Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3409: Luo Qingxue's strength

Chapter 3409: Luo Qingxue's Strength

In the void, Luo Qingxue was like a glimpse of floating light, and she was shocked.

However, she took the lead and broke into the mountain of a million is the most shocking.

No one thought that the goddess of Luo, who looked ethereal and like a fairy in the Yaochi, had courage that surpassed most men.

You know, everyone has realized that among the million sacred mountains, there are many crises.

Therefore, as soon as I watched and waited, no one acted rashly.

It is impossible for Luo Qingxue not to know this.

However, she still chose to be the first to rush to the mountain of a million.

This bravery alone is impressive.


The second one was Hua Yunkong.

He seemed to be worried that Luo Qingxue was in danger, so he immediately followed.

Immediately afterwards, Wanjun and Weishanhu also set off one after another, not much slower than Hua Yunkong.

"These guys are quite shrewd!" Long Ritian looked at this scene, showing a touch of disdain.

Wake up did not say anything.

But he understood what Long Ritian was talking about.

On the surface, Hua Yunkong, Wanjun, and Weishan Lake all meant to protect Luo Qingxue, but in reality, they wanted to follow Luo Qingxue and look for opportunities.

With Luo Qingxue's background, she cannot rashly make a move to die.

Since she dared to be the first to set off and get rid of her courage, it was also because she should not encounter any danger.

In other words, she is confident to deal with the next danger.

So, following her, the chance of getting a chance is naturally much higher than that of other places.

"Let's go too!"

The eyes of Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Jianjun and others flashed.

These old rivers and lakes of them also saw the clues.

One by one, they set off quickly, chasing Luo Qingxue at the fastest speed, trying to follow the other side and get some chances.

"This is an opportunity..."

"Situ Lan, Lei Zhenying, don't you hurry up to follow up and protect the Luo Goddess."

Elder Xuan Qi spoke.

He is fighting for opportunities for two Daocheng disciples, Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying.

"Boss, why don't we follow along?" Long Ritian asked tentatively.

Anyway, everyone wants to get a chance behind Luo Qingxue, why can't you get more of them?

"it is good!"

Su Xing nodded and agreed.

He didn't do it for chance, but he was always worried about Luo Qingxue in his heart.

Although it stands to reason that Luo Qingxue followed the Qinglian Taoist ancestor's practice, his strength should have greatly increased, and it is not what it used to be, but before he saw the opponent make a move, he was still not at ease after all.

However, with the awakening and the departure of Long Ritian, all the gods began to take action.

Not everyone is as smart as Wei Shanhu and Wan Jun.

However, there is a group of strong people opening the way ahead, and everyone is unreasonable and stays in place.

Outside the million sacred mountain, countless divine lights soared into the sky, brilliantly dazzling, painted a thrilling picture in the sky, but, I don't know how many people are about to die.

I am afraid that the returnees will hardly have such a spectacular sight.


Soon, there was a roar, coming from the front.

I saw that a towering tree, dancing with countless branches, launched a fierce attack towards Luo Qingxue at the forefront.

That big tree is a tree demon.

Moreover, the cultivation base reached the level of the gods, very fierce.

It is as fierce as a magic tree.


On the surface of Luo Qingxue's body, a faint blue light escaped.

That blue light looked weak, but possessed an extraordinary defensive ability. Any countless branches and crazy offensives could not help Luo Qingxue.

The next moment, Luo Qingxue waved her hand.

Then, people saw it, a very incredible scene.

I saw the towering demon tree, and in an instant, it was wiped out in ashes, turned into countless dust and scattered.


Although there are many people, they are full of confidence in Luo Qingxue's strength.

However, when everyone saw that Luo Qingxue killed a demon king while waving his hand, he was still shocked from the heart.

Luo Qingxue is too strong.

Even when he wakes up, there is an unfathomable feeling.

Luo Qingxue did not stop, and continued to move forward.

But at this moment, the entire mountain of millions of sacred mountains, as if revived, countless monsters rose into the sky, and various monsters were killed. Among them, there was no shortage of monsters.


A terrible battle broke out quickly.

Divine cultivators of all races fought against the demon kings in the mountain of millions of gods.

Divine magic soars into the sky, and the evil spirit diffuses.

This is an unprecedented battle, the most terrifying battle so far in this ultimate place.

There are divine cultivating deaths.

A large number of monsters were also beheaded.

This battle lasted for a million miles and lasted for a full day before it gradually subsided.

The monsters were almost beheaded to death.

However, the gods of all races also suffered heavy losses.

Looking around, almost half of the people died in the previous battle.

Blood and bones painted a picture of extremely tragic and tragic on the vast ruins.

This scene must be remembered by countless gods.

The surviving gods "cleaned" the battlefield.

Saying it is cleaning, it is naturally to get the spoils, there are storage bags belonging to the dead gods, there are also the bodies of monsters, the treasures of heaven and earth, and so on.

However, in order to fight for the spoils, there was soon another great fight.

And, there are signs of intensification.

According to this development, I am afraid that another big battle will break out.

"Everyone, there are not a few chances in the sacred mountain of millions. There is no need to meet life and death for the current interests. Why don't you keep some energy and fight in the future?"

In the end, Luo Qingxue spoke calmly.

She has a great influence in the minds of the gods of all races.

What was said was also very reasonable, and everyone recognized that this fierce battle was finally avoided.

"These million sacred mountains are really dangerous!"

"At the beginning, all races have lost nearly half of the gods, how many people can return alive on the way forward?"

Even the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Sovereign, etc., are still emotional.

People are almost blushing.

However, the perilousness of the million sacred mountain is also well-deserved.

People continued to move forward, and it was Luo Qingxue who was still leading the way. Her strength became more and more terrifying, and it was difficult for any demon king to resist the power of a blow.

More importantly, she was obviously not doing her best.

There are still many monsters rushing out to block the way, and the number is much less than before.

However, in terms of individual strength, it is even stronger.

As long as the monster beasts on the stage are almost all monsters, it seems that the existence of the monster king level is not qualified to show their faces.

At this time, the gods of all races will join hands to deal with the demon king.

Not to say how much we all work together, and facing death, they have only one choice. If they fight separately, they will inevitably die.

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