Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1824 Witness

Where Qushui is located, the space becomes extremely quiet, and the atmosphere appears peaceful and harmonious.

Qin Xuan glanced at the people around him and said, "I have listened to many people's teachings before, and I have some insights in my heart. Just as the fellow Taoist from Nan'e Divine Cult said just now, human life is actually extremely short. If If you don’t practice, you will only have a life span of a few decades, and a lifetime will pass by in a blink of an eye.”

The Tianjiao of the Nan'e Divine Sect flashed his eyes and looked at Qin Xuan with some surprise. So, this person's way is the same as his?

"A cultivator, even the weakest martial artist in the Juyuan Realm, has a life span of more than a hundred years. If he is lucky enough to set foot in the King Realm or the Imperial Realm, he can live for thousands or ten thousand years. However, this long life is just for monasticism?"

Qin Xuan made a questioning voice and glanced at the people around him.

Many people looked slightly frozen and wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it. They really put the cultivation of Taoism in the first place.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, without strong strength as support, how can you be superior to others and enjoy a life of superiority?" At this moment, a rebuttal voice came out, and the speaker was none other than Nan Quan.

Nan Quan seemed to disagree with Qin Xuan's point of view. He looked at Qin Xuan and continued: "As expected, he is from the imperial realm, but he is still too young and his ideas are too naive. Of course, people should have pursuits, but the most important thing is, Or to strengthen yourself. For example, if you are not practicing Taoism, how can you sit here and discuss Taoism leisurely? "

After Nan Quan finished speaking, a ray of edge shone in the eyes of many people.

Nan Quan seemed to be very dissatisfied with Donghuang Yu. He took this opportunity to ridicule him and did not save face for Donghuang's sake.

In fact, everyone's guesses were not wrong. Nan Quan did not agree with Qin Xuan's remarks, but more importantly, he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction, so he spoke a bit harshly.

Liu Qianqian looked at Qin Xuan after hearing those words, but saw that Qin Xuan's face was still calm and indifferent. He turned his eyes to Nan Quan and said: "There is nothing wrong with being strong, but if you just limit your cultivation to this, your pattern , it’s a bit too narrow.”


Qin Xuan's voice caused the eyes of everyone present to freeze there, and their hearts trembled. Is he starting to fight back?

Nan Quan just laughed at Dong Huang Yu for being too young and too naive.

The next moment, Donghuang Yu said that Nanquan's structure was too narrow. Moreover, he said this in a very calm tone, as if he was just saying an ordinary word, but it gave people a powerful impact, which can be said to be extremely powerful. fought back.

A playful smile appeared on Di Shifeng's lips, and he glanced at Nan Quan casually. Do you think this guy is easy to mess with?

I saw Nan Quan's face changing constantly. He stared at Qin Xuan with a somewhat cold gaze and said: "You call me an emperor's person with a narrow-minded personality based on my status as an emperor? Isn't it too arrogant and arrogant? !”

"It doesn't matter who you are in cultivating Taoism. Your realm is higher than mine. What does that mean?" Qin Xuan's eyes showed a trace of ridiculousness and said: "You only judge people by their realm. Isn't your pattern narrow?"

"You..." Nan Quan suddenly became furious and stared at Qin Xuan fiercely. This bastard dared to say that he was narrow-minded over and over again!

"From what Young Master Donghuang said, it seems that he has another insight into the concept of Taoism. I would like to hear the details." A cold voice came out, and He Qiushui looked at Qin Xuan with his beautiful eyes and asked.

Qin Xuan looked at He Qiushui and nodded slightly: "It's not a profound insight. It's just that when people live this life, they may focus on the mountains and rivers, be wild and uninhibited, or they may interact with friends and confirm each other's thoughts. Even in a humble place, it’s a lot of fun.”

When everyone heard Qin Xuan's words, their eyes couldn't help but reveal a strange look. Donghuang Yu's idea was correct, but it seemed that it was too ideal and the reality was cruel.

As Nan Quan said just now, without strength, how many people can be truly chic?

As if he had guessed what everyone was thinking, Qin Xuan smiled faintly and continued: "To be honest with you, my idea of ​​cultivating Taoism was very simple. I would walk to the ends of the earth with the sword in hand with the one I love, enjoy the sunny and rainy scenery, hold my hand, and grow old together. If you can do this, you will have no regrets in this life!”

After saying this, many people laughed. It was indeed a very simple idea. They had similar ideas when they were young, but later they realized that it was too difficult.

Even though their current state is enough to travel everywhere and live a carefree life, but at this level, their desire for strength has become stronger, otherwise they would not come to Qihuang Island specifically to seek enlightenment on the Lingshan Mountain.

"What are your thoughts now?" He Qiushui asked again.

Qin Xuan's expression became a little more solemn. He was silent for a moment and then slowly said, "For the sake of my loved ones, I will not be bullied by others."

The crowd couldn't help but froze when they heard this, and looked at Qin Xuan with strange eyes.

Is he kidding?

In the infinite sea, who dares to bully the Donghuang clan?

Even Liu Qianqian and He Qiushui looked at Qin Xuan speechlessly, thinking that Qin Xuan was joking. The Donghuang clan is so powerful. Even if they are not in the Donghuang dynasty, their status is very noble. No one should dare to bully them at will. Bar?

However, Mo Lishang and others understood why Qin Xuan said this.

During the battle in Starry Sky City, Ximen Guyan was deprived of his cultivation by the Emperor's ancestor, and Qingyun Sword Saint died at the hands of Lord Qian Xueting to help Qin Xuan escape. These hatreds probably left a deep shadow in his heart. .

"With the power of the Donghuang Dynasty, I am afraid that no one in Wuyahai would dare to bully your relatives. Your idea should be easily realized." He Qiushui looked at Qin Xuan and said.

"I hope so." Qin Xuan nodded lightly and said nothing more. Of all the people present, there were only three people who understood him.

In fact, he only said half of what he just said, and the other half was left unsaid.

In addition to preventing relatives from being bullied by others, it is also necessary to strengthen martial arts civilization.

The main reason why the Nine Realms fell from glory to trough was that the ancient war suffered too heavy losses. Countless powerful figures fell, and their inheritance was lost everywhere, or there was no inheritance at all, so the current situation emerged.

Even though the prosperous times are approaching, there are not many people who can truly stand at the top.

This can be seen from the banquet in Star City.

He is responsible for the map of the stars, and is entrusted by many seniors such as Fen Lao, Tianmeng Tianzun, Wutian Tianzun, and Gudongfu. He practices Taoism not only to strengthen himself, but also has a more important mission.

Of course, he would not tell anyone these words. Even people close to him such as Mo Lishang and Chu Feng must keep it secret now.

He Qiushui glanced at Qin Xuan in surprise. Seeing that Qin Xuan didn't look at her, he didn't continue to ask.

"After talking for a long time, your plan is really 'far-reaching'. It's really admirable!" Nan Quan looked at Qin Xuan and sneered, with a hint of ridicule in his words.

Qin Xuan just bluntly said that he had a narrow structure and embarrassed him in public, so how could he give Qin Xuan face again? Could it be that he, the majestic son of the Nan'e Divine Religion, was really afraid of a member of the Donghuang clan?

Except for the God of War from the Donghuang clan, there was no one else he could fear.

Qin Xuan's eyes showed a hint of sharpness, and he glanced in the direction of Nan Quan. He originally wanted to ignore Nan Quan, but he seemed to have underestimated this man's thick skin, and made a presence in front of him again and again. Do you really think he is great?

"You seem to be proud of your higher level than me?" A sarcastic voice came from Qin Xuan's mouth, and he looked at a figure, which was Nan Quan.

When the crowd heard this voice, their hearts trembled, and they faintly realized that something was about to happen. They looked at Nan Quan again, and saw Nan Quan's face was calm, and he said lightly: "I don't know what to be proud of, a practitioner. "You should look higher. I only look at the most outstanding people among my peers and those who are higher than me. The rest are not worthy of my attention."

After Nan Quan's words fell, many people trembled in their hearts, and a trace of shock flashed in their eyes. The Holy Son of Nan'e Divine Cult is really very proud!

The meaning in Nan Quan's words was very clear. He believed that Dong Huang Yu's level was too low and was not worthy of his attention at all. Naturally, he was not proud.

In other words, he didn't like Donghuang Yu at all.

If Donghuang Yu hadn't come from the Donghuang clan, I'm afraid Nan Quan wouldn't have talked to him at all.

When Emperor Shifeng saw that Nan Quan despised Qin Xuan so much, a terrifying edge suddenly shot out in his eyes. Nan Quan was too presumptuous. Not to mention that Donghuang Yu came from the Donghuang clan. Even if he did not have this level of identity, he would still follow him. The person who came in together spoke so unscrupulously. Who gave him the confidence?

Mo Lishang, Chu Feng and others also had some anger on their faces. They were about to say something, but Qin Xuan said calmly: "Remember what you just said. One day, you will regret saying those words."

"Regret?" A trace of amusement suddenly appeared at the corner of Nan Quan's mouth, his brows raised a little, and he looked at Qin Xuan and said, "I'm really looking forward to that day, but unfortunately, I'm afraid it will never come."

"Really?" Qin Xuan was noncommittal. He looked at the people around him and said with a smile, "Please wait and see if that day will come."

"You are quite confident, but you are still too naive!" Nan Quan looked at Qin Xuan and said indifferently, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

In his eyes, Qin Xuan has never been regarded as a peer from the beginning to the end. As he just said, he will see the best people among his peers and those who are stronger than him, and the rest cannot enter his eyes. .

"Brother Donghuang, I will bear witness for you to see if that day will come." Di Shifeng said loudly. In fact, he had a strong premonition in his heart that that day will definitely come!

He could feel the strong confidence in Donghuang Yu.

"I am also willing to bear witness for you two." Liu Qianqian also said, whether intentionally or unintentionally, she glanced in the direction of Qin Xuan, as if she was expecting something!

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