Peerless Genius System

Chapter 126 Is Zhang Hongda He?

Xiao Luo's attitude was very tough, Xu Guansong couldn't convince him to give up suing Chen Jianbai at all, and the two ended up having an unhappy break up in the office, which also made Xiao Luo turn his attention to Xu Guansong for the first time, the taste bud spy, Could it be Xu Guansong with a beer belly?

Of course, without any evidence, doubt can only be doubt after all!

Two days later, a very bad news came.

It has always been a loyal customer of Luofang, and orders moon cakes in Luofang every year. The Fuke Group, which was distributed to employees during the Mid-Autumn Festival, suddenly announced that it would no longer accept mooncakes from Luofang.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, and it is a fatal blow to Luo Fang!

Fuke Group is one of the top 500 processing factories in the world. The factory in Jiangcheng alone has 230,000 employees. The total number of employees in the country, including foreign branches, has reached 1 million. Although Luofang has only won orders for mooncakes from Fuke Group's Jiangcheng factory and two other city factories, the total amount of orders is an astonishing 8 million.

It can be said without a doubt that Foucault Group is Luofang's largest customer, no one!

After learning the news, all the major ministers in Luofang were like ants on a hot pot, and rushed into Xiao Luo's office anxiously. The originally spacious office immediately felt overcrowded.

"Mr. Xiao, think of a way. Once we lose the customer of Fuke Group, our Luofang will really leave... just leave... ah..."

"Why did you suddenly say that we don't want our Luofang to supply moon cakes? How can that be good?"

"Are we really going to end Luofang?"

In Xiao Luo's office, the head of the cadre discussed bitterly that they were not grassroots employees, and those who stayed at this time all had deep feelings for Luo Fang, and they really wanted to get through this difficult time with Luo Fang.

These sounds are very noisy for Xiao Luo.

"It's all quiet, what's the matter, and the big boss is not allowed to speak!" Luo Qijiao, the head of the research and development department, shouted.

She is the only minister who does not wear formal attire during work. In her words, she is: R\u0026D requires creativity and inspiration. Wearing uniform formal attire will only greatly reduce her source of inspiration.

Bright yellow T-shirt, skinny jeans with a hint of decadence, a pair of jogging sneakers with light green lines, shoulder-length hair is black and bright, wearing a cute starfish-shaped blue hairpin, a pure and energetic pretty Her face was turned upside down, no makeup was applied, and there was a hint of coquettishness between her brows.

After being called by Luo Qi, the whole office soon became quiet, and everyone looked at Xiao Luo who was sitting on the office chair with his left hand resting on his chin as if thinking.

"Finally quiet."

Xiao Luo exhaled a long breath and stood up, "Since it's quiet, let me say, we Luofang signed a contract with Fuke Group, how much is the liquidated damages?"

"Mr. Xiao, the liquidated damages are 10 million yuan."

Li Zimeng stood up and signed the contract with Fuke Group. She knew what Xiao Luo's intention was, she frowned, and said embarrassingly, "But the contract will expire at the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. ."

"Expired?" Xiao Luo frowned.

Li Zimeng lowered his head sadly: "This is my responsibility. I was planning to renew the contract after supplying them this time, but I didn't expect Foucco Group..."

"Minister Li, I just want to know, why didn't a big order like Foucco Group draw up a new contract in advance before the contract was about to expire?" Xiao Luo's tone was a bit cold, and there was a strong blame in it.

Li Zimeng lowered her head even further: " was my negligence..."

The voice was weak and flies. She really didn't expect things to turn out like this. A few days ago, she also agreed with Zhang Hongda, the owner of the Jiangcheng factory of Fuke Group, to renew the contract on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it didn't take long for something to happen.

"Mr. Xiao, I think it's useless to blame Minister Li now. The most important thing is to bring back the customer of Fouca Group." Xu Guansong said righteously.

Luo Qi also echoed: "Yes, big boss, sister Zimeng didn't expect the Fuke Group to fall into trouble at this time, they are too unethical."

Xiao Luo calmed down a little, and for the first time felt that being the boss of this Luofang really had a long way to go.

"Contact the boss of Foucault Group immediately. I want to meet him. In addition, give me a list of all the customers of the taste buds. I will see it appear on my desk in the afternoon."

This time, it must be the taste buds who competed for the customer again. This completely aroused his anger. He wanted to fight back strongly, not only to take back the Foucet Group, but also to win over the customers that originally belonged to the taste buds.

At this moment, Xiao Luo's eyes became greedy, angry and dangerous, like the eyes of a wolf!

The ministers in the office couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. They had never seen such aggressive eyes, and this aggressiveness seemed to be contagious. It was transmitted to them from Xiao Luo. They clenched their fists secretly, and their eyes were full of A sharp and determined.


At about ten o'clock in the morning, Xiao Luo, Luo Qi and Xu Guansong drove to Mingtai Golf Course. The purpose of coming here was to meet Zhang Hongda, the boss of Foucco Group.

"As one of the investors of Mingtai Golf Course, Mr. Zhang comes here to play a round or two of golf almost every day." Xu Guansong introduced.

Luo Qi pouted: "I actually asked the big boss to come here to meet, do you want the big boss to play golf with him?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "It is his sincerity to promise to see me. Bring the contract and go meet him with me."

He has completely calmed down now, and he can't talk about business with a sense of anger or murderousness.

"Follow your orders!" Luo Qi giggled.

Xu Guansong immediately reprimanded with a straight face: "Don't smile, be serious."

Luo Qi stuck out his little tongue.

Entering the court, led by a waiter to the teeing area, in the distance, I saw a middle-aged man dressed in white, wearing black sunglasses, with shiny combed hair sitting under a sun umbrella and watching. He was drinking tea leisurely in front, and not far from him, in addition to two bodyguards in black, there was an assistant, and two women with a body like a model were pinching his shoulders and beating his legs attentively for him.

"Is he Boss Zhang? He really knows how to enjoy!" Luo Qi asked curiously.

"My aunt, don't say a few words, don't lose the opportunity without talking to him." Xu Guansong said in shock.

This is impolite and reckless behavior. If Zhang Hongda hears it, his impression of the three of them will definitely become very bad. What else is there to talk about?

Unexpectedly, just after reprimanding Luo Qi, Xiao Luo asked again: "Is Zhang Hongda him?"


Xu Guansong sucked in a breath of cold air and called people by their first names.

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