Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3003 Opportunity to go back

After Dion collected all his slaves into the space treasure, he continued to talk with Bai Yan in the palace and discuss the details.

Within its space treasure, there was also a private mansion. Chengfeng and others were taken into the mansion and each returned to their own residence.

As the lowest servant, Chengfeng also had his own small courtyard. After he returned to the small courtyard, he sat on the stone bench in the courtyard in a daze.

He didn't know why he had fallen into this situation. It was extremely sad to think about it.

At the beginning, after the death of the Taoist Master of Time and Space, Su Mo did not make things difficult for the City of Time and Space, allowing the City of Time and Space to exist safely.

However, after the invasion of the Soul Clan and the Spirit Clan, they unified the Yuanshi world, and their time and space city could not escape misfortune.

Although the city of time and space is extremely mysterious and can hide in the depths of time and space, it cannot escape the palm of the soul clan.

Di Huo, the soul master of the soul clan, shattered the city of time and space with just one blow.

Many people died!

Although his cultivation level is not high, he is able to survive because he is proficient in the laws of time and space.

"I, Chengfeng, have been a hero for a lifetime, can I really never turn around again?" Chengfeng lamented in his heart.

Thinking that he was in the perfect state of Creation Realm, he was about to be promoted to the Dao Realm, but he encountered this difficulty. Not only was half of his soul deprived of it, but his cultivation was also unable to advance to the Dao Realm.

If he were to be a slave to a super powerful man, he could barely appoint him, but Dion was like a dog.

If he didn't have the identity and backing of the Soul Clan, he could kill Dion ten thousand times.

But now, he is Dion's slave, and his life is completely under Dion's control. If the other person has a thought, he will be wiped out.

"Back then, I really should have joined the Peerless Divine Sect. I wonder where they are now!"

Chengfeng thought to himself that he and Su Mo were relatively familiar with each other. After Su Mo dominated the Yuanshi World, if he had joined the Peerless Divine Sect, he would not be in the predicament he is in today.

In the entire Yuanshi world, only the Peerless Shenmen escaped, and they escaped cleanly.

at this time.

An abrupt voice, without warning, suddenly sounded in Chengfeng's mind: "Chengfeng, long time no see!"


Chengfeng suddenly stood up, his face full of surprise, because this voice was so familiar to him.

However, he didn't do anything drastic and quickly sat down calmly.

"Su Mo?"

Riding the wind in the sea of ​​consciousness, asking with your mind.

Because this is within Dion's space treasure, his every move and word may be detected by Dion at any time.

The voice just now sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, so he asked with his mind.

"it's me!"

"Where are you?" Chengfeng continued to ask with his mind.

"It's near you."

Chengfeng was a little shocked when he heard this. When did Su Mo run into Dion's space treasure?

"Su Mo, be careful, don't let Dion find out!" Chengfeng warned.

"Don't worry, his cultivation level is too low and it's impossible to find him!"

Su Mo's voice continued to ring in Chengfeng's mind, and he was extremely confident.

"Chengfeng, how are you being controlled? Can Dion know your thoughts?" Su Mo asked cautiously.

"It's impossible to detect my thoughts. He simply implanted the soul clan's unique slave mark in my soul, which can control my life and death." Chengfeng explained.

"I see. What's so weird about Dion? Why couldn't he be taken away?" Su Mo continued to ask.

Previously, when he was outside the City of Hundred Resentments, he set off a gust of wind, just to prepare to seize Shedian directly without anyone noticing.

However, he failed!

Because he discovered that there was a power in Dion's body, which was a great barrier to the power of the soul from the outside world.

Therefore, unable to capture Serdion, he could only hide near it and follow him secretly.

"Can't be taken away?"

Hearing this, Chengfeng suddenly understood what Su Mo was thinking and reminded him, "He is from the Soul Clan. People from the Soul Clan have soul bodies and cannot be taken away from him normally."

"Then is there any way to seize the body?"


Chengfeng was silent for a moment and then warned: "People from the Soul Clan, because they are all souls, they do not have souls. In other words, their souls are bodies. If you want to take away their bodies, you can only refine them thoroughly." Their bodies, their wills and thoughts.”


Su Mo immediately understood that to put it simply, if he wanted to seize the soul clan, he had to eliminate the memory and thoughts of the soul clan member, and then let his own memory and thoughts dominate the other party's soul body.

"However, Su Mo, this method is not absolute."

Chengfeng continued to warn, saying: "The soul clan rules the entire Heavenly Soul Source World, but other races have never penetrated in. This method may not necessarily work."

After listening to Chengfeng's words, Su Mo was silent for a moment. Indeed, what the other party said made sense.

If people from the Soul Clan could be easily taken away, those powerful men from the Thunder Clan, Monster Clan, Blood Clan, Jing Clan and Martial Clan would probably have done so long ago.

They will seize people from the Soul Clan one after another, mix into the Soul Clan, and become a higher race. How can they be willing to become an oppressed lower race?

However, after a moment of silence, Su Mo also had his own thoughts.

"Su Mo, they are going to the Primordial World and plundering 100 million souls in the God King Realm. Do you... know about it?" Chengfeng's thoughts trembled.

"I know, they are seeking death. This may be our chance." The voice of Su Mo's thoughts was filled with endless coldness.

This person from the Soul Clan doesn't care about the lives of any other living beings, and he also doesn't care about the lives of the people from the Soul Clan.

"what chance?"

"We can follow them and return to the Original World. As for the two of them, there is no hope of coming back alive," Su Mo said.

"Return to the original world...!" Hearing this, Chengfeng suddenly became energetic. If he could go back to be a human being, he would naturally not want to be a dog here.

"Wait, let's go back to the original world together, and I will let you regain your freedom!"

"Okay!" Chengfeng solemnly agreed, and his heart immediately began to look forward to it.

Dion and Bo Yan were plotting in the palace, drinking and having fun, and watching the beauties of all ethnic groups dancing in the palace.

An hour later, the two of them had almost discussed the details of the action.

"Brother Di, it's settled, we'll set off early tomorrow morning!" Bo Yan said with a smile.

"Well, without further ado, let's set off tomorrow!" Dion nodded.

Immediately, Bai Yan looked around at the dozens of beauties from all ethnic groups dancing in the hall, and said with a smile: "Brother Di, these beauties are all carefully selected by me. They are all yours tonight."

After saying this, a sharp light flashed in Bai Yan's eyes.

Seeing this, Dion nodded slightly. After tonight, all these beauties will be killed.

Their conversation did not avoid these beauties. Since they all knew the secret, they could not keep them.

They are just slaves, you can have as much as you want, you can use them and enjoy them inexhaustibly, you don’t need to care at all.

"The Peerless God"

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