Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3351: Old Man Canghe

Chapter 3351: Old Man Canghe

In the sky, the shadow of the giant building is majestic.

Around it, many scenes have evolved.

Such as the vast ocean, mountains and rivers, swords, guns, swords, and so on.

Then, a group of people quickly emerged. The head of the group was almost the same age as Ji Wu. It was difficult to see his face clearly, but his aura was unique and extraordinary.

He is the Wanjun of Vientiane Tower.

The first arrogant of the era in Vientiane.

Today's strength is already unfathomable, and it is regarded by people as one of the few people who are most hopeful of great opportunities.


Wan Jun waved his hand, the shadow of the huge building disappeared.

This is the Vientiane Tower, one of the most powerful exercises, called "Heaven and Earth Vientiane Jue".

Obviously, Wan Jun had already cultivated to an extremely advanced level, and when he appeared on the stage, many visions appeared.

When Wan Jun was about to take the people from the Wanxiang Tower and fly to the Heavenly Sacred Mountain, he suddenly seemed to have sensed something and stopped.

Who can make Wanjun stop?

The answer was soon revealed.

On the sky above the sky, a huge divine gate emerged, shining thousands of divine light, which was extremely bright.

At the top of the Shenmen, there seems to be two characters "Zhenwu" carved.

Then, a group of people stepped out from the gate of God.

The leader is a burly and tall person with sharp eyes and a sacred robe, which sets off his temperament as extraordinary, like a master of heaven and earth.

"Weishan Lake!"

Wan Jun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Wanjun, you came quite early!"

Wei Shanhu's gaze fell on Wanjun for the first time.

"You are not slow!"

Wanjun spoke plainly.

These two are the geniuses of the same era, and both are extremely extraordinary and talented.

Obviously, there must have been many collisions between them.

Now it seems that the outcome should be difficult to distinguish.

"It's better to be together?"

Wei Shanhu spoke and proposed to go with Wanjun.

"it is good!"

Wanjun nodded and agreed.

Then, in the eyes of countless attentions, the two people led both sides and quickly flew to the Heavenly Sacred Mountain.

"It's terrible, and as soon as Wanjun approaches, I feel like I can't breathe." A **** king who was overwhelmed by the sky exclaimed.

"Me too! A casual look from Wei Shanhu made me feel weak."

"These two people are really terrible."

When the figures of Wanjun and Wei Shanhu completely disappeared from people's vision, countless people sighed.

However, even the former Jiulong Taoists, Tian Jue Sword Lord and others, their expressions were surprisingly solemn, Wan Jun and Wei Shanhu brought them a great sense of oppression.

"Tian Jue, do you have the confidence to fight with them?" Jiulong Taoist asked.

"Huh! Opportunity can't be obtained by strength alone." Sword Master Tian Jue snorted, but this sentence was also revealed. He knew that he was not the opponent of Wanjun and Wei Shanhu.

"The posterity is terrible! Back then, Wanjun and Wei Shanhu were so weak before they became gods. Unexpectedly, even the old can't see through them now."

An old man dressed in gray linen with a pleated face sighed.

In his hand, he held a seemingly ordinary wooden crutch, but the word "Canghe" was written on it.

"he is……"

"Old Canghe?"

"My God, this existence has also come."

Someone recognized the identity of the old man, which immediately caused quite a stir.

"Meet Old Man Canghe!"

The Jiulong Taoist, Tian Jue Jianjun and others saluted the old man respectfully.

This is incredible.

With the strength and identity of Jiulong Daoist and Tianjue Sword Lord, they actually took the initiative to salute to one person, and there was no pretentious expression in their expressions. Such things are extremely rare.

"Everyone is polite."

"Back then, I just pointed out your practice a few times. It is your own efforts to achieve today's achievements, so you don't have to be too grateful."

Old Canghe smiled and shook his head.

However, what he said caused a huge sensation.

The seniority of Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord, and others is not low anymore. Everyone has cultivated for more than 100,000 years, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already an antique.

However, Elder Canghe actually pointed them.

So how high is the seniority of Old Man Canghe?

"It seems that in many places in history, there are old people Canghe."

"Yes! My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... grandfather, he mentioned the old man Canghe in his handbook, and he admired him verbally."

"My dad's dad...Dad, also mentioned the old man Canghe, and he also admires him very much."

Many discussions sounded around.

"Senior is too indifferent to fame and fortune."

Tian Jue Jianjun sighed.

They did not continue to talk in depth on this topic.

Because Old Man Canghe seemed to really do not matter whether they recorded the kindness.

Such a state of mind is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

"Senior, are you planning to enter the forbidden area this time?" Jiulong Taoist asked curiously.

"When you are old, you won't get involved in the opportunities of your young people, just run over to join in the fun, and take a look at you by the way." The old man Canghe shook his head.

It seemed that he was really not interested in chance.

The Jiulong Taoists, Tian Jue Jianjun and others were flattered.

"I'm leaving."

"When you fight for opportunities, you also need to pay attention to your own safety."

"Human! The most important thing is oneself, chance or something, after all, it's just being a thing, knowing that nature is good, if you can't get it, you don't need to be too forceful."

When the old man Canghe's voice sounded, his figure gradually faded away.

After a while, it disappeared completely without a trace.

"Senior respectfully!"

The Jiulong Taoists, Heavenly Sword Lord and others saluted one after another.

People's discussion about the old man Canghe did not end there.

Everyone knows that because of the forbidden land after the fusion, there will be hidden dragons and crouching tigers near the current Tongtian Mountain, and there will be many big people, amazing people.

However, the appearance of an old existence like Old Man Canghe was still unexpected.

It is estimated that even the supreme master of Xuan Tianzong, Yan Chongtian, can only regard himself as a junior in front of Old Man Canghe, and he should not dare to be arrogant.

However, the appearance of the old man Canghe also proved that there was a big chance in the forbidden area.

After all, there are not many things worthy of the old existence of Old Canghe, and each one is bound to be a sensational event.

"This old guy, how do I feel hypocritical."

He Tong stared at the place where Old Man Canghe had left, and said with some disdain.

"Hehe! I bet that the purpose of the old man Canghe's sudden appearance is not simple." Gong Kun laughed. As an old treacherous person, he regarded the old man Canghe as a similar person in his heart.

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