Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 3311: Changes

One after another, towering temples stood in the clouds, radiating immortal light, sacred and flawless, spanning endless distances, as if there was no end. If ordinary people saw such a spectacular and magnificent scene, they would be shocked and speechless.

Here is the inner space of Duobao Heavenly Palace.

In a hall at the highest point, a middle-aged figure sat on the throne, and there were many figures sitting below him, including Yuan Qi. He was not very conspicuous in the crowd, and the cultivation of others was higher than him.

"What are you doing here?" The middle-aged man looked at the line of figures below and spoke calmly.

That line of figures came from the Devouring Ancient Clan.

"Our clan plans to go to Qijian Mountain to retrieve the Devouring Crystal. I wonder if Duobao Heavenly Palace is willing to go together." A strong man from the Devouring Ancient Clan said.

"The Devouring Crystal has nothing to do with Duobao Heavenly Palace, so we won't join in the fun." The middle-aged man replied calmly: "Besides, with the strength of the Devouring Ancient Clan, it is easy to retrieve the Devouring Crystal. Why do we need to do anything?"

"Your Excellency doesn't know that our clan has sent people to the Seven Swords Mountain. Unexpectedly, the mad bull of the Demon God Palace was waiting there and made a sound that only the younger generation of our clan can go to take the Devouring Crystal, otherwise the Demon God Palace will intervene." The Devouring Ancient Clan strongman responded.

The middle-aged man's eyes couldn't help but reveal a strange light. Is the Demon God Palace going to intervene in this matter?

Then his expression returned to normal, and he said, "So what?"

"The intention of the Demon God Palace is very obvious. They want to devote all their efforts to cultivating Qin Xuan. Qin Xuan has the magical powers of the ancient demon god of the Demon God Palace. If he is protected by the Demon God Palace, his future achievements will be very terrifying." The strong man of the Devouring Ancient Clan said, "The reason why he did not join the Heavenly Palace must be that he wanted to join the Demon God Palace."

"If he really joins the Demon God Palace, it will be difficult for Duobao Heavenly Palace to deal with him in the future." The strong man continued, "Why not take this opportunity to put pressure on the Demon God Palace together and wipe him out, so as to eliminate future troubles."

"Why should I get rid of him?" The middle-aged man asked lightly.

"Hehe, you are very clear about what Qin Xuan did in the Netherworld. I won't say some things directly. I just want to ask you one question, are you going or not?" The strong man stared at the middle-aged man, waiting for his decision.

A ray of sharpness flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he replied, "When will you go?"

"Three days later." The other party replied.

"Okay, I'll send someone to go there then." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"I have to go to several other forces, so I won't stay long. Goodbye." The strong man left a voice, and then left the hall with the people around him.

In the hall, only the people of Duobao Tiangong were left.

The middle-aged man looked at the crowd below, and then fell on a middle-aged man in white, and said: "Tianzhu, tomorrow you take some people to Qijian Mountain, and you must help the Devouring Ancient Clan to get rid of that person."

"Understood." The middle-aged man in white nodded.

The middle-aged man above is the eldest disciple of Duobao Tianzun, named Shenzhu Tianzun, and the middle-aged man in white below is the fifth disciple of Duobao Tianzun, named Tianzhu Tianzun.

Duobao Tianzun has been practicing in seclusion for many years, and he hardly asks about the affairs of Duobao Tiangong. Today's Duobao Tiangong is actually controlled by Shenzhu Tianzun, with great power, but without the title of Palace Master.

Shenzhu Tianzun looked at another person, it was Yuan Qi, and he said lightly: "Yuan Qi, you go too."

"Yes, senior brother." Yuan Qi responded respectfully.

"Victory and defeat are common in the military. You are not the only one who lost to him. Don't take it too seriously. After he dies, this matter will be over." Shenzhu Tianzun said. He knew that Yuan Qi's defeat at the hands of Qin Xuan had a great impact on his Taoism, so he deliberately enlightened him.

Nominally, Yuan Qi was a disciple of Duobao Tianzun, but Shenzhu Tianzun taught him most of the time. In a sense, Shenzhu Tianzun was his master.

Of course, with Shenzhu Tianzun's cultivation, he was fully qualified to be Yuan Qi's master.

"I will follow the teachings of senior brother." Yuan Qi responded, and a sharp color flashed in the depths of his eyes. In three days, he would watch Qin Xuan being killed by the people of the Devouring Ancient Clan with his own eyes!


After leaving Duobao Heavenly Palace, the strong men of the Devouring Ancient Clan went to the Great Zhou Divine Kingdom and the Tianzun Divine Temple successively. Both forces gave clear answers that they would go to the Seven Swords Mountain.

Qin Xuan beat up their juniors in the Netherworld without leaving any face. Naturally, they were very dissatisfied with Qin Xuan. Now that the Devouring Ancient Clan wanted to deal with Qin Xuan, it just gave them a reason to take action.

Not long after, a message came from nowhere that the Devouring Ancient Clan would march to the Seven Swords Mountain to take back the Devouring Crystal from Qin Xuan.

The news spread like wildfire, and countless people trembled in their hearts after hearing the news. The Devouring Ancient Clan finally took action.

With the foundation of the Devouring Ancient Clan, how could Qin Xuan keep the Devouring Crystal? The best way was to hand over the Devouring Crystal, perhaps to save his life.

However, Qin Xuan did such a sensation in the Netherworld, which showed that he was an extremely proud person. How could he be willing to hand over the treasure?

He and the Devouring Ancient Clan are destined to stand on opposite sides.

Many people do not want Qin Xuan to die. After all, he is the descendant of the Void Heavenly Venerable. He led the army to attack the Netherworld. This is an unprecedented feat. The death of such a peerless figure is really a loss for the Jiuxuan Star Region.

It's a pity that they are insignificant and cannot change anything. They can only be bystanders.

Namo Tathagata Heaven, the holy land of Buddhist cultivation.

In a sacred mountain with Buddha's light all over the sky, two figures sat opposite each other. They were two monks.

One of the monks was wearing a red cassock, and his face looked very old and frail, as if he had lived for a very long time. The other monk looked young, wearing a white cassock, and had an extraordinary temperament.

At a certain moment, the old monk's eyes suddenly opened, and his gaze was directed towards a void. This glance seemed to see through the world, and all things in the world were presented in his pupils.

Then the old monk looked at the young monk in front of him and uttered a voice: "Junior brother."

The young monk also opened his eyes and looked at the old monk.

"The time has come, let's go down the mountain to break the cause and effect." The old monk smiled and looked very kind.

The young monk's eyes showed a strange light and asked: "Where are we going?"

"Chijin Yuanxingtian, Qijian Mountain."

"Okay." The young monk nodded and replied, and saw a ray of Buddha's light shining on him, and the next moment his figure disappeared in the Buddha's light.

The old monk looked up at the sky above, his eyes showing a deep meaning, and muttered to himself: "After millions of years, this sky is finally changing!"

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