Peerless God Lord

Chapter 2939 Take back everything

Both of these two people looked like middle-aged men. One of them was tall and straight, with a majestic bearing and shining eyes.

This person is none other than the original Samsara Heavenly Lord.

The other person is obviously not an entity, but is made up of the condensed energy of illusory Yuanling. He is tall and mighty, indifferent and mysterious.

"Samsara Heavenly Lord... Time and Space Master!" Seeing this, Su Mo looked shocked, as if he didn't expect the two of them to appear at this moment.

Samsara Heavenly Lord has never appeared again since he disappeared in Yunlan World, and the clone of the Time and Space Taoist Master has been hidden in another time and space. Now the sudden appearance of the two people is obviously extraordinary.

"Su Mo, I bestowed upon you the supreme blessing, which gave you the strength to defeat the nine Taoist masters today, but you have let me down!"

The clone of the Taoist Master of Time and Space looked very illusory. He looked straight at Su Mo, shook his head and sighed.

"Senior, you said that whether you save or not, you have to follow your heart. This is my heart." Su Mo said in a deep voice. Although the other party was very kind to him, in the face of reality, he could not let the other party's The main body cannot escape, at least for the time being.

"Since you don't want to take action, then I can only save myself!" The Taoist Master of Time and Space said in a calm voice:

Su Mo was silent when he heard this. This clone of the Taoist Master of Time and Space must have very limited strength. It is impossible to save himself. The only possibility is to rely on the Samsara Heavenly Lord.

After taking a look at Samsara Heavenly Lord, Su Mo was very surprised. This man's cultivation had actually reached the highest level of Taoism. It was really unbelievable.

You must know that through devouring and fusion, his cultivation level can be improved ten times or a hundred times more than that of ordinary warriors, but even so, he has only just reached the highest level of the Tao realm.

"Senior, are you going to let him take action?" Su Mo glanced at Samsara Heavenly Lord. Is he capable of cutting off the Dao tree? He was skeptical.


The Taoist Master of Time and Space slightly nodded and said, "However, he needs your strength."

"What do you mean?" Su Mo narrowed his eyes and was full of vigilance. He had been on guard when the clone of the Taoist Master of Time and Space and the Samsara Heavenly Lord appeared.

"Su Mo, you and I are one, and we will eventually become one." Samsara Heavenly Lord said with a look of indifference on his face.

"It's a joke, I don't want to, who can force me?"

Su Mo sneered and said confidently: "Even if you reach the highest level of the Tao realm, you still can't do anything to me. I, Su Mo, will always be myself."

When Samsara Heavenly Lord heard the words, he did not refute, but just sneered, then turned around and walked towards the Taoist Master of Time and Space.

An astonishing scene appeared. The physical body of Samsara Heavenly Lord actually merged with the clone of the Taoist Master of Time and Space.


The clone of the Taoist Master of Time and Space has merged with the Samsara Heavenly Lord, or in other words, the Taoist Master of Time and Space has taken control of the body of the Samsara Heavenly Lord.

"You?" Su Mo frowned and looked at the 'Samsara Heavenly Lord' in front of him in confusion.

"Su Mo, do you know that you and Samsara Heavenly Lord are just a part of me?" Samsara Heavenly Lord chuckled. Of course, Samsara Heavenly Lord now has completely transformed into the Taoist Master of Time and Space.

"This is impossible." Su Mo shouted. It was unbelievable to him. He was a part of the Samsara Heavenly Lord. This might be reasonable, but how could he and the Samsara Heavenly Lord be part of the Taoist Master of Time and Space?

Samsara Heavenly Lord is a great power in the wilderness. After many reincarnations, he wants to break out of the wilderness. How can he be part of the Taoist Master of Time and Space?

"Nothing is impossible!" The Taoist Master of Time and Space shook his head and said calmly: "When I discovered the Samsara Heavenly Lord, he became a part of me."

Su Mo frowned. Could it be that the previous Samsara Heavenly Lord was just the Samsara Heavenly Lord, but the later Samsara Heavenly Lord was taken away by the Taoist Master of Time and Space, or did he use some special means to become a part of the Taoist Master of Time and Space?

"Su Mo, there are causes and effects in this world. You are the cause that was sown in the beginning, and today is the time to reap the fruits!" The Taoist Master of Time and Space said calmly. After saying this, he turned his palm over and an inexplicable object appeared in it.

This object is like a dry branch, only five inches long and as thick as a finger, but its entire body is filled with radiance, emitting the light of profound energy.

"This is...?" Su Mo frowned when he saw this thing, because the aura emitting from this small branch was the same as that of the Dao tree.

"This thing is a rhizome of the Tao tree, and it is also the thing that subdues your lifeblood."

The Taoist Master of Time and Space smiled, and then, the roots of the Taoist tree in his hand suddenly burst out with dazzling light. The bright light enveloped the sky and the earth, unstoppable.

At the moment when the root burst out with bright light, Su Mo's body suddenly shook violently, and his face showed an expression of extreme pain.

"You...!" Su Mo yelled, but his body seemed to be completely suppressed, his soul was shaking violently, and his soul was completely out of control.


A bright purple light ball was slowly pulled out of Su Mo's body and emerged. This was the Hongmeng Purple Qi Yuan Shen.


A shrinking whirlpool spirit slowly flew out of Su Mo's body. This was the forbidden spirit that accompanied Su Mo's growth.

Su Mo's face showed extreme pain. He seemed to be struggling, but he was unable to resist at all.

"Your soul, your Hongmeng Purple Qi, and your cultivation all came from me. Today, I have taken them all back." The Taoist Master of Time and Space said calmly.

At this moment, the scene was surprisingly quiet, and hundreds of millions of warriors in the distance were all watching this scene in a daze.

What happened today was completely unexpected for them.

The powerful Su Mo defeated the nine Taoist masters and became the only Supreme Being on the Yuanshi Continent. However, it was like a flash in the pan.

All of this is actually the work of the Taoist Master of Time and Space, and everything is made for the Taoist Master of Time and Space to make wedding clothes.

The final winner is the Taoist Master of Time and Space.

The main body of the Taoist Master of Time and Space was suppressed in the Tao Tree, but he still has such abilities. His methods are really extraordinary.

Ji Tao, the prison master and other powerful men all sighed secretly.

It turns out that Su Mo's defiance was all given by the Taoist Master of Time and Space, so everything will cease to exist today.

Ji Hailan looked stunned. Su Mo, who was so defiant, could only be at the mercy of others at this time?

"Congratulations on the return of Taoist Master!"

The great elder of the City of Time and Space stood outside the City of Time and Space, bowing and saluting, looking very sincere.

Although the body of the Taoist Master of Time and Space is not out of trouble yet, it will be out of trouble soon. He wants to congratulate him in advance.

Although he didn't know everything about the arrangements of the Taoist Master of Time and Space, he knew most of them.

Therefore, when Su Mo has invincible strength, he can be sure that the Taoist Master of Time and Space will be able to get out of trouble.

The Grand Elder had no doubts about Su Mo's strength because he knew full well that Su Mo could fuse the Soul and the Crystal of Dao.

In fact, he secretly captured many people just waiting to offer Su Mo his soul.

However, he knew that Su Mo had devoured a lot of souls, and he also knew that the Ancestral Dragon had sent Su Mo a lot of souls, so he did not take the initiative to offer them to him.

Therefore, he knew that Su Mo should not have a big problem if he integrated a large number of Dao Crystals and was able to defeat the nine Dao Masters.

The Grand Elder was very excited. After countless years, his Taoist Master was finally out of trouble, and once he was out of trouble, he would be invincible in the world, and no one would be able to check or balance him anymore.

However, while the Grand Elder was excited, the other Elders in the City of Time and Space looked confused.

They knew nothing about these things. In fact, they admired Su Mo from the bottom of their hearts.

The Ancestor Dragon's eyes widened, and there was murderous intent in his eyes. He couldn't just sit back and watch, even if he was outmatched, he couldn't just sit back and watch Su Mo suffer.

Lifting his steps, the Ancestor Dragon was about to fly out of the City of Time and Space, but his shoulder was held down by a big hand.

It was the Sixth Elder Spectra who held down the Ancestor Dragon.

The Sixth Elder shook his head slightly at the Ancestor Dragon, signaling him not to act rashly, because he knew that Su Mo had thought about countless possibilities and prepared for today's possible changes.

He has followed Su Mo the longest and knows the most. Su Mo has always wanted to control his own destiny. He does not believe in the City of Time and Space, nor does he believe in the Master of Time and Space.

Therefore, he believed that it was impossible for Su Mo to be unprepared and to be captured without hesitation.

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