Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 3596: Above the Three Tribulations

Qin Xuan's eyes shot out a sharp light, and his heart was shaking violently.

Duobao Tianzun, do you want to go one step further?

He naturally knew what going one step further meant. That was the supreme realm. Throughout the ages, only the pioneers of the Three Thousand Great Daos could enter that realm.

Now Duobao Tianzun is very close to that realm, maybe only the last step away. Even so, he is still unwilling to become an emperor who is above everything, looking down on the common people and stepping on everyone.

Such ambition is simply shocking.

But then Qin Xuan realized a problem and said, "Although Duobao Tianzun is a top figure, there should be some people in the God Realm who can pose a threat to him. If he has any ill intentions towards the God King Palace, isn't he afraid that other strong men will stop him?"

"Of course he has some concerns, so all the actions he took were carried out in secret, and there is no obvious connection with Duobao Tiangong. Even if we investigate further, we can't find Duobao Tiangong. Unless he takes the initiative to expose himself, we can't find trouble with him in public."

Fen Lao's eyes flashed with a trace of cold light, and he said in a cold tone: "In recent years, his actions have become more and more frequent, revealing some clues. I followed some clues and found out that he was the person behind the scenes."

Qin Xuan felt a chill rushing up his spine. He didn't expect Duobao Tianzun to be so cunning. On the surface, he didn't show his true colors, but secretly he was playing a big game. I'm afraid not many people would have thought that Duobao Tianzun was such a ruthless person.

"The master had seen that Duobao was a man of great potential, and he was not an ordinary person. But at that time, he was always humble and low-key in front of the master, and he was also very straightforward and humble in front of other people, and he had a very good relationship with people. Now it seems that what he showed at that time was just a disguise, covering up his true nature."

Fen Lao sneered and said, "Now he is still pretending, but he has enough power and status, and no one can suppress him, so he dares to do some things in secret. Once he is fully prepared, he will completely tear off the disguise mask and be his true self."

A sharp light flashed in Qin Xuan's eyes. He had spent countless years lurking with great effort and had been living under a mask. Now he has the opportunity to reach the top and stand above all living beings. I believe he can't wait.

"Since Fen Lao has confirmed that he is the person behind the scenes, why doesn't he tell the world about his crimes? It will be reasonable to take action against him at that time, and I believe no one will say anything." Qin Xuan said. With Fen Lao's prestige, this matter should not be difficult for him.

"It's not that simple."

Fen Lao shook his head and said, "The evidence I have can only infer that he is the person behind the scenes, but there is no evidence directly related to him. Even if Duobao Tiangong is implicated, he can say that he is not aware of it. It will not have a substantial impact on him if we randomly pull some people out to take the blame. Instead, it will expose our intentions."

"That's right." Qin Xuan nodded. He thought too simply. Duobao Tianzun is a powerful figure after all. Without strong evidence, it is difficult to convict him of a crime.

"In addition to being difficult to convict, there is another very difficult problem." Fen Lao spoke again.

"What problem?" Qin Xuan asked.

"Duobao has a wide network of people, all over the thirty-three days of the God Realm. Among them are the helmsmen of top forces. As long as Duobao raises his arm, they are likely to respond. At that time, the God Realm will fall into a situation of civil strife. If Dizang Tian invades at that time, it will be internal and external troubles." Fen Lao said with a solemn face, his tone revealing a bit of worry.

"Will they really become enemies with the Palace of the Divine King because of him?" Qin Xuan was somewhat confused. Once they failed, the forces behind them would inevitably fall into ruin. Could they afford such a huge risk?

"If it was the Palace of the God King back then, they wouldn't dare to rebel even if they had ten thousand guts. However, many of the top fighters of the Palace of the God King died in the ancient war, and many years of seclusion have made many people think that the Palace of the God King no longer has the strong deterrent power it did in the past, so they are naturally not so afraid."

"What they fear is never the name of the Palace of the God King, but the powerful strength of the Palace of the God King. If the Palace of the God King is no longer powerful, then the so-called awe will naturally disappear."

"Any critical decision will face risks and opportunities. Failure will certainly be irreversible, but as long as it succeeds, the benefits will be immeasurable." Fen Lao said again: "If they are asked to choose between Duobao Tiangong and the Palace of the God King, they are more likely to choose the former. In their opinion, the possibility of success is greater."

Qin Xuan fell into silence. Fen Lao saw through people's hearts very thoroughly. In the face of absolute interests, there are only a few people who can stick to their beliefs. Most people will still seek benefits and avoid harm. What's more, the Palace of the God King is not their true belief. What they believe in is the God King and absolute strength.

"In that case, we can't do anything to him?" Qin Xuan said coldly. He knew that Duobao Tianzun was plotting something bad, but he could only pretend that he knew nothing. It was really annoying.

"At least we can't touch him for now." Fen Lao said, "This is not entirely a bad thing. You have just taken over the position of God King, and your foundation is not stable. Although you have accumulated some prestige in the battle with Ksitigarbha Heaven, it is still not enough. Now is not the best time to take action. You still need to accumulate strength."

Qin Xuan nodded in agreement. Now he only has the status of God King, and his prestige is much worse than that of Duobao Tianzun. The God King Palace is also far inferior to its heyday. In this case, if he really breaks up, it will put him in a disadvantageous situation.

What he has to do now is to strengthen himself. When he has enough power, he can save a lot of trouble.

"He should not know that we are aware of his ambitions and will not act rashly in the short term. This way we have time to prepare. We can take a long-term view on this matter." Fen Lao said, and Qin Xuan agreed: "It is indeed necessary to make a careful plan before taking action."

"The most urgent task is to hold the coronation ceremony to confirm your identity as the God King, so as to avoid any changes in the middle." Fen Lao said with a serious face. Although this possibility is extremely small, it must be prevented.

"What do I need to do?" Qin Xuan asked.

"Just practice with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me." Fen Lao said earnestly: "For you, practice is the most important thing. As long as you are strong enough, you can calmly deal with all the storms."

"Understood." Qin Xuan nodded in agreement. If his strength reaches the level of Duobao Tianzun, or is not much different, I believe there will be a lot of people supporting him. After all, he is the descendant of the God King, and there is a greater possibility that he will reach the peak in the future. If he wins, it will be more beneficial to the God Realm.

Unfortunately, there is no if. Now his cultivation is not strong enough, so he can only hide his edge and practice hard.

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Xuan asked curiously: "How strong was the Palace of the God King back then?"

Fen Lao's eyes could not help but focus on it, and then he showed a look of reminiscence, and slowly said: "The Palace of the God King has four major temples, namely the Star Palace, Qiankun Palace, Taixuan Palace and Shenwu Palace. The Star Palace is responsible for all matters of the Palace of the God King, Qiankun Palace monitors the Thirty-three Heavenly Palaces, Taixuan Palace is responsible for refining weapons and alchemy, and Shenwu Palace is responsible for training reserve personnel."

"Many years ago, the Palace of the God King had five major temples. The temple that was reduced was called the Demon God Temple. Because the Demon God Temple was too powerful and controlled many demon tribes, the God King decided to let the temple set up its own business and renamed it the Demon God Palace, with the same status as the Palace of the God King."

Qin Xuan's eyes showed a strange light. It turned out that the Demon God Palace was once a temple in the Palace of the God King. He had never heard of it before. I'm afraid that many people in the Demon God Palace don't know about it.

"Although the Demon God Palace has established its own faction in Jiuqingtian, it is still a direct subordinate of the God King and obeys the orders of the God King. Over the years, the Demon God Palace has always done so and is loyal to the God King." Elder Fen spoke again.

Qin Xuan was deeply touched by this. When he first met Hongmeng Tianzun, he felt a very cordial feeling from him. Later, when Elder Fen announced him as the new God King, it was Hongmeng Tianzun who took the lead in standing up and expressing his position, which was enough to show that Hongmeng Tianzun was loyal to him and was completely trustworthy.

"Where are the guardian gods and generals?" Qin Xuan asked again. He knew that there were many guardian gods and twenty-four generals under the command of the God King, but he was not clear about their status in the God King Palace.

"The twenty-four warriors have a very transcendent status in the God King Palace. They do not belong to the four major temples. They only obey the orders of the God King and the four great envoys and are responsible for carrying out secret missions." Elder Fen introduced: "As for the guardian gods, they are not subordinates of the God King, but followers of the God King."


Qin Xuan showed a puzzled look. He always thought that the guardian gods were the direct forces under the command of the God King, but from what Elder Fen said just now, it seemed that this was not the case.

"The guardian gods are not positions in the God King Palace, but the names given to them by the world. Because they absolutely support the God King Palace, they are honored as guardian gods and always support the status of the God King Palace."

Fen Lao continued: "For example, the sixteen ancestors of the Demon God Palace, the Samsara Heavenly Venerable, the Devouring Heavenly Venerable and others you met a long time ago, they are not only the helmsmen of various forces, but also guardian gods. This title is only related to themselves, not to the forces behind them."

Qin Xuan finally understood that the guardian gods did not belong to the God King Palace, but they stood firmly behind the God King and advanced and retreated with the God King Palace. This is the meaning of the word guardian.

"In this case, there are many guardian gods." Qin Xuan said with a smile.

"Indeed, there are quite a few, but most of them fell in the ancient war, and only a few survived." Fen Lao's tone was full of sadness.

Qin Xuan was also very sad. The guardian gods were absolutely loyal to the God King and the God Realm. In the face of foreign invasion, the only thing they could do was to sacrifice their lives and would never avoid fighting for their lives.

Qin Xuan suddenly thought of what Fen Lao had said just now. The twenty-four warriors only obeyed the God King and the four great envoys, and Fen Lao was one of the envoys. Looking at the attitude of the Lord of Dongchuan and Duobao Tianzun towards him, it can be seen that the envoy's status in the God King Palace is very high, and it is definitely not lower than the masters of the four great temples.

"Are the other three envoys still alive?" Qin Xuan asked tentatively. Although he felt that they might have fallen, he couldn't help asking.

"There is still one person alive, and you have seen that person before." Fen Lao replied.

Qin Xuan's eyes condensed. Has he seen him?

Then many figures flashed through his mind. At a certain moment, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, as if he had a guess. He looked at Elder Fen and asked uncertainly: "Is it Elder Chi?"

"Yes." Elder Fen nodded slightly and said: "Chi Feng is also one of the envoys, known as the Wind and Thunder Envoy. The other two are the Blazing Sun Envoy and the Cloud Sky Envoy. They died in the ancient war, and Chi Feng and I survived because we had our own tasks."

Qin Xuan sighed in his heart. Elder Fen should have given up his own body, and his soul was placed in the Starry Sky Map, and then reincarnated into his body along with the Starry Sky Map.

In a sense, Elder Fen has died once.

"Do you know the realm above the three tribulations?" Elder Fen looked at Qin Xuan and suddenly asked. Now that Qin Xuan's strength has reached the level of the three tribulations, it is time to understand a higher realm.

"I don't know." Qin Xuan replied. He knew a long time ago that there was a realm above the three tribulations, but at that time his cultivation was too low, and he had not even entered the Heavenly Venerable. The realm above the three tribulations was too far away for him, and no one had ever told him about it.

"Above the three tribulations actually also belongs to the category of the Heavenly Venerable realm, but it is somewhat different. The difference is that there is no need to cross the tribulation, but to rely on one's own understanding of the Tao. If the understanding is sufficient, breaking through the realm will be a matter of course, and there will be no obstacles." Elder Fen continued: "But if the understanding is not enough, you will never be able to reach that realm."

Qin Xuan showed a thoughtful look. In this way, the realm above the three tribulations is illusory. People with strong understanding can easily break through the realm, while people with weak understanding will never be able to reach it.

Of course, the strength of comprehension is relative. Those who can cultivate to the third calamity cannot have weak comprehension, but to enter a higher realm, more extraordinary comprehension is required.

"Above the third calamity, there are three realms, namely Yuanshi, Creation, and Chaos. Each realm is a heaven, and the gap is beyond imagination." Fen Lao spoke slowly.

Qin Xuan's heart was trembling violently. This was the first time he knew the realm above the third calamity. Just hearing the name, people couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts.

The God King is the most powerful existence in the Jiuxuan Star Domain. He must have entered the Chaos Realm, while the Ten Heavenly Venerables, Fen Lao, Chi Lao, and Hongmeng Tianzun are in the Creation Realm. As for the palace masters of each heavenly palace, they should be Yuanshi Realm figures.

"Have you recovered to your peak now?" Qin Xuan asked. If he guessed correctly, Fen Lao's peak strength should be the peak of the Creation Realm, comparable to the Ten Heavenly Venerables, otherwise Jiaye Gongfeng and others would not be so afraid of him that day.

"My body is destroyed. The best outcome is to return to the realm of creation and never be able to recover my peak strength." Elder Fen sighed.

Qin Xuan's expression froze instantly. He felt as if his heart had been hit hard, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

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