Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 2980 Disposal

Qin Xuan glanced at Zhuge Xing with some fear, not expecting that he would bite his ancestor back. It seemed that he had completely lost his belief in survival. Even though he was a superior ancestor, he had nothing to fear.

Although Zhuge Xing was ruthless, the ancestor also had no regard for friendship. In order to save his own life and the lives of other people in Zhuge Villa, he decisively abandoned Zhuge Xing and others. It is no wonder that Zhuge Xing would drag him to be buried with him.

This is the evil of human nature. Even people of the same clan can turn against each other at certain times and show no mercy.

Moyun Tianzun glanced at Zhuge Xing and the ancestor, his eyes looked extremely indifferent. He had lived for endless years and had never seen any scene. How could he not know what the two people were thinking.

"I don't think there is any need for Zhuge Villa to exist for those who dare to kill my descendants." Moyun Tianzun said calmly, with no trace of emotion in his expression, as if he was saying something ordinary.


The three ancestors of Zhuge Villa looked at Moyun Tianzun with pale faces, and there was a strong sense of fear in their hearts. They had finally reached this point in cultivation, and they had not yet seen the scenery of Tianzun's realm. How could they die like this.

They were so unwilling.

Even though Qin Xuan had seen a lot of big scenes, he couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in his heart at this moment. Zhuge Villa has existed for more than one million years and has a very profound foundation. However, Moyun Tianzun destroyed it as soon as he said it, and he didn't seem to take it seriously. One thing.

Standing at the height of Moyun Tianzun, the way he looks at the problem is very different from him.

"Senior, our Zhuge Villa is one of the top forces in Ziwei Heaven. Although we have made some mistakes, we are willing to pay the price. Senior, how can we destroy my clan? Isn't this against humanity? If the strong men of Heavenly Palace know this I’m afraid it’s also disadvantageous for seniors.”

I heard an ancestor from Zhuge Villa speak, his tone still filled with pleading, hoping that Moyun Tianzun would show mercy.

"A strong man from Heavenly Palace?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Qin Xuan's eyes. The ancestor said that if the strong man from Tiangong knew about this, it might be detrimental to Moyun Tianzun. So, the strong man from Tiangong was stronger than Moyun Tianzun?

Moyun Tianzun fell silent, seeming to have listened to the ancestor's words.

After a moment, Moyun Tianzun glanced at the three ancestors lightly and said, "What price do you plan to pay for this matter?"

The three ancestors all looked happy when they heard this. It seemed that there was still room for maneuver in this matter.

"Everyone who took action before will be killed. In addition, Zhuge Villa is willing to provide ten magic weapons to make up for the harm they caused to the descendants of our predecessors. I wonder what your predecessors want?" An ancestor asked tentatively, His eyes were always fixed on the expression on Moyun Tianzun's face, as if he was trying to figure out what Yun Tianzun was thinking.

"Of course people want to be killed, but do you think I will be short of divine weapons?" Moyun Tianzun asked, his calm tone revealing a sense of majesty, just like the power of heaven.

The ancestor's face immediately changed, and he said with an extremely humble attitude: "I made a mistake. I wonder what senior thinks we should do?"

Moyun Tianzun glanced at Qin Xuan, pondered for a moment, and then said to the ancestor: "Select the three most talented low-level Tianjuns from Zhuge Villa to follow my descendants and obey his orders. ”

"This..." The expressions of the three ancestors were stagnant at the same time, and they seemed to have no reaction. Why would Tianzun make such a request?

With the guardianship of the Heavenly Lord, there is no need for the Heavenly Lord's protection.

Although they were doubtful about this, they did not dare to say it in front of Moyun Tianzun. They finally eased the situation and no more troubles could occur.

"I obey the order of senior. I will select someone right away. I will definitely satisfy senior." The ancestor who just spoke bowed towards Moyun Tianzun.

"Go." Moyun Tianzun waved his hand.

The three ancestors immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They felt that they had just walked away from the gate of hell. Without a moment's delay, they immediately went in one direction, naturally to pick someone for Moyun Tianzun.

Moyun Tianzun looked at Zhuge Xing and others again, with a hint of indifference in his weathered eyes, and said, "If you have anything else to say, say it now. You will have no chance in the future."

"Senior, because one person killed all of us, the method was too cruel. Aren't you afraid of affecting the Taoist mind?" A voice full of unwillingness came out, but the person who spoke was not Zhuge Xing, but the fat middle-aged man.

This incident had nothing to do with him originally. He was just arresting people for Zhuge Xing. The last person to take action was Zhuge Xing. However, now that he was going to die because of this incident, his heart was naturally filled with resentment.

"Affecting the Taoist mind?"

Moyun Tianzun's eyes fell on the fat middle-aged body, and he uttered a contemptuous voice: "Are you qualified to talk about Taoism in front of me?"

The obese middle-aged man's expression froze and he looked particularly ugly.

He is just a Heavenly Lord, and of course he is not qualified to talk about Taoism in front of the Heavenly Lord. He is not a person of the same world at all.

"As a Heavenly Lord, you take action against a saintly figure. I only ask you, will your Taoist heart be affected?" Moyun Tianzun spoke again, staring at the fat middle-aged man with his eyes like a sharp sword, like It's a general question.

The obese middle-aged man was speechless. Before, he only thought about how to deal with the punishment and did not care about Qin Xuan's life or death at all.

"Only when you are facing a desperate situation of life and death, will you think of unfairness. For people like you, death is the best destination."

An indifferent voice came from the mouth of Moyun Tianzun. He looked calm as water. He pointed his finger forward, and a dazzling beam of light burst out from his fingers. It shuttled through the endless space in an instant and penetrated through the eyebrows of the fat middle-aged man.

The fat middle-aged man's expression suddenly froze there, his mouth slightly opened, as if he wanted to say something, but he could no longer make a sound. Then his body continued to decompose and turned into countless dust floating in the void.

Qin Xuan stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes fixed. A Tianjun strongman just disappeared without resistance, and even without making a sound. The whole process was so peaceful, but it made people feel uneasy for a long time.

The most shocked were Zhuge Xing and others.

At this moment, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and they could no longer restrain the fear in their hearts. Even though Zhuge Xing was ready to die, he was still afraid when he saw the fat middle-aged man die in front of him.

He had lived for more than 100,000 years and had gone through countless hardships to reach this point. His final destination was just a pile of dust drifting in the wind. This was simply unacceptable to him.

"If you kill me, you will be punished by heaven!"

At this moment, Zhuge Xing remembered what Qin Xuan had said before, and endless regrets surged in his heart. If he had not forced Qin Xuan to death, how could such a situation have occurred?

This was simply digging his own grave.

"Now, it's your turn." Mo Yun Tianzun looked at Zhuge Xing and others and said.

Zhuge Xing and others' expressions trembled suddenly, and then they went in different directions at the same time. At the last moment, they did not wait to die in place, but thought about escaping.

However, in front of Tianzun, where could they escape?

Mo Yun Tianzun's eyes were calm, and his skinny palm grabbed forward. At this moment, the vast world seemed to be held in his hands. All the figures who escaped were frozen in place, as if they were fixed and unable to move at all.

As Mo Yun Tianzun clenched his fists, loud noises were heard from different directions. Those figures exploded at the same time, turning into endless blood foam that splashed everywhere, dyeing a large area of ​​the void red, which was particularly dazzling!

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