Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 2115 The competition ends

At this moment, the atmosphere on the stage seemed a little weird. No one from the Lu Palace side took action again.

Xiang Wentian's words made them a little shaken.

Continuing the battle, I don't know what the result will be. Is it really worth it just to fight for a ranking that is not much different?

This was originally a question that the Mu Palace considered. Now, it is the turn of the people from the Lu Palace to consider it.

All this has changed because of one person. This person was unknown before. Not many people in Jiutian City knew of his existence. However, no one present doubted that after today, Qin Xuan's name will resound throughout Jiutian City and be remembered by countless people.

At this time, Yi Ji looked at Lu Xiao and said, "I think it's better to stop here. Qin Xuan is so persistent. Lu Xiao, you should give in and give up the second place. How about it?"

Lu Xiao turned to face Yi Ji and bowed, saying, "Since the fourth prince has spoken, Lu Xiao will do it."

When the crowd heard the conversation between the two, they couldn't help but show a strange look on their faces. It was a bit too coincidental that Yi Ji spoke to persuade them at this time, right?

It felt as if Lu Xiao was deliberately giving Lu Xiao a way out.

If Lu Xiao gave in directly to the Mu Palace, then the Lu Palace would lose face and people would look down on the Lu Palace. But if Yi Ji spoke up, that would be another matter.

Yi Ji was the fourth prince, and Lu Xiao was just a prince. The two were in a master-servant relationship. The master had an order, and the servant had to obey.

Qin Xuan looked at Yi Ji meaningfully. Whether Yi Ji was spontaneous or had communicated with Lu Xiao privately beforehand, being able to say those words in public was also a gesture of goodwill to him.

This was naturally due to his talent. Otherwise, how could the fourth prince of the Nine Heavens Immortal Kingdom speak for an unknown person like him.

"Thank you, the fourth prince." Qin Xuan clasped his fists in the direction of Yi Ji, but ignored Lu Xiao directly. After all, it was Yi Ji who mediated, and he had nothing to do with Lu Xiao on the surface. Before that, Lu Xiao's attitude towards him was not friendly.

Realizing Qin Xuan's cold attitude towards him, Lu Xiao regretted it in his heart, but now that things have come to this, he has no way to keep him, and can only think of other ways to make up for it in the future.

"Go down." Lu Xiao ordered, and everyone in Lu Wang Palace left the ring together.

So far, Lu Wang Palace ranked third in the competition.

After everyone in Lu Wang Palace walked down the ring, Qin Xuan also left the ring and walked towards the direction of Mu Wang Palace.

Seeing Qin Xuan walking over, Mu Jinyu, Yan Zheng and others all had a hint of joy on their faces, as if they were welcoming him back, of course, except Bai Qiu.

"Thank you for winning the second place for Mu Wang Palace." Mu Jinyu thanked Qin Xuan, and his expression seemed very sincere.

"Don't thank me, I have selfish motives." Qin Xuan said with a smile. Mu Jinyu didn't know that he had placed a bet in Dianxing Pavilion, so naturally he didn't understand why he wanted to compete for this ranking.

"No matter what your selfish intentions are, the final result is good for the Mu Palace, so I still want to thank you." Mu Jinyu smiled brightly, and her smile was extremely bright, as if she had changed from a cold princess to a girl next door, which made people feel pity for her.

"This difference..." Qin Xuan was stunned, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and was a little absent-minded for a while.

He suddenly had a feeling that Mu Jinyu at this moment might be the most real her, without any restraint, letting go of everything, and seeing him as a real friend, not a partner.

Thinking of this, Qin Xuan was a little moved in his heart, and joked: "Okay, but don't forget what you promised me."

"I can't forget." Mu Jinyu smiled slightly. She knew how important that matter was to Qin Xuan, and she had always kept it in mind.

Yan Zheng, Fan Ming and others looked at Mu Jinyu's demeanor when she was chatting with Qin Xuan, and couldn't help showing a strange look. They had known the princess for a long time, and only in front of Qin Xuan would she behave like this. Could it be that the princess had some other feelings for him?

Many thoughts flashed through their minds at once. The princess was so beautiful that she could make fishes sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground. Qin Xuan was handsome, had an outstanding temperament, and was gifted in a way that few people of the same generation could match. If the two of them were really together, it would be a good story.

Bai Qiu naturally noticed that Qin Xuan and Mu Jinyu had an unusual relationship, which was vaguely ambiguous. This directly hurt his heart. He had always had a crush on Mu Jinyu and planned to confess to her after the relationship got closer.

But he didn't expect that the appearance of Qin Xuan changed everything he expected.

The woman he had dreamed of was taken away by someone else.

You can imagine how angry he was, and his murderous intent towards Qin Xuan was extremely strong.

Qin Xuan didn't know that other people had such thoughts in their hearts. He simply admired Mu Jinyu and regarded her as a friend. As for other relationships, he had never thought about it.

"Special envoy, the rankings have been announced. Can the competition end here?" Yi Ji asked the special envoy in the sky with a fist.

The envoy nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the vast crowd around him, and said loudly: "This Immortal Kingdom Competition is over. The Imperial Palace ranks first, the Mu Palace ranks second, the Lu Palace ranks third, and the Yin Palace and the Zhao Palace rank last. After the competition, you must return to Qingxuan immediately without delay."

"Follow the envoy's order!" Everyone said in unison, with different expressions, some happy and some worried.

Zhao Junye and Yin Rong's faces were as ugly as they could be. At this moment, they truly realized what it meant to lose all their previous efforts. All the efforts they had made before were in vain in the end.

In the void, the deputy leader of the Dianxing Pavilion was as pale as paper, and his body was a little unstable. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind.

Dianxing Pavilion, it's over!

"I didn't expect that the bet was right." In another direction, a middle-aged man in black robe smiled playfully.

He had never bet before, but he bet this time, and his luck was simply bursting.

"The kid from Tianxuan is not simple, I don't know where he came from." The middle-aged man in green robe showed a trace of curiosity. At that time, they just felt that Qin Xuan was extraordinary, so they followed the bet and did not consider what the result would be.

"Don't worry, you will know it naturally in the future." The middle-aged man in black robe waved his hand casually and said slowly.

After the competition, all forces left one after another. Yi Ji took the royal family back to the inner city, and the people of the four royal palaces did not leave Jiutian City directly, but returned to the restaurant where they lived first.

The next day, outside the restaurant where the Mu Wang Palace lived, a middle-aged figure appeared in the void and said, "Where is Qin Xuan?"

The middle-aged man's voice was powerful and instantly spread throughout the restaurant. The next moment, many figures flew out of the restaurant, and Qin Xuan also appeared.

Qin Xuan looked up at the sky. When he saw the middle-aged man, his pupils shrank slightly. He knew this man. He was the strong man next to Yu You.

The middle-aged man who came was naturally Xiang Jun.

"What do you want to see me for?" Qin Xuan asked politely. This man was guarding Yu You, so his strength must be extremely strong.

"My young master invites you to sit over there." Xiang Jun said.

The crowd's eyes condensed when they heard Xiang Jun's words. What was Yu You's intention in looking for Qin Xuan?

Could it be that he saw his talent and wanted to win him over?

"When will you go over?" Qin Xuan asked again.

"Let's go now."

"Okay." Qin Xuan nodded gently. He was traveling alone now. Yu You sent someone to invite him, so he naturally couldn't refuse. Otherwise, he might not be able to leave Jiutian City.

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