Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 2674 Internal Support

Qin Xuan looked at Duan Chengtian and others with a smile. During this period, strange forces had arrived, and now the arrival of the three ancient tribes gave him a sense of intimacy.

It seems that he is not fighting alone.

"I heard that Tianxuan has a chance, do you know where the chance is?" Gongsun Ji looked at Qin Xuan curiously and asked, seeming to be very interested in this matter.

Qin Xuan looked at Gongsun Ji, nodded truthfully and said: "I know."

Qin Xuan's words made everyone's eyes focused on that. Qin Xuan actually knew where the opportunity was!

"But there are too many forces coming now, and we can't let the opportunity arise now, otherwise it will cause big trouble." Qin Xuan explained again.

He knew that the opportunity Gongsun Ji and the others were looking for was the God's Tomb battlefield. He would also open the God's Tomb again in the future, but only if the time was ripe.

"Understood." Duan Chengtian nodded. This is Qin Xuan's hometown. If other forces know where the opportunity is, trouble will inevitably arise, and the people of Tianxuan Continent will suffer.

"We will stay here for the next period of time. If there is any need for us, please ask at any time." Duan Chengtian smiled at Qin Xuan.

"Of course you won't be polite." Qin Xuan nodded. With the friendship between him and Duan Chengtian, he didn't need to say too much, just one sentence was enough.

Then Qin Xuan recruited Yi Min and asked him to place the powerful men of the three ancient tribes in Starry Sky City, so that if anything happened, they could come to help in time.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

During this period of time, the Nine Regions were still calm on the surface, and there were no incidents. However, according to Qin Xuan's secret investigation, those external forces were not idle. They sent many strong men to various parts of the Nine Regions, seemingly looking for something.

Obviously, they are looking for an opportunity.

However, Qin Xuan is not worried about this. Even if they find the battlefield of the God's Tomb, they will not be able to enter. After all, it is the place where the ancient gods fell. No matter how powerful the saint is, they cannot easily set foot there.

What really worries Qin Xuan is that if they learn that the God's Tomb battlefield contains the inheritance of the gods, they may not be able to settle down and will definitely try their best to enter it. By then, the Nine Realms will surely be in turmoil. middle.


In the eastern area of ​​Tailing Domain, a towering palace stands on the ground, full of light and majestic atmosphere. This is where the people of Tianwaitian settle down in the Nine Realms.

There was originally a sect-level power here, but it was later annexed by the Sanqing Immortal Palace, so the palace became empty. The powerful people from Tianwaitian found out and moved in directly.

They only live in the Nine Realms temporarily, so it doesn't matter where they live.

In the palace, the person sitting at the top is a middle-aged man with long black hair hanging behind his head. His face is heroic and not angry, and he has the aura of a superior. It is obvious that this man is in the sky. Very high status.

If Qin Xuan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this middle-aged man at a glance. He was the person who had talked to him before.

This middle-aged man's name is Lei Zheng, and he is the great elder of Tianwaitian. He is a fifth-level saint with peak cultivation, and his status in Tianwaitian is second only to the sect master.

This time he personally led the powerful men from Tianwaitian to Tianxuan, which shows that Tianwaitian attaches great importance to this matter.

At this time, below Lei Zheng, several figures stood respectfully, seeming to be waiting for orders.

"How is your investigation going?" Lei Zheng looked at the people below and asked.

"Back to the elders, we don't have any clues yet." One of them whispered, his tone was not very confident.

"You don't have any clues yet?" Lei Zheng frowned immediately and said in a deep voice, "I gave you five days, and you actually say you don't have any clues yet?"

Hearing the anger in Lei Zheng's voice, the expressions of the people below changed, and there was a sense of fear in their hearts. They knew Lei Zheng's temper, and if he was dissatisfied, the consequences would be very miserable.

"The elders don't know. This is called the land of nine domains. Each domain has an extremely vast area. In such a short period of time, it is really difficult for us to find the opportunity." One of them explained, There was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

Lei Zheng's face softened a bit when he heard this. Obviously he also knew that what the man said was not unreasonable.

They are unfamiliar with everything here, and trying to find where the opportunity lies is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Have you ever asked people from the Nine Realms?" Lei Zheng suddenly thought of something and asked again.

"I asked, but they all said they didn't know. They probably didn't want to reveal it to us." The man replied, "If we tried to force him, the news would probably reach Qin Xuan, so we didn't take action."

"Yes." Lei Zheng nodded: "When the situation is unclear, we really cannot take action easily. We must wait until those big forces arrive."

"Many forces have descended on Tianxuan now. Even if we take action, does Qin Xuan really dare to go to war with us?" At this time, another person below looked at Lei Zheng and asked in confusion.

Lei Zheng glanced at the man indifferently and said: "Don't forget what Qin Xuan did in Shura Hell. Unless all forces have discussed all the moves, no force in the nine regions can be an opponent. We don’t need to be the first.”

"My subordinate understands." The man's eyes showed a look of surprise.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked in from outside and reported to Lei Zheng: "First Elder Qi, there is a person outside who wants to see you."

After hearing this, a strange light flashed across Lei Zheng's eyes, and he asked, "Who is he?"

"I don't know, but the man claimed to come to help the elder." The man responded.

Lei Zheng was quite curious, come to help him?

"Let him in." Lei Zheng said, and then the man retreated.

A moment later, a figure walked into the hall. This person looked middle-aged, wearing a black robe, with a transcendent temperament, extremely deep and spiritual eyes, faintly containing a bit of majesty, as if he had been in a high position for a long time.

"Who are you?" Lei Zheng looked at the middle-aged figure below and asked. Although there was no big ripple on his face, his heart was quite uneasy.

He couldn't see through this person's cultivation.

He was already at the peak of the fifth-level saint, what kind of cultivation would this person have?

"I am the Palace Master of the Nine Domains Sanqing Immortal Palace." The middle-aged man said lightly, it turned out that this person was Zhuge Xuan.

"Palace Master of Sanqing Immortal Palace." Lei Zheng's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and some memories immediately flashed in his mind.

In the past few days, he has learned something about the top forces in the Nine Realms. There were originally eight great palaces in the Nine Realms, and the Sanqing Palace was the most powerful one. Later, the Sanqing Palace betrayed the Nine Realms and became the public enemy of the Nine Realms, and was rarely mentioned.

Is this middle-aged man in front of him the Palace Master of the Sanqing Palace?

No wonder his cultivation level made him unable to see through him. This person's strength should be almost the same as that of the Sect Master.

"Since you are the Palace Master of the Sanqing Palace, why did you come to me?" Lei Zheng asked Zhuge Xuan, and his tone became much more polite inadvertently. After all, Zhuge Xuan was above him in both status and strength.

"I am here to help you." Zhuge Xuan said with a smile, with an unfathomable meaning on his face.

"How do you plan to help me?" Lei Zheng's face became a little solemn. He did not doubt Zhuge Xuan's words. The Palace Master came to him in person, so it was naturally impossible for him to joke with him.

"I know where the opportunity you are looking for is." Zhuge Xuan said lightly. This is Tailing Realm, and everything that Tianwaitian does is naturally under his sight.

Hearing Zhuge Xuan's words, Lei Zheng's expression suddenly shot out a sharp light. This person actually knows where the opportunity is?

"Where is it?" Lei Zheng asked immediately, his eyes full of solemnity. If he goes to the place of opportunity in advance, he can seize the initiative. This is a great opportunity.

"I can tell you, but you must agree to one condition of this seat." Zhuge Xuan said.

"What condition?" Lei Zheng asked. He was not surprised that Zhuge Xuan proposed a condition to him. After all, there is no good thing in the world that comes for free, and it all requires a price.

"After getting the opportunity, work with me to deal with the forces in the Nine Realms." Zhuge Xuan uttered a voice.

Lei Zheng's eyes changed. He didn't expect Zhuge Xuan to put forward such a condition. He was a person from the Nine Realms, but he wanted to unite with their external forces to deal with the Nine Realms. No wonder he became the public enemy of the Nine Realms.

But it's good this way. It just so happens that they don't know about the Nine Realms. With Zhuge Xuan as their insider, many troubles can be solved.

As for the conditions proposed by Zhuge Xuan, they are not really conditions.

When the forces of Zhongxingtian come to Tianxuan Continent, they don't need to take action. Those people will never let Qin Xuan go easily. Therefore, this matter is beneficial to them and there is no need to think about it.

"I agree to your conditions. Now you can say it." Lei Zheng looked at Zhuge Xuan and responded.

"The place of opportunity is called the battlefield of the tomb of the gods. It is an ancient battlefield, which contains many opportunities left by gods." Zhuge Xuan said.

"Ancient battlefield!"

Lei Zheng's expression was shocked. He had a strong feeling in his heart that the battlefield of the tomb of the gods mentioned by Zhuge Xuan was the opportunity they were looking for on this trip.

"Where is that place?" Lei Zheng asked again, his voice full of excitement, as if he couldn't wait to investigate.

"In the Demon Wasteland." Zhuge Xuan responded, "But it's useless for you to go now. The battlefield of the God's Tomb has been closed not long ago. No one is allowed to set foot there, otherwise it will be a dead end."

"Closed not long ago?" Lei Zheng's expression froze there, and then he asked tentatively, "You mean, that place was opened before?"

"Yes, it was opened for a while before, and a few people got the inheritance of the gods in it." Zhuge Xuan nodded slightly, and then said, "Although you can't get in now, as long as you guard it, it will definitely be opened again in the future."

"I know, thank you Palace Master for telling me this." Lei Zheng thanked him. The information provided by Zhuge Xuan was very valuable. At least he knew where the opportunity was, and he didn't have to send people to search blindly.

"You're welcome." Zhuge Xuan smiled and replied, "I hope you won't forget your promise to me in the future."

"Of course." Lei Zheng laughed loudly, with a strange fluctuation in his eyes. Even if he didn't make a move, what could Zhuge Xuan do to him?

"In that case, I'll go first." Zhuge Xuan said, looking at Lei Zheng meaningfully, then turned around and walked out of the hall!

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