Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1642 Two people left

The Huaqing Palace was silent, and everyone present was waiting for the first sound of the piano.

Including the Purple Emperor, who was also looking forward to it.

In fact, he had heard the piano music of most of the piano practitioners in Xuanyue Island, but there were very few that really suited his taste.

This was also the reason why he kept holding piano meetings. He was always looking for a kind of piano music that could resonate with his heart.

When he reached his level of cultivation, sometimes his persistence in a thing could exceed the imagination of ordinary people, even if it took a huge effort and cost, he would not hesitate.

In the Nishang Palace, after a brief silence, a light and melodious piano sound slowly floated out.

This piano sound came from the lighted room.

However, only he and the people in the Huaqing Palace could hear it. Others in the Nishang Palace did not know who was playing at this time, or even who was playing at this time.

The room was not lit, so they could only stay inside and wait.

In Huaqing Palace, the sound of the zither never ceases. The brisk melody and rhythm seem to have a strange magic, making the already relaxed crowd feel even more relaxed and happy, as if they have come to heaven on earth. There is no more restraint, and they can do whatever they want, as they please.

"Although the artistic conception of this song is not very profound, it is also the characteristic of this song. Even people who don't understand the zither can resonate with the sound of the zither, relax their minds, and indulge in it." Someone spoke, the words were sincere and objective, and the analysis was sharp.

"Yes, I don't know who played the song, it can be called a middle-to-upper song." Someone else said.

"I don't think so. The melody and rhythm of this song are ordinary, and the artistic conception has no characteristics. It can only be listened to by those who have not heard the profound zither music. People who really understand the zither can't really enjoy the fun of this song!"

Just when many people were praising this song, a completely different voice came out, and immediately many people looked at that person with a little cold eyes.

Is this person here to listen to the zither, or to find fault?

Degrading others' opinions to show your superiority?

That's too ridiculous!

However, everyone was too lazy to argue with that person. Different opinions, each holding their own opinions, no matter how they argued, there would be no result, it was just a waste of time.

At this time, the Purple Emperor was sitting on the empty throne, his eyes closed, as if he was enjoying the piano music, and there was no emotional fluctuation on his face, making people wonder how he felt at the moment.

The green-dressed woman below looked at the Purple Emperor with her beautiful eyes. When she saw the Purple Emperor's expression, she knew that the song did not arouse the Purple Emperor's interest, or it was not in line with the Purple Emperor's taste.

She had followed the Purple Emperor for many years and knew him very well. If there was a piano music that resonated with him, he would definitely react.

But at this moment, the Purple Emperor did not even open his eyes.

As the song fell, the light in the room in the Nishang Palace dimmed instantly, and then the second room lit up.

At this time, the Qin Xiu in the first room looked disappointed and a little decadent. The room was not opened, which meant that he did not get the approval of the Purple Emperor.

This time, it was a waste of time.

Not long after, the second piano piece ended. There were still many people on the stairs commenting. Some praised it and even called it a superior piano piece. Some criticized and belittled it, thinking that this piece was just average.

The eyes of the Qin Emperor were still closed, as if he was asleep. I don’t know if he was listening.

The piano pieces were one after another, continuous and of different styles. Some piano pieces made people feel relaxed and happy, wanting to let go of themselves, and some piano pieces made people sad and depressed, feeling heavy.

Time passed unknowingly. At this time, it was already the twentieth piano piece.

When this piano piece came to an abrupt end, it seemed that there was not much difference from the reaction caused by the previous piano piece.

However, the Purple Emperor opened his eyes for the first time. He glanced in the direction of the light curtain with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

This piece of music is excellent in terms of both technique and artistic conception. Every detail of the emotional transition is perfectly grasped, which always touches people's heartstrings. Even he can't help but immerse himself in the music, and his heart follows the rhythm of the music.

Such exquisite and skillful piano skills should be regarded as the top in this piano meeting. There must be only a handful of people who can beat him.

If I guess correctly, the person who plays it should be from Qianqin Mountain and a disciple of Qianqin Ancient Emperor.

Qianqin Mountain is called Qianqin Mountain because it is a paradise for piano practitioners and has cultivated many excellent piano practitioners.

In addition to Master Tingzhu, there are still many extraordinary people.

"Xiyue, reward this person." The Purple Emperor looked at the woman in the green skirt and gave an order, and then closed his eyes again.

After hearing the words of the Purple Emperor, Xiyue's beautiful eyes showed a strange color.

She had listened to zither music in Ziyunxuan for many years and thought she had some understanding of zither art. The zither music she played just now, except for some very minor flaws, was almost perfect.

However, the Purple Emperor just gave her a reward, as if that was all.

A bitter smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth. The Purple Emperor's taste was really unpredictable, and it was impossible to guess what he wanted.

She turned around and whispered something to someone behind her. The person nodded and left Huaqing Palace.

A moment later, in the room where the person who had just played the instrument was, a voice suddenly rang out in the Nishang Palace.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, for receiving a top-grade imperial instrument from the Purple Emperor!"

The pupils of the zither cultivator couldn't help shrinking when he heard this, and a trace of unwillingness flashed across his eyes. Is it just a reward?

Just as the Purple Emperor expected, he was the fourth disciple of the Qianqin Ancient Emperor, and Master Tingzhu was the third.

In terms of identity, he was Master Tingzhu's direct junior brother.

Both of them had reached the peak of the imperial realm, but in Qianqin Mountain, and even in other places on Xuanyue Island, as long as they talked about the younger generation of Qianqin Mountain, everyone only thought of Master Tingzhu, and no one else.

Even if he was also a disciple of the Qianqin Ancient Emperor, it was the same.

This time he heard that Master Tingzhu might participate in the zither meeting, so he also concealed his identity and came to the meeting, wanting to take this opportunity to prove his strength, and he was not much inferior to Master Tingzhu.

But the result was not as he expected.

He thought he had played to the utmost, but he only received the Purple Emperor's reward, which meant that he had not yet reached the standard in the Purple Emperor's mind.

But what made him feel fortunate was that Master Tingzhu did not come, and no one else knew that he was attending this piano meeting. He just pretended that what happened today had not happened and had never been to Ziyunxuan.

However, what he did not know was that in a room not far from him, a young man in a purple cloak was sitting in it.

He saw that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a very beautiful arc was drawn. The eyes exposed outside showed a wise look, as if he saw through everything.

The piano meeting continued, and another five piano pieces ended. Among these five piano pieces, two were rewarded by the Purple Emperor.

So far, thirty people have played piano pieces, and only three people have been recognized and rewarded by the Purple Emperor.

Everyone in Xuanyue Island knows that the Purple Emperor has never been very concerned about whether the skills contained in the piano sound are superb, but this does not mean that he does not understand the piano, but because he understands it too well.

Zidi himself stood at a very high level to listen to the piano. He could tell the skills used by most people in the piano music at once, so naturally he could not be moved.

Therefore, he paid more attention to other aspects of the piano music.

In fact, many people also understood that to get Zidi's recognition, either the skills used were extremely superb, so wonderful that Zidi could not expect it, or the piano music was brilliant enough.

But these two points are easy to say, but it is difficult to really do it.

What kind of person is Zidi?

He has practiced for tens of thousands of years, experienced the vicissitudes of the world, and listened to countless famous songs played by masters. It is conceivable how difficult it is to satisfy him.

Even a piano cultivator at the emperor level would probably find it difficult to do this.

Then, the 31st room lit up, and the sound of the piano floated out. The beginning of this song was extremely solemn, creating an extremely heavy atmosphere, as if countless giant drums were being smashed, making people feel that their mood instantly became much lower.

Until the end of the music, everyone was very depressed and a little breathless.

They couldn't make a comment on this song. The level of the music should be extremely high, but it made them feel uncomfortable, as if they were being pressed by a stone, and they were very unhappy.

"Reward." Just a voice came out from the mouth of the Purple Emperor, which made the crowd suddenly startled, and there was a touch of surprise in their eyes.

It seems that the Purple Emperor really knows the piano.

After this song, two more people played the piano, but compared with the previous song, it seemed much more plain, the skills were not very outstanding, and the artistic conception rendered by the piano sound did not make people feel too much fluctuation in their hearts, as if they just listened to it and didn't feel anything.

It can be seen that there is still a big gap between the two people behind and the people in front in terms of the attainments of the piano.

Naturally, the Purple Emperor did not express anything to these two people.

At this point, only two people were left without playing.

These two people were Qin Xuan and the figure wearing a purple cloak.

Qin Xuan had been listening to the music the whole time, but none of the music could really touch his heart.

Qin Xuan looked gloomy, and his mood seemed a little low. The music just now reminded him of his master and the senior Qinsheng who were far away in the Nine Regions. Are they okay now?

And Ruoxi, Qiluo, and Tailong, who are all unknown now.

When he thought of the scene where his master's cultivation was abolished, Qin Xuan's anger was hard to contain, and his eyes became extremely cold. He would definitely make the Di family pay a hundred times the price for this!

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