Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 2719 Relatives meet

Feeling the anger on Qin Xuan, the Great Demon Lord seemed to know what he was thinking and explained: "The Demon Abyss is where the Demon Lord lives. It is the supreme holy place of the Demon Saint Mountain, not a place to imprison prisoners."

After the Great Demon Lord finished speaking, Qin Xuan's eyes could not help but stagnate. The Demon Abyss is where the Demon Lord lives?

If so, he was wrong.

"Since I want to ask you for help, how can I treat your parents badly." The Great Demon Lord spoke again.

However, Qin Xuan sneered in his heart when he heard this. Before this, the Demon Lord did not have such an attitude. If he did not come to the Demon Saint Mountain, he would threaten him with the lives of his parents. Now he said such words again, which seemed too ironic.

Qin Xuan suddenly thought of something and asked casually: "Every demon king has a title, what is your title?"

"My title is Tian Xing." The Great Demon King replied calmly, and Qin Xuan muttered to himself: "Demon King Tian Xing."

Qin Xuan didn't know what kind of status and position Demon King Tian Xing had in the Demon Saint Mountain. However, all the demon cultivators in the Demon Saint Mountain, except the Demon Lord, were in awe of Demon King Tian Xing, including the other demon kings.

Demon King Tian Xing was the person in charge of punishment in the Demon Saint Mountain. The Demon Lord was only responsible for issuing orders, and all killings were carried out by Demon King Tian Xing.

In a sense, Demon King Tian Xing was the killing god among demon cultivators.

After a while, Qin Xuan walked out of the Heavenly Demon Tower and saw a young man in front of him. He had a heroic face and extraordinary demeanor. His aura was comparable to his, and he was also a second-level saint.

"Qin Sheng." The young man took the initiative to greet Qin Xuan when he saw him walk out of the Heavenly Demon Tower.

"Who are you?" Qin Xuan looked at the other party and asked.

"Ning Jun, the disciple of the Great Demon Lord." The young man introduced himself with a smile, and his tone seemed quite gentle, which made people feel very comfortable and couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Qin Xuan looked at Ning Jun with some surprise. The impression of Tian Xing Demon Lord on him was very majestic and high above, which gave people a sense of distance. However, the disciples he accepted had completely different personalities, gentle and elegant.

It was hard to believe that such a person was actually a demon cultivator.

"Did Tian Xing ask you to come?" Qin Xuan asked again.

"Master asked me to take Qin Sheng to the Demon Abyss to see his parents. If Qin Sheng has nothing else to do, he can go now." Ning Jun replied.

"Let's go." Qin Xuan said, the most important thing now is to see if his parents are safe.

Then Ning Jun's demonic thoughts surged and shot in one direction. Qin Xuan stepped forward and the two left here in an instant.


Just as Tian Xing Mo Jun said, the Demon Abyss is the supreme holy land of the Demon Saint Mountain, located in the center of this demon world. All the people living in the Demon Abyss are big figures of the Demon Saint Mountain.

After an unknown period of time, two young figures stepped out from the void. They were Qin Xuan and Ning Jun.

"Qin Sheng, the Demon Abyss is below." Ning Jun said to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan looked down, his expression was stunned, then he looked at Ning Jun and asked: "Is the Demon Abyss below?"

"Yes, the Demon Abyss is not a single place, but an area, which is collectively called the Demon Abyss." Ning Jun explained: "I heard from my master that there used to be a very terrible abyss here. Later, the Demon Lord filled up the Demon Abyss with his supreme magical power, and it became what it is now. Therefore, the word Demon Abyss was preserved."

Qin Xuan's eyes showed some deep meaning, and he asked again: "How powerful is the Demon Lord?"

Ning Jun looked at Qin Xuan meaningfully, and naturally understood that Qin Xuan was trying to trick him, but smiled faintly: "When Qin Sheng sees the Demon Lord, everything will be known."

Qin Xuan didn't say much after hearing this. After all, Ning Jun was not the only one who was like this. Tianzhan Demon Lord and Tianxing Demon Lord refused to reveal any news about the Demon Lord.

It seemed that they had agreed in advance, and he could only know the secrets behind it when he saw the Demon Lord with his own eyes.

"Where are my parents?" Qin Xuan asked.

"Over there, I'll take Qin Sheng there." Ning Jun said as he headed down, followed by Qin Xuan. After a while, the two came to a pavilion. The pavilion was not very large, and there were no other buildings around it, so it looked a bit empty.

"They are resting inside, Qin Sheng will be able to see them when he goes in, I'll take my leave first." Ning Jun bowed to Qin Xuan, who nodded slightly and then walked into the pavilion.

At this time, there were two figures sitting together in the pavilion, a middle-aged man and woman.

The man had a sallow complexion, and his face showed an undisguised old age. He looked about forty or fifty years old, giving people a feeling of being old and frail.

Although the woman looked younger than middle-aged, her face was also covered with wrinkles of the years, and her eyes looked quite dim, as if she had lost interest in everything around her.

This middle-aged man and woman were Qin Xuan's parents, Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin.

They have been imprisoned in the Demonic Abyss for a while. Although no one came to disturb them, they were actually under house arrest. There were restrictions in the pavilion, and they could not take a single step out.

They knew very well that those demon cultivators imprisoned them here to use them against Qin Xuan.

In order not to drag Qin Xuan down, they thought of various ways to commit suicide, but those demon cultivators directly sealed off all their powers, so they could not even die, and could only live a dark life here every day.

They were filled with guilt and self-blame. Why were they so weak that they could not help Qin Xuan, but became a burden to him. If Qin Xuan was coerced by those demon cultivators because of them, they would never forgive themselves.

"Alas..." Qin Lei sighed for a long time, with a helpless look on his face. He said to himself, "I don't know when such days will end. I hope Xuan'er will never come here, so that we can live here forever."

"I hope so." Mu Shuixin nodded gently. She would rather the couple live here forever than Qin Xuan risk his life for them. After all, his future is bright and should not be hindered by the two useless people.

"If the child never comes here, wouldn't he be an unfilial son?" At this moment, a voice full of guilt came from behind.

Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin were shocked when they heard this voice. They turned their eyes at the same time and saw a figure in white standing there. The white clothes were slender and dust-free, revealing an unparalleled temperament.

Qin Lei and his wife stared at the figure in white in front of them. The very familiar face in their memory really appeared in front of them, so that they felt dazed and even thought they were hallucinating.

Is this true?

"Father, mother." Qin Xuan shouted, his eyes became moist, and all kinds of emotions surged in his heart, moved, happy, and deeply remorseful.

If I remember correctly, the last time I saw my parents was decades ago. At that time, he was very weak and had not even reached the king realm. Now he has entered the saint realm. In these years, he has almost put all his energy on cultivation and owed them too much.

If it weren't for his slackness, they would not have been brought here to suffer.

It's all his fault.

"Xuan'er..." Mu Shuixin's voice seemed to be trembling, and tears slid down her cheeks, but she didn't seem to care at all. Her eyes were always on Qin Xuan, as if she wanted to imprint his appearance in her mind, fearing that all this would disappear in the next moment.

Qin Lei also stared at Qin Xuan, his eyes were red, he couldn't believe it was true, Xuan'er actually appeared in front of them like this, this feeling was too unreal.

"Xuan'er, why are you here?" Qin Lei asked, with a bit of blame in his tone, as if he was blaming him for coming here.

"Father and mother are trapped here, the child will naturally rescue you." Qin Xuan said seriously, if he couldn't even protect the closest people, how could he protect the countless people in the Jiuxuan Star Region.

Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin were moved when they heard this, and they didn't know what to say.

"Did they do anything to the two elders?" Qin Xuan looked at the two and asked immediately, his face looked quite nervous.

"They banned our cultivation and put us under house arrest here, not allowing us to leave half a step, but they didn't do anything else." Qin Lei replied.

Qin Xuan was slightly relieved after hearing this, which was much better than he expected. At least he didn't suffer any physical pain, otherwise he would never let go of the Demon Saint Mountain.

"I will help you two elders to remove the restriction in your body." Qin Xuan said to the two.

"This restriction was set by a big man. Can you remove it?" Qin Lei asked with a look of disbelief. In his cognition, Qin Xuan was just a younger generation figure, and naturally could not be compared with those big men in the Demon Saint Mountain.

"Of course, father, don't worry." Qin Xuan responded with a smile, and then put his palm on Qin Lei's body. Suddenly, a star power entered Qin Lei's body, spreading continuously, flowing through his limbs and bones, and soon touched the restriction.

"Bang." A bang sound came out, as if something broke. At this moment, Qin Lei only felt his whole body light, as if he was no longer bound, and a strong breath emanated from his body.

"Really recovered!" Feeling the long-lost power in his body, Qin Lei clenched his fists, his face was filled with unparalleled excitement, and at this moment his cultivation was surprisingly at the fifth level of Yuanhuang.

Seeing the joy on Qin Lei's face, Qin Xuan smiled slightly, and then lifted the seal on Mu Shuixin's body.

Qin Lei and Mu Shuixin smiled brightly. Now not only did they regain their cultivation, but Qin Xuan also came to their side. They suddenly felt a sense of security in their hearts, and they also had the belief to live again!

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