Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3342: A big win

Chapter 3342: Complete Victory

Inside the monster swamp.

The sky is dazzling.

The powerful and majestic divine power is mighty.

The sky quashed, and the terrifying light drowned everything.

This battle, as early as Hongyue and Juechen appeared, the ending was actually doomed.

The role of hunter and prey has already changed.

Regardless of Ji Wuxiang, Ning Kuo and others, after all, they are bound to themselves and build prisons.

Juechen controlled the thunder array of swords and swords, the rain of swords and the sword, the roar of thunder, and the terrible mighty power that destroys the world, constantly blasting down, causing the death of various elites and elites in large areas.

However, after Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others joined the battle, they cooperated with Juechen, causing the gods of each family to begin to fall.

In the end, the addition of Yue Anshan made Ning Kuo and the others completely desperate.

They saw the return of the red moon and the appearance of Yue An Mountain. Then, as long as they were not fools, they already understood what Ji Wuxiang would end.

Ji Wuxiang is dead.

Although not willing to believe.

However, that Tianjiao from the last era of the Ji family is indeed dead.

Hongyue stopped taking action, standing calmly on the sky, overlooking the entire monster swamp, the huge battlefield, as if everything had nothing to do with her, but she was the key to victory in this battle.

"Wake up, do you know why Ji Wuxiang died?"

Hongyue didn't wait for Su Xing to answer, but her face was indifferent, and she said to herself: "Because, I don't like his aggressive eyes, he is not worthy!"


Suddenly when he woke up, he felt a cool breeze.

If he remembers correctly, just recently, he seemed to have shown that look on purpose?

"Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, it's time to send you two on the road."

Wake yelled, and the figure flashed, and it rushed out towards the monster swamp below, but the figure from the back looked a bit embarrassing and fleeing.

The corners of the glittering red moon's lips slightly raised.

It seems that I like to see this scene.

In the monster swamp, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan could not help but change their expressions as they watched the waking up quickly.

It's just that no matter what their mentality or performance, today they are doomed to die.


Wake up with a sword slashed out.

The sword light was like a horse, and the terrifying light flooded Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan.

With just one move, the two of them were blown off and suffered heavy losses.

The longer the time, the greater the awareness between them and the awakening.

Soon after, the two Tianjiao and noble sons of the Xia family and the Ji family fell to the ground one after another. Although they had their life-saving cards, they could not change their own destiny.

Even Ji Wuxiang is dead.

How can they escape?

This battle, after a few hours, Ning Kuo and others all died in the battle, and it was declared over.

The entire monster swamp had completely turned into ruins and ceased to exist.

Despite the fact that Juechen presided over the formation, Ning Kuo and others had an advantage in numbers, so even if they all died in the end, it would have caused Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others to suffer varying degrees of injury.

Including Yue'an Mountain, they are all colored.

It is enough to see how fierce this battle is.

However, the expressions of everyone in the Yue family were extremely excited.

The victory of this battle meant that the Yue family's current crisis had been completely resolved.

Today's Renshui area, no matter how hard it is to have any power, can compete with the Yue family.

The Ho family, the Zheng family, and the Shen family, their Patriarchs, and their ancestors, died in a united battle. The three families have existed in name only. Now, the Yue family only needs to launch a counterattack, which is enough to destroy the three families.

Uprooting them is only a matter of time.

As for the Ning family, because they were far away in the Vermillion Bird Region, the Yue family was temporarily beyond reach.

However, the Ning family was already badly injured and could only linger in the Vermillion Bird Territory, and could no longer mobilize troops and horses to cooperate with the Ji family like this.

Outside the monster swamp.

Hongyue and Juechen stood together, separated by hundreds of miles from Awakening.

Behind the awakening, it was Yue'an Mountain and the Yue family.

As for He Tong and others, they are all cultivating in the Chaos Pond and have not participated in this matter. Although they have great potential, they have not grown up yet, and it takes time.

"You can stay at Yue's house for a while."

"Within one year, Xuantianzong will inevitably change. When that happens, you will return to Tongtian Mountain, and we will go to the four forbidden places together."

Hongyue spoke calmly.

"it is good!"

Wake up and nodded.

The red moon said no more, her figure turned into a crimson haze and disappeared.

"Take advantage of this year's time, hurry up and practice! With your current strength, it is difficult to help us. Since it is a cooperation, the strength of the two sides should always be the same!"

Juechen faintly glanced at awakening, with a look of beating.

Then, a formation appeared under his feet, accompanied by a ray of light rising into the sky, and the formation disappeared together with Juechen's figure.

From the beginning to the end, Su Xing did not ask how Hongyue could enter the Xuan Tianzong plan.

Hongyue didn't mean to explain.

The two of them had a great understanding.


Yueyang Tianhu is a vast expanse of tens of thousands of miles, like a vast ocean.

The blue sky is surging and mighty.

Here is the base camp of the Yue family.

However, when the group of people awakened and came to the vicinity of Yueyang Tianhu, there had obviously been a battle here, and the scale was not small, but depending on the situation, the battle was over.

It was the Yue family who cleaned the battlefield.

This shows that the Yue family should have won this battle.

After Yue'an Mountain killed Ji Wuxiang, he directly sent a message back to Yueyang Tianhu and asked the Yue Family to launch a general attack.

As the leader of the family, Yue'an Mountain has a keen sense of smell.

When he discovered that the princes of the five coalition forces including the Ji family were all ambushing in the monster swamp, he knew that the opportunity had come. The soldiers and horses besieging Yueyang Tianhu seemed to be crowded and powerful.

However, if there were no gods in charge, it would be a paper tiger.

And the Yue family, in Yueyang Tianhu, but there are still several gods and ancestors.

The ancestors of the gods and ancestors took action, invincible on the battlefield, and looked at everything. If they went out, the coalition forces would naturally be defeated and vulnerable.

In the end, the Yue family won a big victory.

The Yue family was full of joy.

The crisis during this period of time made everyone nervous, afraid to relax at all, and inevitably depressed in their hearts. Now that the crisis is lifted, the Yue family not only has not been destroyed, but also has to control Renshui in one fell swoop.

This already has the capital and potential to march into the four streams of heavenly clan.

The Yue family was a blessing in disguise.

The whole family is naturally very excited and excited.

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