Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 922: Is this your strength?

For Yuan Wanli's low drink, Jing Yunxi did not care.

To be exact, it is completely ignored.

He continued to manipulate the formation regardless of the way he rushed toward Wei Sheng.

This scene is in the eyes of everyone around, so that everyone is amazed.

And Wei Sheng is a big change.

A touch of fear suddenly poured into his heart.


The attack of the tactics manipulated by Jing Yunqi did not fall on Wei Sheng, and he was resisted by a figure. It was Yuan Wanli’s shot. It must be said that Yuan Wanli and Wei Sheng are not a grade. .

Wei Sheng is at most a five-year repair of Tian Wujing.

And this Yuan Wanli is at least a six-fold cultivation of Tianwujing.

Every move is extremely majestic.

And with the breath of his body, the sense of discouragement is unparalleled, giving people a sense of respect for the world. At first glance, Yuan Wanli is not an ordinary person.

Everyone knew before that Yuan Wanli was not an ordinary person, but at the moment, with Yuan Wanli, everyone realized that Yuan Wanli was different.

So that the look of Yuan Wanli one by one is awe.

"Big... adults, the array manipulated by this kid is really weird. Please be subordinate to it is incompetent..."

Wei Sheng hides behind Yuan Wanli. At this moment, there is still a sense of domineering.

"Your uselessness I have seen, and then you don't have to do it, this adult personally slaughtered this kid. You just need to be optimistic about him, don't let him play tricks and escape."

Yuan Wan is very cold and cold.

"Yes, adults."

Wei Sheng nodded.

After that, Yuan Wanli’s eyes were completely locked in Jing Yun’s body.

"Kid, I don't care who you are. Today, if you dare to take away the people I want, then you have only one way to die. I am a person who has always been a line. If you hand over people, I can talk to you about these things." ""

Yuan Wanli’s cold voice slowly sounded.

The reason why he has just not been shot, is to say that in order to see the strength of Jing Yunzhen, how many pounds?

Although Jing Yunyi’s offensive of this method has made him very surprised, the power of that level is not enough to threaten him. At least Yuan Wanli has confidence to deal with.

Therefore, even if the person who killed the Valley of God was killed by Jing Yun, only Wei Sheng was left. He still did not fear Jing Yun.

Even at this moment, I can say such a hard words.

"Then I hope you don't leave a line."

Jing Yunxiao smiled indifferently.

Still did not put Yuan Wanli in the eye.

This made Yuan Wanli frown to the extreme.

I have seen crazy people, I have never seen such a crazy boy!


In this case, Yuan Wanli is too lazy to talk nonsense with Jing Yunyu.

I saw that his hand was turned over, and an iron fan appeared immediately in his hand. The iron fan swept away, and there was endless temperament. It was instantly condensed in the air, and the qi was like a fan-shaped, directly toward the scene. The location where Yunxiao is located exploded.

The momentum was very fierce, and it was like a broken bamboo. Many people around it were shocking.


Master tricks, know if there is any shot.

This Yuan Wanli is indeed much stronger than the rest of Wei Sheng!

Moreover, Yuan Wanli obviously did not despise Jingyun, and one shot is such a strong move.

Even if it is Wei Sheng, in the face of such strong measures, only eat a copy.

But Jing Yunzhen did not back down.

He continued to manipulate the formation to resist Yuan Wanli's offensive.

I saw only thirty beams of light bursting out of powerful power, and then it was fiercely confronted with the fierceness of the fan.


A booming sound resounded through the clouds.

It can be seen that in the face of Yuan Wanli's offensive, Jing Yunqi's array of methods has not been crushed before, and finally he is barely equal to Yuan Wanli's offensive.

"Hey, I don't care."

These results made Yuan Wanli more confident and a bit more confident that Jing Yunqi’s array of methods did not pose any threat to him.

So, he will again display a more sophisticated approach in the next moment.

I saw the iron fan in his hand dancing. A tall mountain with hundreds of feet was condensed in the air. Above the giant mountain, the clouds were haunted, and there was a force of destruction.

The gas is breaking through the sky, not a lifetime!

"Broken cloud fan, Yunshan town!"

Yuan Wanli sighed low, and then the broken cloud fan in his hand trembled in the air, and Yunshan was incomparably suppressed by Jingyun.

Wherever it goes, the air is squeezed out by layers, and the space is extremely distorted.

Everyone around saw it, and one by one could not help but hold his breath.

Such a powerful means can be much stronger than the means used by Wei Sheng and other people in the killing valley, so they are all curious about how Jing Yunzhen can resist this offensive.

Could he just lose it?

For everyone's eyes and thoughts, Jing Yunxi did not care.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued to manipulate his array to resist Yuan Wanli's offensive.


This time, I resisted and quickly decided to make a decision.

Before the glory of Jing Yun’s tactics, he was only able to compete with Yuan Wanli’s aggressive attack. At this moment, it is naturally difficult to resist Yuan Wanli’s offensive.

Therefore, once it collided, Jing Yun’s battle of the lineup was turned into a bubble.

Yuan Wanli’s offensive Yu Wei has fallen heavily on Jing Yun’s body, and the body of Jing Yun’s body has been repulsed so that Jing Yun’s body is heavily squatting on the stone wall of the rear valley, and the stone walls are shattered. Cracked.

"It seems that this kid has no other means at this time, only one idea."

"Sure enough, there are people outside, there are heavens outside. Who is this mysterious character? Is it so powerful?"

"Hey, I thought that there is still a hole in the kid. It seems that I think more."

Everyone has been talking about it, and they all agree that Jing Yunzhen is going to be miserable.

And the sneer on Yuan Wanli’s face is getting stronger and stronger.

Everything... is in his control.

"So vulnerable, I also want to be arrogant in my madness. I will hand over people."

Yuan Wanli couldn’t help the world.


Yuan Wanli didn't want to fight. At this time, Jing Yunhao not only showed no fear of color, but also had a smile on his face. The smile seemed to be laughing at Yuan Wanli is a joke!

Not only Yuan Wanli, but the rest of the people around him are also looking awkward. Is this kid’s head confused? At this time, still laughing?

"This is your strength? It's just that!"

Jing Yunyi stood back to the position he had stood before, still still scornful to Yuan Wanli.

When the words came out, everyone was even confused.

This kid... What the **** is it?

Does he think that he still has a chance to survive? Or he knows that he can't live, so he is abandoning himself here!

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