Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 3268: Protect Yourself

Not only Qin Xuan, Huo Xuan was also very surprised.

Although he had met Li Youmeng several times, it was beyond his expectation that Li Youmeng understood him so well, as if he could see through his heart.

He suddenly thought of the proud woman who was famous in the God Realm, and there was a deep meaning in his eyes. The women of Tianmeng Immortal Palace were indeed not simple.

"You are right. I really have no intention of joining Yuan Qi's alliance, but I also don't want to join you unless you give me a reason that I can't refuse." Huo Xuan looked at Li Youmeng and said with a smile.

He was very curious about how Li Youmeng would convince him.

"If you don't join the alliance, although your status in the Lihuo Temple will not be affected, but not being in the top ten of the God List is a very disgraceful thing for the Lihuo Temple."

Li Youmeng said: "After all, there has never been such a precedent in Lihuo Temple before."

"If you join the alliance and drive the evil tribe out of the Netherworld with your own hands, this matter will surely spread throughout the God Realm for thirty-three days. Not only will Lihuo Temple's face be bright, but your status in Lihuo Temple will be even greater than before. high."

After hearing Li Youmeng's words, Huo Xuan's eyes showed a strange light, and he had to admit that the reasons given by Li Youmeng were indeed unacceptable to him.

"Moreover, your competitors are not just your peers, but also the people in front of you." Li Youmeng added.

Huo Xuan is the most talented person of this generation in Lihuo Temple, but every generation has evil characters, so Huo Xuan cannot be considered the most outstanding person, unless he has done something that others have not done.

Huo Xuan fell silent. Li Youmeng's words just now directly hit his heart.

He wanted to surpass the monsters he had been before, and he could only make himself more extraordinary.

But right in front of us, there is such an opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his head to look at Qin Xuan and said, "Okay, I agree to join the alliance."

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan suddenly smiled and said, "Welcome to join."

"But I have a request. If I can't agree to it, I will take back what I just said." Huo Xuan said again.

"What's the request?" Qin Xuan asked.

"I must be given a deputy leader." Huo Xuan replied. His status can be lower than Qin Xuan, but it cannot be lower than Li Youmeng and Long Xiao. This is his bottom line.

Qin Xuan looked stunned. He thought Huo Xuan would make some excessive demands, but he didn't expect that he just wanted to be the deputy leader.

"Even if you don't ask for it, you can't escape the position of deputy leader." Qin Xuan said with a smile. Lihuo Temple is the top force in Jiuqingtian, and Huo Xuan is also one of the top ten people on the God List. Naturally, he will not let Huo Xuan obey his orders. to others.

"Besides me, how many people have you recruited?" Huo Xuan suddenly asked.

"Before coming to you, we went to find Huang Sui, and he has agreed to join the alliance." Qin Xuan said, "Next, we are going to go find Fu Yichuan."

"Huang Sui actually agreed?" Huo Xuan looked at Qin Xuan in surprise, vaguely unable to believe that this was true. That guy was extremely aloof and didn't give face to anyone, so how could he agree to join the alliance?

"Huang Sui proposed a battle with Mr. Qin, and after the battle, he joined the alliance." Li Youmeng said with a smile: "Now Huang Sui is recovering from his injuries in seclusion, and he will join us after he comes out of seclusion.

"A fight..." Huo Xuan's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. Is that guy so cruel? Isn't he looking for abuse?

"If Brother Huo wants to have a fight, I can also accompany him." Qin Xuan looked at Huo Xuan and smiled. The smile on his face was very easy-going and seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Huo Xuan's expression suddenly froze there, and then he waved his hand: "This is unnecessary."

He doesn't want to be abused.

"I have nothing to do now, so I will accompany you to find Fu Yichuan and try to win him over." Huo Xuan said again, changing the subject invisibly.

"Brother Huo is traveling with us, so we have greater confidence." Qin Xuan said with a smile.

"Let's go now." Li Youmeng said, Qin Xuan and Huo Xuan nodded, and then the three of them walked out of the hall together.


In the Wanxiangtian station area, Qin Xuan, Huo Xuan and Li Youmeng shuttled rapidly through the void, crossing endless space in a single thought.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive in front of a palace, which was the residence of the Wanxiang God Realm.

When the geniuses from the Wanxiang God Realm outside the station saw the arrival of Qin Xuan and the others, their expressions froze on their faces, but someone soon reacted and asked, "You three are here to find Senior Brother Fu?"

"Exactly, let Fu Yichuan come out to meet you." Huo Xuan replied with a very casual tone.

Qin Xuan glanced at Huo Xuan in surprise and asked in a low voice, "Are you familiar with Fu Yichuan?"

"Well, I once went to the Wanxiang God Realm to practice for a period of time. At that time, I competed with him every day." Huo Xuan said with a smile.

"No wonder." Qin Xuan suddenly realized, and then a smile appeared in his eyes. The friendship between Huo Xuan and Fu Yichuan was so deep, it must not be difficult to convince Fu Yichuan.

Not long after, many figures walked out of the palace. The handsome young man at the head was Fu Yichuan. He looked forward and saw Huo Xuan coming with Qin Xuan and Li Youmeng. He immediately understood something in his heart.

"Brother Huo, Brother Qin, Fairy Youmeng." Fu Yichuan said to the three of them, with a warm smile on his face that made people feel like they were in the spring breeze.

"I came here today because I have something important to discuss with you." Huo Xuan said.

"Guessed it." Fu Yichuan smiled lightly.

"Since you have guessed it, what do you think?" Huo Xuan asked directly, without beating around the bush.

"Since the three of you are here together, I will not hide it."

Fu Yichuan said, "Before you came, Yuan Qi sent someone to invite me to join the alliance. I did not agree, but I made a promise to Yuan Qi that I would not join Brother Qin's alliance, so please forgive me."

After Fu Yichuan finished speaking, Qin Xuan and the other two looked grim.

Surprisingly, he refused directly.

And they could hear that Fu Yichuan's attitude was very firm, and there seemed to be no room for negotiation on this matter.

Qin Xuan looked at Fu Yichuan deeply, and vaguely understood what Fu Yichuan was thinking. He didn't want to offend Yuan Qi, nor did he want to stand on the opposite side of him, so he didn't help either side and protected himself.

"Really don't consider it?" Huo Xuan asked again: "Yuan Qi doesn't need to care too much, he is not qualified to influence the will of Duobao Tiangong."

"I have already promised Yuan Qi, so I can't regret it, otherwise I won't be able to get along with him in the future." Fu Yichuan said with a smile.

Seeing Fu Yichuan say this, Huo Xuan stopped trying to persuade him.

"If you three want to chat with me, please come in. If you are here just to persuade me, please go back." Fu Yichuan said politely.

"We have other things to do, so we won't go in. Goodbye." Qin Xuan said.

"Okay, take care." Fu Yichuan responded.

Then Qin Xuan and the other two turned around and stepped into the void, disappearing in front of Fu Yichuan and the others!

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