Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3359: Immortal protagonist

Chapter 3359: Undead native ghost

Looking at the mountain village reflected in the heart monument.

The trees are shaded, the houses are continuous, and there is peace and tranquility.

The sun shines from the heart of the sky, and the villagers take a leisurely stroll, tease the children, or chat happily under the tree. Everyone’s face is filled with happiness, and it is like a paradise.

However, in the vision of awakening, it was clearly a ghost village.

The villagers are like walking dead.

The whole village is full of ghosts and shuddering.

Even though I have experienced a lot of similar things, I still feel chills in my heart.

"This small village, we'd better stay away, we can go around." Su Xing said in a deep voice.

Different from Liu Zhengyi, Li Huajiang and others who were encountered before, the villagers in the whole small mountain village are all "primitive ghosts", and I don't know how many years they have lived here.

Awakening still does not know what is so powerful about the original ghost.

However, vaguely noticed that the original ghost is probably more powerful than Liu Zhengyi, Li Huajiang and others.

Everyone has no objections.

Even He Tong, who has always been not afraid of the sky and the earth, calmed down.

She is not ignorant. At this time everyone is acting together, and if there is a slight mistake, the friends around him may encounter danger.

However, the Xia family are all old foxes.

When they saw that the awakening party chose to detour, they also followed.

After all, the area of ​​a small village is not large, and it is not troublesome to go around, not to exaggerate, that is, to take a few more steps.

But what happened next.

But it made everyone feel horrified.

I had already avoided the small mountain village for thousands of miles after waking up, and the small mountain village was no longer visible.

But when he took a step forward, he was about to go forward.

Among the undulating hillsides in front, small mountain villages emerged out of thin air, as if they had been carried over with great magic power.

But in reality, there is no power fluctuation.

This is weird.

More importantly, the small village is closer to awakening them.

It not only blocked the way again, but also narrowed the distance.

"how can that be?"

Even Xia Sen's expression changed at this moment.

In the summertime beside him, his eyes also showed solemnity.

Waking up to believe in evil, once again tried to avoid the small mountain village, this time away thousands of miles away.

However, when he walked forward, the small mountain village reappeared, and the distance was one step closer. The two sides were only separated by a few hundred miles, which caused the group to wake up and had to use the hillside to hide.

Otherwise, they might be spotted by the native ghosts in the small mountain village.

"Boss, we don't seem to be able to avoid it!" Yue Zhijun said with some fear.

"Say it again!" Su Xing shook his head. It was the first time he encountered this situation, and for a while, he couldn't find a way to deal with it.

Soon, he awoke and avoided the small mountain village for the third time.

What he thought in his heart was that one can do two things.

If you still cannot avoid it, you can only deal with it head-on.

But in fact, there is no need to wake up to make a decision, because his third avoidance is also ineffective.

The small mountain village has appeared again...

Moreover, this time the distance from awakening is less than three hundred miles.

This is already a very close distance.

As a result, the native ghosts in the small mountain village raised their eyes and found a group of people awakened.

"Not good! There are evil ghosts invading."

"The big guy took up the weapon, the evil spirits ate our warriors, killed them, and avenged the warriors."

In an instant, the whole small mountain village was so ghostly.

Thousands of villagers rushed out.

All of them looked terrifying, with teeth and claws.

More importantly, they apparently awakened a group of people as evil spirits, and the warriors in their mouths mostly referred to Liu Zhengyi and Li Huajiang who turned into ghosts.


Su Xing looked cold.

Seeing him like this, Gong Kun, He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yan Feng, Yue Zhijun and others all showed murderous intent.

The depression before the storm is often the most tormenting.

When the storm is coming, you can face it calmly.

Everyone has been practicing all the way to the present, and they have rushed through the Great Black Abyss together, and they have seen a lot of dangers. It is impossible to suddenly panic Liushenwuzhu.

Seeing the fierce looks of the native ghosts, they were ready to fight.


Gong Kun took the first shot.

A punch containing majestic and divine power blasted out at an extremely fast speed, as if to smash a big hole in the sky, with a mighty momentum and a surging killing intent.

This punch has indeed paid off.

At least a dozen native ghosts were directly obliterated.

"But so!"

Gong Kun smiled coldly, showing the domineering majesty of a family of ancestors.

His punch is undoubtedly very morale boost.

At least let everyone realize that native ghosts are not invincible.


Soon, fierce fighting broke out.

Compared to waking up the group, the combat power level of everyone in the Xia family was terrifying.

Ten gods joined forces, and wherever they went, the original ghosts were killed and countless.

Primitive ghosts are not scattered among birds and animals.

They are not afraid of death and fight to the end.

This battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and thousands of native ghosts were slaughtered.

"That's it!"

Yue Zhijun also killed a lot of primitive ghosts. At this moment, his fighting spirit was boiling and he was extremely confident.

"In fact, the strength of these primitive ghosts is already very good, but the ten gods of the Xia family have taken action, and this has been swept away."

Yanfeng gave a pertinent evaluation.

The gods, no matter where they are, are still very terrifying combat power.

Not to mention that more than a dozen gods joined forces.

If they were to face so many native ghosts alone, it would really be a big trouble.

However, waking up frowned.

He always felt that this matter was still too simple.


"Look, there seems to be another figure in the village."

He Tong looked ahead suspiciously.

Su Xing raised her eyes and looked, her face changed slightly.

I saw that in the village that was already empty, primitive ghosts appeared again, and the number was increasing, and the momentum was getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn! How many native ghosts are there in this village!" Yue Zhijun cursed.

"The number of native ghosts in the village is the same as before, no more, no less." Su Xing said solemnly: "It's just that they can't kill."

"What... what do you mean?"

Yue Zhijun trembled and said: "Boss, what do you mean, the original ghost that we killed just now is now resurrected?"


Wake up and nodded.

His observation is more nuanced than others.

Just now he remembered the appearance and total number of many primitive ghosts.

At this moment, they are all aligned.

It's not that there are new native ghosts in the village, but the original ghosts that were killed before are all resurrected.

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