally understood the way of music better than others. Although it was just a start, it was perfect without any flaws. There were very few people in the younger generation of the Zhong family who could do this.

As the first person in the qin art of the Zhong family, Zhong Ziya could do it.

After taking a deep look at Yan Qingyun, Zhong Ziya also took out his qin, which was a long green qin with a simple style and seemed to be quite old. This qin was made of sandalwood and exuded a strong sandalwood fragrance.

Another qin sound came out, and Zhong Ziya lowered his head to play the qin, his eyes closed, his long black hair flying in the wind, and his green robe swaying gently. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the space around him seemed to be pulsating at a certain frequency, resonating with the qin sound.

At this time, Zhong Ziya seemed to have entered a state of selflessness, shining with a strange brilliance all over his body, and his charm was endless.

"Qin heart! "Qin Xuan couldn't help but reveal a trace of strangeness in his eyes. This Zhong Ziya actually has a heart for the zither!

Two zither sounds floated in the space. Whether it was the style, melody, or rhythm, they were completely different. However, when mixed together, they created a very beautiful artistic conception without any sense of disobedience.

Ximen Guyan looked at Zhong Ziya with appreciation and nodded: "The Zhong family has produced a good seedling in this generation. Whether it is the skills or the artistic conception rendered, they are very profound and there are not too many flaws. The future is promising!"

"Not bad." Ling Luori also said: "Even if you and I were in the past, at most we could only do this step. "

Hearing the conversation between the two, Qin Xuan's heart moved slightly. The zither demon and the zither saint both gave such high evaluations. It seems that Zhong Ziya's attainments in the zither are really strong.

"Teacher, who do you think has a higher talent between him and me?" Han Ronger suddenly looked at Ling Luori and asked.

Ling Luori's eyes condensed, and then he said without hesitation: "Of course it's you."

"I think so too! "Han Ronger's face suddenly bloomed with a bright smile, lovely and moving.

The sound of the piano continued, the two sounds mixed together, everywhere, into the eardrums of the crowd, many people present closed their eyes, quietly enjoying the tranquility and beauty of this moment, with an intoxicated look on their faces, even those powerful saints, were the same.

In fact, when they practiced to the realm of saints, their state of mind had long been as solid as a rock, and ordinary piano sounds could not affect them at all. Moreover, Zhong Ziya and Yan Qingyun were just playing simply, without the true essence hidden in them, really performing in front of everyone, very selfless and natural.

Therefore, no one deliberately resisted the sound of the piano, but relaxed themselves and forgot all their worries. , to cater to and feel the piano music. At this moment, they seemed to no longer be martial arts practitioners with powerful cultivation, but just ordinary people.

In the direction of Luoyan Fairy Palace, Yan Qingfeng stared at the beautiful figure playing the piano in front of him. He vaguely sensed something. His daughter seemed to be telling her thoughts through the piano music. This was also in line with her personality. From childhood to adulthood, she was so reserved and didn't like to express her true thoughts directly. She often got angry and ran away from home.

He hadn't heard her play the piano for a long time, and it was still so pleasant to the ears.

Just when everyone was immersed in the artistic conception created by the two piano sounds, Yan Qingyun suddenly raised her head, and her beautiful eyes glanced in the direction ahead. Her eyes became firm, as if she had made some kind of decision.

Then her fingertips moved more slowly on the strings, and the sound of the piano began to change. The tune was completely different from before, and the artistic conception created also changed.

When the sound of the piano changed, the first person to notice it was Zhong Ziya. His expression froze and he looked at Yan Qingyun in surprise.

What happened to her?

However, Yan Qingyun did not look at Zhong Ziya. She seemed to be immersed in the sound of the piano. Her ten fingers gently touched the strings. At first, her sound was as smooth and easy as a small bridge and flowing water, giving people a happy and joyful feeling.

However, now, the sound of the piano has become very gentle, as if it contains a hazy emotion in it, which is full of deep meaning and requires the listener to experience it with heart.

Many people also seem to understand Yan Qingyun's intention. Is she trying to describe a story with the sound of the piano?

Although everyone noticed that the sound of the piano had changed, they did not open their eyes. They chose to continue listening, and some expected what Yan Qingyun wanted to express.

Gradually, scenes appeared in the minds of the crowd, which seemed to be the bits and pieces of ordinary people's lives. Although they all knew that this was an illusion created by the sound of the piano, they still felt it was very real and did not reject it.

In a small town, there was a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. The girl liked to play the piano very much. She would hold the long piano and play it on a small hill every day. She played it all day long, regardless of wind or rain, and she never stopped.

One day, a boy of the same age as the girl accidentally passed by the hillside and heard the sound of the piano coming from the hillside. He couldn't help but be fascinated by it. He was very curious and wanted to know who played such a beautiful piano.

So he quietly went up the mountain. In order not to disturb the player, he hid beside an ancient tree behind the hillside and quietly observed the girl.

However, the girl had her back to the ancient tree, so the boy could only see a back figure and could not see her true appearance.

Not long after, the girl left. When she went up the hillside the next day, the boy had already been waiting behind the ancient tree. He thought he could see the girl's appearance, but found that the girl covered her face with a veil and still could not see it.

The boy felt a little disappointed, but he still listened to the piano behind the old tree for a whole day until it got dark.

Every day after that, the boy and the girl went to the hillside one after another, but they never met face to face, let alone said a word.

Five years passed unknowingly. The girl was now slender and had long hair down to her waist, and the boy had grown a lot taller, becoming a handsome young man with outstanding temperament and elegant demeanor.

Finally, the young man couldn't hold back his admiration for the girl and was ready to find an opportunity to confess to her.

That day, the girl went up the hillside to play the piano as usual, but the difference was that a handsome young man came out from behind the old tree and confessed his love to her affectionately, hoping that she would accept it.

However, to the young man's great disappointment, the girl just remained silent for a moment after seeing him appear, and then walked down the hillside. That day was the earliest day the girl left in the past five years.

After returning that day, the young man was extremely sad and couldn't sleep at night, but he went to the hillside early the next day. Even if he couldn't get the girl's love, he was willing to protect her silently.

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for the girl that day.

In the next three days, he went there every day, and even stayed on the hillside directly, hoping to see the girl again.

However, the girl seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again, and there was no more piano sound on the hillside.

The young man finally understood the girl's intention. She didn't want to see him anymore.

With heavy sadness and sorrow in his heart, the young man left the town and wandered around the world from then on, but never returned to the town.

However, what the young man didn't know was that five years ago, when he first listened to the piano behind the ancient tree, the girl knew of his existence.

It was because she knew he was there that the girl covered her face with a veil the next day and didn't let him see her appearance.

The girl was born very beautiful, with a natural beauty and a stunning face, but her character was very introverted and pure. She wanted the boy to listen to her playing the piano, not because of her appearance, but because she really liked her piano sound.

In the past five years, the boy listened to the piano every day, and the girl got to know him more and more deeply. As time went by, she fell in love with him and also had a crush on him.

The silent departure that day was not a rejection, but she wanted to give the boy a surprise.

In the days after she disappeared, the girl actually went to raise money to prepare wedding clothes. She hoped that when they met again, the young man would see her playing the piano in her wedding clothes, which was the picture she had been looking forward to most in the past five years.

Unfortunately, she did not wait for that day after all.

After the young man left, the woman still played the piano on the hillside every day, but she became more and more melancholy, the sound of the piano became more and more sad, and she cried every day.

She knew that she had missed the most important person in her life, and missing it meant that she could never go back to the past.

A few months later, the girl was seriously ill. In the last moment of her life, there was a picture in her mind that she could not get rid of.

That was the scene five years ago when the boy first heard her playing the piano behind the ancient tree.

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